

单词 Panax
释义 Panax 英'peinæks美'peinæks COCA¹⁹⁸⁵³¹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

perennial herbs of eastern North America and Asia having aromatic tuberous roots: ginsengpanax ginseng人参

用作名词As a model terpenoid, the ginsenoside is one ofPanaxginseng's main effective components.人参皂苷是人参的主要有效成分之一,属典型的萜类化合物。
Notoginseng for AraliaceaePanaxplants, roots thick fleshy, fibrous roots majority, skin yellow-green or yellow-brown.三七,为五加科人参属植物,根茎粗壮肉质,须根多数,外皮黄绿色或黄棕色。 A head space gas chromatography method for determining dithiocarbamate antimicrobial residues in Panax ginseng and its articles was described.
采用顶空气相色谱分析技术测定了二硫代氨基甲酸盐类杀菌剂在人参及制品中的农药残留量。 dictall

It is concluded that panax ginseng may have a regulatory effect on the morphology and secretion activity of G- and D- cells of rat stomach.
本文的结果提示,人参对大鼠胃 G细胞和 D细胞的形态及分泌活动有调节性影响。 cnki

The aqueous extract of Panax was administered to rats to observe pharmic reactions.
给以人参水煎剂观察药物反应。 cnki

The contents of fatty acids in Panax roots and the various Ginseng processing products were determined by GC.
应用 GC法分析测定了人参属植物及人参不同加工品种的脂肪酸含量。 cnki

The quality standard of Panax notoginseng sustained-release tablets and Paris Polyphylla saponin dispersible tablets were different established.
分别建立了三七总皂苷缓释片、重楼皂苷分散片的质量标准。 iciba

This paper states the morphological characteristic, growth habit of Panax, introduces the significance and goal of cultivation close-to- nature Panax and the technique and management measure.
论述了人参的形态特征和生长习性及近自然人参栽培的意义和目的,阅明了近自然人参的种植技术和管理措施。 dictall

AIM To analyse the genetic polymorphisms of Panax ginseng and P. quinquefolium by amplified fragment length polymorphism DNA AFLP molecular genetic marker technique.
目的采用扩增片段长度多态性 DNA AFLP分子遗传标志技术,分析人参、西洋参基因组 DNA多态性。 cnki

Conclusion: Panax polysaccharide could reduce the toxicity and adverse effect of compound fluorouracil lipid.
结论:人参多糖可降低复方氟脲嘧啶多相脂质体的毒副作用。 cnki

Conditioned mediumCM stemming from cell suspension culture could remarkably promote the formation of single cell clone from culture cells of Panax ginseng below a critical cell plating density.
来自细胞悬浮培养物的条件培养基能显著地促进人参培养细胞的单细胞在较低细胞植板密度培养时的克隆形成。 cnki

In addition, the chemical and pharmacological researches on the genus Panax were summarized.
此外,本论文还对五加科人参属植物的化学和药理活性进行了综述。 www.kib.ac.cn

In vivo effect of Panax Ginseng and Astragalus Membranaceus on migration of neutrophil granulocytes in normal rats was studied by the micropore filter assay.
我们用微孔滤膜法检测了人参、黄芪在体内作用时对大鼠中性粒细胞随机运动和趋化运动的影响。 cnki

Methods To identify qualitatively Panax Ginseng, Radix Astragali, Rhizome Corydalis and Salviae Miltiorrhizae in the prescription by TLC.
方法采用薄层色谱法对处方中人参、黄芪、延胡索、丹参进行定性鉴别。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Objective To investigate the effect of the total saponin of Panax ginseng TSPG on gene expression profile of K562 cells using microarray technique.
目的运用基因芯片技术研究人参总皂甙 TSPG作用后K562细胞基因表达谱的变化。 cnki

Objective To investigate effects of total saponin of panax ginsengTSPG on Epo serum concentration and expression of EpoRmRNA in hematopoietic tissue of model mice with myelosuppression.
目的观察人参总皂甙对放、化疗因素所致骨髓抑制小鼠红系造血所依赖的促红细胞生成素及相应受体的影响。 dictall

Objective To investigate the modification of total ginsenosides in Panax ginseng stems and leaves by biological enzyme preparations, and their HPLC chromatogram changes.
目的研究生物酶制剂对人参茎叶总皂苷的修饰及其修饰前后 HPLC图谱的变化。 cnki

Objective: To establish the UV spectrophotometry for determining lignin content in tiny Panax ginseng powder.
目的:建立微量人参木质素含量测定的紫外分光光度法。 cnki

Objective: To study the role of panax polysaccharide in compound fluorouracil lipid.
目的:探讨人参多糖在复方氟脲嘧啶多相脂质体中的保护作用。 cnki

Objective: To study basic conditions for biosynthesis arbutin by the hairy root of Panax ginseng.
目的:研究人参毛状根生物合成熊果苷的基本条件。 cnki

Objective: To explore the survey methods for the cultivated medicinal plant resources such as Panax notoginseng based on remote sensing.
目的:以三七为研究对象,以遥感技术为基础,探索栽培类药用植物资源调查的方法。 cnki

Protopanxadiol type crude saponin of Panax notoginseng was oxidized directly with Jones oxidation and four derivatives were obtained readily.
三七原人参二醇型总皂苷直接用琼斯试剂氧化,得到四个人参二醇衍生物。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

The results may be used as a reference to the proper use of this medicine, the exploitation and use of the resources, and classification of the plants of the genus Panax.
研究结果对于合理用药、开发利用人参属植物资源及人参属植物的分类均有一定的价值。 cnki

To optimize the alcohol extraction process of Panax Ginseng of XLT capsule.
目的:优选悸平胶囊人参乙醇提取工艺。 cnki

Panax ginseng is one of the most valuable medicinal plant in China.
人参是我国极其珍贵的药用植物之一。 cnki




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