

单词 Panamax
释义 PanamaxEconomist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
An increasing number of ships are built to the Panamax limit to carry the maximum amount of cargo through the canal.
此类船只的日益增加正成为巴拿马运河的一大难题。 steelhome

Ships that fit the canal are known as Panamax class.
能够通过运河的货船被称作“巴拿马级”。 ecocn

In 1996 a new product was added to the LUNA production range: the Mobile Harbour Cranes for loading and unloading ships up to a “ Panamax” size.
1996年, Luna生产系列增加了一种新产品:移动式港口起重机,用于巴拿马型船只的装卸。 chinaforklift

Other option is to barge and load into panamax or cape size vessels, but an expensive option.
另一种选择是驳船和负载到巴拿马或角的大小船只,但昂贵的选择。 diaochechang

The article introduces the Panama Canal's third set of locks project, the New Panamax Ship NPX, and the ship building & repairing facilities of China's ship yards.
介绍巴拿马运河第三套船闸扩建计划,新巴拿马型船舶,以及我国船厂目前的造修船设施情况。 dictall

The authority has drawn up an ambitious plan to double capacity and to accommodate“ post- Panamax” ships, which are increasingly common.
管理当局已制定了一个雄心勃勃的计划,使其运输能力增加一倍,并能容纳日益普及的“超巴拿马型” post- Panamax船只。 ecocn

The huge new container ships are known as post- Panamax, because they are far too big for the canal.
这种新式巨型货船被称为“后巴拿马级”。 逗号因为相对于运河来说,他们实在是太大了。 ecocn

The Panamax container ship is a ship type subject to limitations on overall length and breadth and has large hatch openings.
巴拿马型集装箱船是总长和型宽受到限制的大型集装箱船,舱口属大开口。 cnki

There was also a reduction in the number of countries taking part for the first time since Panamax was launched in 2003.
此外,这次演习还反映了巴拿马舰队自2003年建成以来首次在数量上的重建。 yeeyan

These rates are derived from the changes taking place in the time- charter markets as shown in the figure on the next page for two key Panamax routes.
导致目前运价走势的原因在于定期租船市场发生的变化,具体变化详见下一页有关两条巴拿马型散货船舶关键线路的数字。 http://www.asaimchina.org

To get the reasonable and accurate forecasting model, two shipping routes of each of four important ship types:Capsize, Panamax, Suez, VLCC were studied by the method of econometrics.
为了使模型更合理准确和具有经济意义,作者接着以铁矿石运输的典型航线——图巴朗到北仑宝山为例,加入期租市场的影响因素,再次运用误差修正模型拟合。 fabiao

Panamax expanded rapidly after its inaugural year, when the United States, Panama and Chile were the only participants.
在其成立之初,还仅有美国、巴拿马和智利三个参与国的时候,巴拿马舰队得到了迅速扩张。 yeeyan




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