

释义 PAMSBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
=Plan Analysis and Modelling System 计划分析与模化系统¹⁰⁰
A joint actuated by a pair of PAMs is studied by static experiments and step experiments. Experiments show the joint has high linearity yet having low response and a holding ring.
对由一对人工肌肉组成的关节进行静态实验和阶跃实验,实验结果表明,气动人工肌肉关节线性度高,但响应速度低,存在滞环。 cnki

As their family grew with four children, Julio joined PAMS, giving help to a country who needed the medical help badly.
夫妻俩共同养育了四个孩子,其间朱利欧加入了 PAMS组织,对极需医疗援助的秘鲁伸出援手。 joyen

This paper discusses such performances of PAMS polymer as its sloughing prevention, temperature tolerance , contamination resistance, and compatibility with other additives in drilling fluid system.
介绍了 PAMS聚合物在钻井液中的防塌性、抗温性、抗污染能力以及与其他添加剂的配伍性。 cnki

PAMS is a user-friendly, microprocessor- based transmitter and receiver system that measures path loss and shielding effectiveness in RF shielded enclosures.
PAMS是一恶搞智能的,基于微处理器的发射机和接收机,用于测量通道损失和屏蔽的有效度。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

PAMS is a framework designed to help policy analysts simulate the poverty and distributional implications of macroeconomic shocks and policies.
PAMS是一个可以用于模拟宏观经济政策或震动对贫困和分配的影响的模型框架。 iciba

PAMS is a nation-wide, non- profit organization that helps bring Peruvian and American doctors together to offer medical treatment and education to towns in Peru.
PAMS是一个全国性的非营利性机构,目的是联合秘鲁和美国医生的力量,为秘鲁的一些市镇提供医疗和教育方面的帮助。 joyen




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