

单词 palomar
释义 Pal·o·mar 英ˈpæləˌmɑː美ˈpæləˌmɑrAHDpălʹə-mär' COCA⁴¹²⁶³BNC⁶⁷⁷³⁰
The above image combines infrared exposures from the Hale Telescope on Mt. Palomar in California, and the Keck-2 Telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
上面的图像,是有美国加州帕洛玛山海尔望远镜和夏威夷基亚山凯克二号望远镜的红外光图像组合而成。 douban

After nearly a decade, he put his latest camera on the40-inch telescope at Mt. Palomar Observatory and was able to measure the distribution of the faint blue galaxies.
将近十年之后,他将自己最新的相机装进了帕罗玛山Mt Palomar天文台40英寸的望远镜,并且能够将它用于测量浅蓝色星系的分布。 yeeyan

For the Palomar Transient Factory project, the group will process and extract images of up to30 million objects captured each night.
针对 PTF计划,该组织将对每夜捕获的3000万个目标图像进行处理和提取。 www.etiri.com.cn

However, no significant advances were made in ground- based telescope design; no telescopes more powerful than the Palomar200-inch, completed in1947, were built.
可是,没有来自地基望远镜的设计的重大进展,没有比完成于1947年、帕洛玛的200英寸望远镜更强大的望远镜建成。 www.astronomy.com.cn

If Mr. Palomar personifies Calvino, as many critic conjecture, then his character summarizes the course of the author's evolution, both in life and literature.
如若象许多评论家猜测的那样,卡尔维诺化身为帕洛马尔,那么这个角色,无论在文学角度还是生活中,便可以来概括作者一生的演变进程。 blogbus

Like Palomar, he came face to face with the only certainties he felt man will ever know: namely, the stubbornness of being and the inevitability of death.
就像帕洛马尔,逐渐,他只开始思考那些必然性-那些他认为在将来一定会被感知到的必然性,亦即人本身的执拗和无法避免的死亡。 douban

The Mr. Palomar telescope is placed on a mountain not so much to bring it nearer to the heavens as to put it where the air is purer and the noises and vibration of cities are avoided.
把帕洛马望远镜安置在山上与其说是为了更靠近天空,倒不如说是因为那里的空气比较纯净,同时也避开了城市的噪音和震动。 willfly




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