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词汇 palocci
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And his pick for finance minister, Antônio Palocci, announced a tighter fiscal policy even before Lula took office.
他任命的财政部长 Antônio Palocci,甚至在卢拉上任之前就宣布了财政紧缩政策。 ecocn

And the message of fiscal restraint will be reinforced if Mr Palocci gets a top job in the presidential palace, as seems likely.
如果 Palocci能在总统府邸得到一个职位,那么这条信息的可信度将会明显增加,而对 Palocci的任命,看上去八九不离十。 ecocn

The economy is enjoying“the best fundamental conditions of the past30 years”, boasts Antonio Palocci, a former finance minister who is now a congressional candidate for Lula's Workers' Party.
前财政部长、如今是卢拉的劳工党 Workers' Party的联邦议员候选人安东尼奥·帕洛西 Antonio Palocci夸耀说,巴西经济正享有“过去三十年来最好的基础条件”。 ecocn

The political wounding of Antonio Palocci, the president’s right-hand man, comes at an awkward time, when the battle to cool the economy has only just begun
巴西经济降温的战役才刚刚打响,针对总统得力助手帕洛奇的政伤却来得不是时候 ecocn

To cap it all, Antonio Palocci, Lula's effective finance minister for much of his first term and perhaps his future party leader in Congress, may face charges over yet another scam.
更糟糕的是,安东尼奥•帕罗克西,这位卢拉第一个任期大部分时间内的得力财政部长,也许还是国会中的未来的本当党魁,可能由于另外一件丑闻而面临指控。 ecocn

“ We live in a paradoxical situation of a government that spends a lot and benefits a few,” said Antonio Palocci on becoming finance minister in 2003.
“我们处境怪诞,政府花销巨大,但受益者不多,”2003年出任财政部长的安东尼奥·帕洛奇说。 yeeyan

But Mr Palocci retained the respect of businessmen and investors, and remained influential within the ruling Workers’ PartyPT.
然而帕洛奇仍然是一个值得尊重的商人和投资人,且保持了在执政党劳工党内的影响力。 ecocn

Early in Lula’s presidency, his finance minister, António Palocci, saw off fears of default by tightening fiscal policy and repaying foreign- currency debt.
在卢拉早期执政生涯中,他的财政部部长 António Palocci用收紧的财政政策消除了对于拖欠的恐惧,还偿还了外币债务。 ecocn

Her difficulties are embodied in the travails of the man appointed to manage the politics of this economic balancing act, Antonio Palocci, her chief of staff.
她的困难体现在她委任管理这个经济平衡行动中政治博弈的人物——安东尼奥•帕洛奇的艰苦工作上。 帕洛奇是她的文官长。 ecocn

In making Antônio Palocci, a former finance minister, her chief of staff she showed self-confidence: some thought she would balk at putting such a powerful political figure in a central role.
她在挑选前财政部长 Antônio Palocci出任总统府文官长的过程展现自信︰部分人士认为将政治强人摆在权力核心可能让她犹豫不决。 ecocn

Lula and Mr Palocci sensibly steered clear of debt default and stuck to responsible macroeconomic policies.
卢拉总统和财政部长帕罗克西不失时机地清偿拖欠债务,并奉行负责任的宏观经济政策。 ecocn

Mr Palocci was replaced by Gleisi Hoffmann, a little- known senator for the ruling Workers' Party.
接替帕洛奇先生职位的是执政党-劳工党的不知名参议员格莱斯•霍夫曼 Gleisi Hoffmann。 ecocn

Mr Palocci refuses to give details of who paid him, or for what, on the grounds of client confidentiality.
帕洛奇以替客户保密的理由拒绝透露是谁、由于什么原因付钱给他。 ecocn

President Dilma Rousseff’s growing political problems do not help: her chief of staff, Antonio Palocci, is under fire over fat consulting fees see article.
巴西总统迪尔马·罗塞夫日益加剧的政治问题也来凑热闹。她的幕僚长安东尼奥•帕洛奇被控收受巨额咨询费见文章。 ecocn

That went against Ms Rousseff's express wishes, and was a defiant challenge to Mr Palocci, who had threatened the party with ministerial sackings should its deputies rebel.
这个法案与罗塞夫明确的意愿相悖,同时也是对帕洛奇的公然挑战,帕洛奇曾威胁各党若其代表背叛,则要被开除内阁。 ecocn

They will also pay close attention to Antonio Palocci, who oversaw Lula’s embrace of market- friendly policies as his first finance minister and is part of Ms Rousseff’s transition team.
同时,他们很关注安东尼奥,后者为卢拉政府的财政部长,监管卢拉市场友好政策的实施工作,同时,安东尼奥还是迪丽玛的新内阁成员。 ecocn

They will also pay close attention to Antonio Palocci, who oversaw Lula's embrace of market-friendly policies as his first finance minister and is part of Ms Rousseff's transition team.
他们也将继续密切关注他监督第一任财政部长,也是罗塞夫女士的过渡团队一员的卢拉拥护市场化的政策。 ecocn

By appointing Mr Palocci in the first place, Ms Rousseff had sent a strong signal to investors that she could be trusted.
Dilma Rousseff在当选后第一个点名Antonio Palocci出任文官长,向投资人传送一个强烈讯息,她是可以被信任的。 ecocn




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