

单词 palmer
释义 palm·er 英ˈpɑːmə美ˈpɑmɚAHDpäʹmər 高COCA⁸⁴⁷⁴BNC⁷⁰⁸⁸iWeb⁵²⁸⁸⁸

United States golfer born in 1929首先,l不发音,其次,palm pɑːm n.手掌;棕榈树,因棕榈树的叶子象手掌,再次,palm的词根本意是平,因手掌是平的,第四,变戏法的人是因其“手”法灵活,第五,耶路撒冷是基督教圣地,中世纪信徒们朝圣后,多半会带一束棕榈枝回来,代表自己确实到过。近义词 pilgrim朝圣者

用作名词Thispalmercame from a very distant place.这个朝圣者来自非常远的地方。
I am a student more than a Buddhist or apalmer.我不是佛教信徒,也不是什么朝圣者。用作名词Jack phones Palmer and asks to see him.杰克打电话给帕默,请求与之一晤。
He convinces Palmer to consult with Sherry.他说服帕默与雪莉商量一下。 The agents warn Sherry Palmer that they have evidence an attempt will soon be made on the candidate’s life.
特工们通知雪莉.帕默,他们有证据显示,很快将会有一场针对帕默生命的暗杀行动。 yeeyan

Unfortunately for Palmer, he will need his whole family to support him in the announcement.
帕默感到棘手的是,要做出这个声明,他必须得到全部家人的支持。 yeeyan

“ So, maybe you'd better look at base19, Palmer,” she said.
“那么,你或许应该看看19进制下的情况,帕默。”她说。 yeeyan

Green believes that Jack is involved in the hit on Palmer, and she wants answers about what he is doing.
格林认为杰克与暗杀帕默的阴谋有关,她想知道托尼在暗中进行些什么。 blog.sina.com.cn

He advises Palmer to release the story before the network, and suggests that it be at the breakfast planned for that morning.
他劝帕默在媒体部爆料之前把事情抖出来,并建议就在那天早上的早餐会上做出声明。 yeeyan

He convinces Palmer to consult with Sherry.
他说服帕默与雪莉商量一下。 yeeyan

He's been separated from his guide, his teacher, the palmer.

How many bases has your research involved, Palmer?
帕默,你的研究里涉及到多少种进制? yeeyan

If something does happen to Palmer, Mason could be implicated for impeding the investigation.
如果帕默确实遭袭,梅森将可能因为阻止进一步的调查而惹麻烦。 yeeyan

Jack also informs him that Robert Ellis may be dead, and that a member of Palmer’s advance team is involved with Alexis Drazen.
杰克还告诉他,罗伯特.埃利斯也许被杀了,而帕默的先遣队的一名成员与亚历克西斯.德拉赞有男女关系。 yeeyan

Jack has been indefinitely relieved of his duties, and Green announces that Jack is now a fugitive wanted in the assassination attempt of Palmer.
杰克被解职了,复职时间未定,格林宣布,杰克现在是一名被通缉的逃犯,与针对帕默的暗杀有关。 yeeyan

Just before Palmer is about to confess to the D. A. Carl shows up at the hotel suite.
就在帕默准备向地区检察官披露事实的真相时,卡尔在酒店套房现身了。 yeeyan

Maggie Palmer, an estate agent, says that houses near the gas field have become much more expensive.
房地产经纪人玛吉.帕默说,靠近天然气区域附近的房价变得越来越高。 ecocn

Mysterious Wisdom: The Life and Work of Samuel Palmer.
《神秘的智慧:塞缪尔·帕尔默生平及作品》。 ecocn

She believes that if he cuts her out of his inner circle, Palmer will fail to obtain the Presidency.
她坚信,如果帕默将她从他的核心圈子中请出,他将不能赢得总统之位。 yeeyan

Still posing for reporters at the elementary school, Palmer pulls Sherry aside and asks if she has recently spoken to Carl.
帕默仍在小学里摆姿势让记者们拍照,他将雪莉拉到一边,询问她是否在最近与卡尔交谈过。 yeeyan

Their conversation is interrupted, and Palmer goes out to meet Jack.
他们的对话被打断了,帕默走出房间去会杰克。 yeeyan

This month, researchers aboard the U.S. icebreaking ship Nathaniel B. Palmer are cruising in the Ross Sea in search of the signatures of this current system.
研究人员于本月登上了正在罗斯海巡航的美国破冰船纳撒尼尔· B·帕尔默号,寻找这类洋流系统的特征。 yeeyan

Tony contacts Agent Pierce at the Secret Service to inform him that Jack is a threat to Palmer.
托尼又与特勤处的特工皮尔斯取得联系并示警,杰克对帕默的性命有威胁。 yeeyan

Yet faced with the prospect of something happening to Senator Palmer, Elizabeth agrees to play the spy for them.
可是,想到参议员帕默会遭不测的可能性,她同意了为他们做一次间谍。 yeeyan

Palmer is forced to tell his son that the psychiatrist died in an office fire.
帕默被迫告诉他的儿子,菲拉格慕在办公室发生的火灾中丧生。 yeeyan

Palmer and his campaign will suffer if he tries to take on Carl and the men he works for.
如果帕默试图与卡尔和卡尔的老板对抗,帕默和他的竞选活动将会吃亏。 yeeyan

Palmer asks for Keith’s trust, and takes the tape from him.
帕默要求基思信任他,基思把录音带交给了帕默。 yeeyan

Palmer chides him for harming anyone in the name of his candidacy, but Carl claims that he never had any choice in the matter.
帕默斥责卡尔以他总统候选人的身份伤害他人,但卡尔称他对这事从来都是被动的,有人指使他这么做。 yeeyan

Palmer comes in and tells Sherry that they must leave California because of the imminent threat against his life.
帕默走进房间,告诉雪莉,他们必须离开加州,因为他的生命安全濒临威胁。 yeeyan

Palmer is talking to his supporters at the party when an urgent call comes for him.
帕默正在宴会上与他的支持者们交谈,这时,一个紧急的电话打来找他。 yeeyan

Palmer is no exception.
帕尔默也不例外。 ecocn

Palmer smiles, and asks if Patty is flirting with him.
帕默笑着问派蒂是不是在和他调情。 yeeyan

Palmer tells his wife Sherry and son Keith that he plans to admit the truth in his breakfast speech.
帕默告诉他的妻子雪莉和儿子基思,他计划将在早餐会上将真相公布于众。 yeeyan




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