

单词 pallor
释义 pal·lor 英ˈpælə美ˈpælɚAHDpălʹər ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA⁴⁰¹⁵⁸BNC²⁶⁶⁷¹iWeb³⁶⁰⁶²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

unnatural lack of color in the skin as from bruising or sickness or emotional distress来自pallere,苍白的,发白的,来自PIE*pel,苍白的,发白的,词源同fallow,pale.引申词义恐惧,害怕。central pallor中心染色过浅…facial pallor铅容
pall-or者⇒n.脸色苍白n.苍白;灰白;苍白的脸色;皮肤苍白;苍黄;青白近义词 ash灰whiteness白paleness苍白lividity铁青pastiness发粘wannessWAN的名词形式…pallidness苍白没血色…achromasia医色素缺乏…luridnesslurid的名词形式…lividnesslivid的名词形式…

用作名词She had a ghastlypallor.她脸色苍白难看。
A blush drove thepallorfrom her face.一阵红晕赶走了她脸上的苍白。noun.paleness
同义词 colorlessness,etiolation,pallidity,sallowness,wanness,whitenessachromatic,bloodlessness,cadaverousness,pastiness His pallor was so peculiar, that it seemed to pertain to one who had been long entombed, and who was incapable of resuming the healthy glow and hue of life.
但那种苍白的脸色是很显眼的,仿佛他曾被长期囚禁在一座坟墓里,以致无法再恢复常人那种健康的肤色了。 jukuu

In most cases, symptoms are absent or mild, but can include fever, headache, enlarged lymph glands, pallor, muscle pain, difficulty in breathing, swelling and abdominal or chest pain.
多数病例无症状或症状温和,但可包括发热、头痛、淋巴结肿大、脸色苍白、肌肉疼痛、呼吸困难、肿胀以及腹部或胸部疼痛。 who

Is burning strong to moderate and softly lower the pate, slightly pet her the small face of distressed pallor, the in the mind is full is don't give up.
炎烈温柔地低头,轻轻地抚着她憔悴苍白的小脸,心里满是不舍。 www.bb365.org.cn

The RBC's here are smaller than normal and have an increased zone of central pallor.
图示红细胞 RBC与正常相比,体积变小且中心苍白区增加。 binglixue

The signs of fluid loss may be apparent and so may accompanying shock with coldness, pallor, tachycardia and hypotension.
脱水的体征可能表现明显,因而伴发的休克、发冷、苍白,心动过速和低血压也可能是明显的。 iciba

The size of many of these RBC's is quite small, with lack of the central zone of pallor.
大多数 RBC体积很小,并且缺乏中部苍白的区域,是球形红细胞。 binglixue

The turquoise stones gleamed brightly against the pallor of his palm as he spread the ornament before her.
蓝绿色的宝石在他苍白的手掌中熠熠发光。 fzfanyi

The pallor of her face indicated clearly how weak she was at that time.
她苍白的脸色清楚地告诉人们她的身体在当时非常虚弱。 ryedu

The pallor of the IT expression indicated clearly how IT were feeling at the moment .
她苍白的脸色清楚地表明了她当时的情绪。 zzenglish.com

The pallor of the lady's face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment.
老太太苍白的脸色清楚地表明了他那时的情绪。 blog.sina.com.cn

The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment.
她苍白的神色大白地剖清楚明了她那时的情感。 peixun.nntv.com.cn

The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment.
她苍白的脸色清楚地表明了她那时的情绪。 ebigear

The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment.
她苍白的脸色清楚地表明了她此时的情绪。 baidu

Under her hat-brim he saw the pallor of her profile, and a slight tremor of the nostril above her resolutely steadied lips.
他从帽沿底下看到她灰白色的半张脸,坚毅的双唇上方的鼻孔在微微抖动。 tingroom

Annette is careful to match under sunlight, since the artificial pallor of fluorescent bulbs isn't a reliable indicator of true color.
安尼塔认真地在阳光下作着对比,因为荧光灯发出的苍白色人造光不能反映出真正的色泽。 ebigear

But he took the absolute appoint of practical sense as the foundation of ethics, which not only excluded the desire on moral but also made the absoluteappoint of practical sense pallor and incapable.
但是他以实践理性的绝对命令作为伦理学的基础,从而排斥了道德得以可能的人心诉求,也使实践理性的绝对命令变得苍白无力。 cnki

Faces will also be painted white to mimic the pallor of the dead.
人们还会把脸抹成白色以模仿死者。 yeeyan

Fatigue is a common side effect of iron deficiency, which can lead to anemia, or low red blood cell levels. Anemia can also show up as abnormal pallor.
疲劳是一种常见的缺铁表现,缺铁可导致贫血或者说降低血红细胞水平。贫血也可以表现为异常苍白。 http://www.readywin.com

His face in the moonlight showed a pallor and fixity inexpressibly distressing.
月光下,他的脸色苍白,有着难以言表的沮丧。 oobang

How else to explain that she's been spotted going to the tanning salon, yet still manages to maintain a nearly neon- white pallor?
否则怎么解释说,她被发现去晒黑沙龙,但仍保持接近白色霓虹灯般的苍白? tianya

Marked pallor occurs in complete optic atrophy, when there is blindness or severe visual impairment.
在完全性视神经萎缩时,视盘出现明显的苍白色,此时有失明或严重的视力障碍。 iciba

Partial atrophy causes pallor of the temporal half of the disc with enlargement of the blind spot, often without noticeable visual loss.
部分性萎缩引起视盘颞侧苍白,伴有生理盲点扩大,常常没有明显的视力减退。 iciba

Results The clinical situation of neonate PNH included jaundice in neonatal period, pallor anemia. But the typical soy urine was hard to detect.
结果新生儿 PNH临床表现为新生儿期黄疸持续不退、面色苍白、进行性贫血,典型的酱油色样尿不易发现。 cnki

Strange is thy pallor! strange thy dress.
你奇异的苍白,你奇异的衣衫。 douban

Symptoms of anaemia include tiredness, lack of stamina, breathlessness, headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite and pallor.
贫血症的症状包括疲倦,缺乏耐力,呼吸困难,头痛,失眠,食欲不振和苍白。 uzmart.com




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