

单词 Paller
释义 Paller ˈpælər COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
Paller concedes that once children are mobile and know how to tear off a sun hat, it's harder to keep them covered up.
有时孩子是好动的知道如何扯下帽子,让他们一直戴着很难。 yeeyan

Paller says the fact that new research shows that1-year-olds have darker skin on the outside of their forearms, compared with the inside, shows that even babies get more sun exposure than we realize.
佩拉说新发现证明一岁的孩子的前臂在室外时比在室内的肤色深一些,这说明孩子们实际上受到了比我们所知道的更多的日光暴晒。 yeeyan

Paller and his colleagues will next explore how long these effects last and whether aural cues can strengthen other types of memories as well.
Paller和他的同事们将进一步探索该作用能持续多长时间及是否听觉线索也能加强其它类型的记忆。 yeeyan




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