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Pal·las 英ˈpæləs美ˈpæləsAHDpălʹəs 基本英英词源记法近义反义例句例句 n.雅典娜希腊女神
Noun: Greek mythology goddess of wisdom and useful arts and prudent warfare; guardian of Athens; identified with Roman Minervaa large asteroid; the second asteroid to be discovered希腊神话中,战争女神雅典娜Athena出生时就全副武装,所以她小时候喜欢的并不是一般女孩子喜欢的文静游戏,而是真刀真枪的格斗。有一次她与自己的好朋友、河神法厄同的女儿帕拉斯Pallas用长矛练习格斗。两个女孩打得正酣时,宙斯看到了这一切,担心自己的女儿受伤,于是就在两人之间降下了一面羊皮盾牌,护住了雅典娜。结果帕拉斯的长矛被盾牌挡住,而正当她为这突然出现的盾牌纳闷时,雅典娜的长矛已经刺穿了她的身体,雅典娜因为误杀了自己的朋友而伤心不已。为了纪念她,雅典娜把自己的名字改成了帕拉斯·雅典娜Pallas Athena,并为帕拉斯制作了一尊雕像并放在宙斯的神像前。 特洛伊国王伊罗斯在修建特洛伊城时,祈求先祖宙斯的兆示,看神灵是否同意他的建城计划。第二天,伊罗斯在自己的帐篷前捡到从天上落下的帕拉斯神像。这意味着宙斯同意将该城置于他及其女儿雅典娜的庇护之下。从此以后,这尊帕拉斯神像就成了特洛伊的守护神。英语单词palladium就来自帕拉斯的名字,表示“守护神”。著名化学家Wollaston用它来命名他新发明的金属元素钯。 palladium:pə'leɪdɪəm n.金属元素钯,守护神 palladian:pə'leidjən adj.帕拉斯·雅典娜的,有智慧的,有学问的,帕拉弟奥建筑风格式的palladium钯⇒n.雅典娜希腊女神近义词 Athena雅典娜希腊女神…Athene希神雅典娜智慧、技… OrPallasyou or first among the Graces.你或是雅典娜,或是众多格雷斯中第一人。 Pallas' long-toungued bat flies through the air.一只帕拉斯长舌蝙蝠在空气中飞行。 The reminine of ancient Romans wore stola andpalla.古罗马女性主要穿着“斯多拉“和“帕拉”。 Pallasis wisdom goddess, the name of Greek capital Athens from this and come.在古希腊旺盛时侯制造的这具玩具小孩的原作现保存在希腊趼古博物馆。 In the severe toxicity snake pond, thousands of vipers like cobra and pallas wave their heads, which is quite astonishing. 剧毒蛇池内,眼镜蛇、蝮蛇等剧毒蛇万头攒动,触目惊心; ydtrans The population structure and seasonal changes in number, spatial pattern and dynamics of Angaracris baicalensis( Pallas were studied in Ganjia High Mountain Grassland in Xiahe County, Gansu. 在甘肃省夏河县对鼓翅皱膝蝗的种群结构、数量变动、空间格局及动态进行了系统研究。 dictall.com The results above suggested there were differences not only in the morphology, but in the microstructure of the different phenotypes of Harmonia axyridis Pallas. 以上分析表明,异色瓢虫不同的色斑类型间,无论在宏观形态,还是在微观结构上都存在着差异。 cnki After the flames of war had spread for ten years before the walls of troy, a prophet foretold that troy could never be expected to fall as long as the Pallas was treasured by its people. 在特洛伊建成之前,战火已弥漫了十年。一位预言家说:只要雅典娜的神像受人民的爱戴,特洛伊城就永远不会衰灭。 eng24.jxkp.net Harmonia axyridis Pallas which has strong pests- control power is the nature enemy of many kinds of pests, especially to aphids and lice. 异色瓢虫是多种害虫的天敌,对蚜虫、飞虱都有很好的控制作用; fabiao In the lab, scientists noticed that Pallas's long- tongued bats excelled at finding hollow hemisphere shapes hidden among artificial leaves. 在实验室研究中,科学家们注意到,帕拉斯长舌蝙蝠擅长发现人造叶子里隐藏的半球凹形的东西。 yeeyan On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; 在房门上方那苍白的帕拉斯半身雕像上面; www.03964.com Standing height looked, lifting the water like a winding Bai Lian, the two sides embankments, such as2 Pallas hugged her. 站在高处望去,举水似一条弯弯曲曲的白练,两岸河堤如两条玉带紧紧拥抱着她。 enwaimao.cn This is the Pallas way of enriching and enhancing life. 这就是智神星丰富和提高生活的方式。 blog.sina.com.cn Pallas Athene, that productive and powerful goddess, shows that women do not have to be men to be effective in the world. 雅典娜,智慧与力量的女神告诉大家女人并不需要成为男人而在世间成功。 blog.sina.com.cn Pallas' long- toungued bat flies through the air. 一只帕拉斯长舌蝙蝠在空气中飞行。 cnnas Pallas then appeared. “ Stop, Hercules,” she said. 这时,雅典娜出现了,她对他说:“不要再踢了,赫尔克里斯,这个球叫冲突,不去管它,它很快就变小了。” ebigear Pallas when Ilus had first built his new city, the city of troy, he prayed Zeus to show some sign of blessing for it. 雅典娜的神像当伊拉斯最初建造特洛伊城时,他祈求宙斯赐福于这座城市。 putclub |