

单词 palestine-israel
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After Hariri's death, Lebanon problem became another hot problem of Middle- East affairs besides Palestine-Israel conflict and Iraq problem.
黎巴嫩前总理哈里里遭到暗杀后,黎巴嫩问题成为继巴以争端、伊拉克问题之后的中东又一热点。 cnki

China is ready to work with the international community to promote a cease-fire, ease the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and get the Palestine-Israel issue back on the track of political solution.
中方愿同国际社会一道推动有关各方立即停火、缓解加沙地区的人道主义危机,为巴以问题重返政治解决的轨道做出努力。 kouyi

How does China look at the prospect of Palestine-Israel peace talks?
如何看待巴以和谈前景? www.fmprc.gov.cn

It is helpful to the resolution of the Palestine-Israel issue.
这也有利于巴以问题的解决。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Journalist from Japanese Sankei Shimbun: Currently Palestine-Israel conflict is the most difficult issue in the Middle East. What contribution can China make to solve the issue?
日本《产经新闻》记者问:当前,巴以冲突是中东地区最大的难题,在这一问题上中国能做出什么贡献? www.fmprc.gov.cn

Lee said that the dragging on of the Palestine-Israel conflict will have a severe negative effect on the world.
李光耀表示,巴以冲突久拖不决将会对世界产生严重的影响。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The two sides exchanged views again on the current Middle East situation and Palestine-Israel conflicts.
双方还就当前中东地区形势和巴以冲突再次交换了意见。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Understanding the changes of the U. S. attitude and its policy on Jerusalem issue will be helpful to grasp the essence of the U. S. Middle East policy and to promote Palestine-Israel peace process.
弄清美国对耶路撒冷问题态度和政策的演变,有利于认清美国中东政策的实质,有利于推进巴以和平进程。 cnki




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