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词汇 paleontologist
释义 pa·le·on·tol·o·gist AHD..än.ˈtäləjə̇st,-_ən.ˈt- 高MTCOCA²³²⁷⁵BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²iWeb²⁴⁷¹²

a specialist in paleontologypaleontolog-ist…的人⇒n.古生物学者⁸²=palaeontologist.近义词 fossilist化石学家palaeontologist古生物学家
as in.archaeologist
同义词 classicist,excavatorarchaeologian,paleologist,prehistorian
archaeologistnoun student of the physical remains of ancient cultures or eras
archaeologistsnoun student of the physical remains of ancient cultures or eras
archaeologians,classicists,excavators,paleologists,paleontologists,prehistorians One person, the paleontologist Louis Leakey, who had recruited her to the task up in Nairobi, believed she might succeed.
对此持怀疑论者都在盼着她出丑,不过也有一位名叫路易斯·李基的古生物学家看好珍,因为他曾招募珍参加过内罗毕的考古工作。 yeeyan

Paul C. Sereno, a paleontologist at the University of Chicago, has fun naming the fossil crocodiles he dug up from the Sahara.
保罗· C·赛雷诺是芝加哥大学的古生物学家,以给他在撒哈拉沙漠挖出的鳄鱼化石起外号为乐。 yeeyan

Specifically, paleontologist Mark Purnell of the University of Leicester in England and his colleagues found four sets of striations oriented in different directions on the teeth of Edmontosaurus.
英格兰莱切斯特大学的古生物学家 Mark Purnell和同事们在埃德蒙顿龙的牙齿上发现了四组不同方向的纹路。 yeeyan

“ These tell us what animals were doing, ” said paleontologist Amanda Falk of the University of Kansas in Lawrence. “ The behaviors are pretty much identical to modern plovers and sandpipers.“
来自劳伦斯堪萨斯大学的古生物学家阿曼达•佛克说,“这些印记告诉我们鸟儿正在做什么,这些行为与现代的鸻和矶鹞非常相似。” yeeyan

“ We might be able to start painting a picture in color of what these things looked like, ” said Lawrence M. Witmer, a paleontologist at Ohio University, who was not involved in the study.
“也许我们已经可以开始给这些东西来幅写真画,并且填上颜色。”来自俄亥俄大学的古生物学家 Lawrence M. Witmer这样说到,不过他并没有参与研究。 yeeyan

“ What's striking is how fast the extinction was,” says paleontologist Douglas Erwin of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., a co-author on the paper.
“让人吃惊的是物种灭绝的速度”来自华盛顿史密斯国家自然历史博物馆的古生物学家道格拉斯·埃尔文说,他是研究报告的合著者。 yeeyan

” All those things were yanked out of the definition of being a bird, says paleontologist Matthew Carrano of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
“所有这些特征都来自于我们对鸟类的定义,”史密森尼国家自然历史博物馆Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History的古生物学家马修·卡里诺 Matthew Carrano说。 yeeyan

” This shows that hadrosaurs did chew, but in a completely different way to anything alive today, “ said study researcher Paul Barrett, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London.
“这证明鸭嘴龙的确会咀嚼,但是其方式和现在活着的动物完全不同。”伦敦国家历史博物馆的古生物学家 Paul Barrett介绍。 yeeyan

As a result, the research has the potential to change the way a paleontologist views a fossil.
现在,研究者们已经拥有了改变一个古生物学家观察化石方式的潜力。 yeeyan

Even the tracks alone say a lot about the feeding behavior of the ancient birds, commented paleontologist Martin Lockley of the University of Colorado in Denver.
丹佛科罗拉多大学的古生物学家马丁•劳克雷评论说,即使只有这些足迹也很能说明这些古代鸟类的进食行为。 yeeyan

Horner, a paleontologist at Montana State University, suspects the remains of Nanotyrranus may belong to a young Tyrannosaurus rex.
蒙大拿州立大学的古生物学家霍纳怀疑那些短暴龙的遗骸可能是属于一只年轻的暴龙。 yeeyan

In an email, Philip Gingerich, a leading paleontologist at Princeton University who worked on Ida, said both fossils were almost certainly part of the lineage that led to monkeys, apes and humans.
研究伊达的顶尖的普林斯顿大学古生物学家菲利普•金那瑞迟 Philip Gingerich在电子邮件中表示两块化石几乎可以肯定是进化为猴子、猿和人类的族系的一部分。 yeeyan

Mr. Knecht, Dr. Engel and Jacob S. Benner, a paleontologist at Tufts University, described the fossil impression in an article published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
耐克特先生、恩格尔博士和塔夫茨大学古生物学家雅各布· S·本纳在一遍文章中描述了这件化石,发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》上。 yeeyan

Not only did mammals sweep across the planet after K- T, but sharks expanded across the seas, explained American Museum of Natural History vertebrate paleontologist Jack Conrad.
美国自然历史博物馆脊椎古生物学家 Jack Conrad解释说, K- T大灭绝之后,不但哺乳动物开始主宰地球,鲨鱼也开始在海洋中扩张。 yeeyan

Paul Sereno, a paleontologist at the University of Chicago, adding the toe claw to the skeleton of the new tyrannosaur Raptorex.
芝加哥大学古生物学家 Paul Sereno正在给新发现的 Raptorex暴龙的骨架上摆上脚爪。 yeeyan

The purpose of the prominent fin that defines this species has been debated since it was first discovered by paleontologist Edward Cope in Texas in 1878.
至于这个显眼的背鳍的作用是什么,自从1878年古生物学家爱德华·库珀EdwardCope在德州首次发现以来,专家们一直争论不休。 yeeyan

This is a species “that no one has seen before and one that has a very significant position in the family tree of dinosaurs, ” said Australian paleontologist Adam Yates.
澳洲古生物学家亚当叶茨说,这种恐龙「从前没有人见过,在恐龙族谱上有非常重要的地位。」 iciba

Within a few months of her arrival, Goodall met the famed anthropologist and paleontologist Louis Leakey.
在她到达后没几个月,古道尔就见到了著名的人类学家、古生物学家路易斯·利奇。 yeeyan

Paleontologist Anthony Martin of Emory University in Atlanta agrees that the injured Platypterygius was probably wounded in a fight with one of its own kind.
亚特兰大埃默里大学的古生物学家 Anthony Martin赞同这条鱼龙大概是在与同类的争斗中挂彩。 yeeyan

Paleontologist Dave Raup postulates that75 percent of all extinction events were caused by asteroid impacts.
古生物学家戴夫·诺普假设百分之七十五的物种灭绝事件是小行星撞击造成的。 yeeyan

Paleontologist Michael J. Benton, at the University of Bristol, told Science that up to 51.7 percent of all dinosaur species are miscategorized.
布里斯托尔大学的古生物学家迈克尔 J.本顿,对《科学》说在全部的恐龙种族中多达51.7%的种族被错误分类。 yeeyan




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