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词汇 Paleolithic
释义 Pa·le·o·lith·ic 英ˌpeɪliːəˈlɪθɪk美ˌpeliəˈlɪθɪk英,pælɪəʊ'lɪθɪk美,pelɪo'lɪθɪk 四GIMSTTIGCOCA⁴⁰²³⁵BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰iWeb²⁵⁸⁴⁸

second part of the Stone Age beginning about 750,00 to 500,000 years BC and lasting until the end of the last ice age about 8,500 years BC
of or relating to the second period of the Stone Age following the eolithic;

paleolithic artifacts

近义词 palaeolithic旧石器时代的…

用作形容词The stone balls were tools of hunting inPaleolithictimes.石球是旧石器时代原始人用来狩猎的工具。
The soil is a mix of slate and quartz that dates back to thePaleolithicera.是一种由页岩和石英混合而成,源于旧石器时代。 In short, cooperative kinship societies prevailed during the Paleolithic millennia precisely because they were so well suited to the survival of the species.
简短地说,在旧石器的千禧年,协作的宗族社会的出现恰恰就是因为符合人类物种生存的需求。 yeeyan

Rocky Polychrome Hall in Altamira Cave has been compared to a Paleolithic Sistine Chapel because of its decorated ceiling.
阿尔塔米拉洞穴里的岩石多彩大厅以其顶板的装饰可与旧石器时代的西斯廷教堂相比拟。 yeeyan

The gradual- adaptation principle is deeply rooted in human physiology, and has worked for about a billion runners since Paleolithic man started stalking wild animals in East Africa150,000 years ago.
逐渐适应的原则是基于人类心理学,自从15万年前的旧石器时代人开始在东非潜伏跟踪野生动物开始,这条原则已在大约一百万跑步者身上发生作用。 yeeyan

The oldest known specimens date to the Upper Paleolithic period in Western Europe,12,000 to15,000 years ago, although none of those artifacts were directly dated.
已知最早的标本是西欧旧石器早期的1万2千年到1万5千年之前,虽然这些标本没有直接进行确定年代。 yeeyan

The use of mammoth bones, jaws, and skulls to build structures was common among the mammoth- hunting cultures of the Upper paleolithic.
用猛犸骨头、下颚骨和头骨建造房屋,在旧石器时代的猛犸狩猎文化中很普遍。 yeeyan

The Paleolithic axe is an infant by comparison, merely 100,000 years old.
相比之下,旧石器时代的斧子简直就是个婴儿,才存在了十万年。 yeeyan

A Paleolithic hut divided in three sections and made of animal skins was found at Pushkari, Ukraine.
乌克兰普什卡尔发现的一处旧石器时代棚屋,由动物毛皮制成。 yeeyan

By Paleolithic standards, technology evolved at a blistering pace in the Neolithic period.
以旧石器时期的标准,新石器时期的技术进步太快了。 yeeyan

FEW human records survive for long, the 16,000-year- old Paleolithic cave paintings at Lascaux, France, being one exception.
人工记录很少能长期保存。法国拉斯科的旧石器时代岩画是个例外,它已经有1万6千年的历史了。 ecocn

Hilazon Tachtit was occupied by the Natufians, hunter-gatherers who began to build permanent dwellings during the transition between the prefarming Paleolithic and the agricultural Neolithic periods.
希拉松塔奇提特洞穴一直被纳图夫人所占据,并且在旧石器时代到新石器时代的过度阶段开始在那里建造永久性的住房。 yeeyan

Imagine a young women living in a Paleolithic tribe whose mate openly mated with another woman.
想像一下在石器时代的部落中,一个年轻女人的配偶公然的和另一个女人交配。 yeeyan

Its origins can be traced even further back to Paleolithic peoples who worshipped a Hunter God and a Fertility Goddess.
甚至更远追溯它的踪迹到旧石器时代人们,人们崇拜狩猎神和丰产女神。 douban

One is that big heads were necessary to survive Upper Paleolithic life, which involved cold, outdoor activities.
其中一个认为,由于旧石器时代晚期气候寒冷,需要户外活动的原因,有一个大脑袋是必须的。 yeeyan

Shown here is a layout of an upper paleolithic hut, a form often repeated in its general characteristics.
此处展示的是旧石器时代晚期一间棚屋的结构图,该形式的一般特征往往重复出现。 yeeyan

Similar stone circles are found throughout the upper and lower paleolithic.
类似的石圈在旧石器时代早期和晚期都曾发现。 yeeyan

The bow seems to have been invented in the late Paleolithic or early Mesolithic periods.

The rationale for this is that natural selection has adapted Paleolithic humans to the food in that era.
对于这种饮食产生的原因是,旧石器时代人类通过自然选择已经适应了那个时代的食物。 yeeyan

There, Hans- Peter Uerpmann of the University of Tubingen in Germany found three different Paleolithic settlements occurring from about125, 000 to 25, 000 years ago.
在那,德国图宾根大学的汉斯-皮特.魏尔波曼找到了三个不同的旧石器时代的定居点,时间约起于125,000年终于25,000年前。 yeeyan

Upper paleolithic Huts from Mezin, Ukraine. These huts date to about10,000 BCE.
旧石器时代晚期乌克兰梅京的棚屋,时间可追溯至公元前约10000。 yeeyan

Upper Paleolithic hut from Pushkari, Russia.
旧石器时代晚期俄罗斯普什卡尔 Pushkari的棚屋。 yeeyan

Yet our Paleolithic brethren are not known for having been great scholars.
然而,在我们旧石器时代的同胞们里,还没听说过有几个伟大学者产生过。 yeeyan




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