

单词 Pakistani
释义 Pak·i·stan·i 英,pæki'stæni;英ˌpækɪ'stæni美ˌpækɪ'stæni ★★★☆☆高iWeb¹⁴³³⁶Economist³⁰⁰¹
a native or inhabitant of Pakistan
of or relating to Pakistan or its people or language;

Pakistani mountain passes

Pakistani soldiers

Pakistan +-iS.形+名某地|国(语言|人)⇒巴基斯坦的⁵⁸;巴基斯坦人⁴²;;⇒adj.巴基斯坦的n.巴基斯坦人
用作形容词Now, Bahadar says, his fighters will start targetingPakistanisecurity forces.巴哈德尔说,现在他的战士们将开始以巴基斯坦安全部队为目标。
S. commanders have blamed safe havens inPakistanitribal areas for giving militants space to re-arm and plan attacks.美国指挥官指责巴基斯坦的部族地区为激进分子提供了避难所,使他们有机会重新武装,并策划新的袭击。 And I also have sent messages very directly to the Pakistani people that this is in the interests of Pakistan.
我也向巴基斯坦人民非常直接地发出了信息,说明这符合巴基斯坦的利益。 ebigear

To put it in the words of our Pakistani friends, Pakistan not just likes but loves China.
用巴基斯坦朋友的话来形容,巴基斯坦对中国不仅仅是喜欢,而是热爱。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

“ You will not find any discussion about this in the Pakistani discourse, ” says Abbas.
在巴基斯坦的论述中你不会看到什么这方面的讨论。 yeeyan

Border clashes between Indian and Pakistani troops have frequently threatened to escalate into a wider conflict in the south on the broad plains of Punjab.
在广阔的旁遮普平原南部,印度和巴基斯坦军队之间的边境冲突,经常有升级为更大范围冲突的危险。 yeeyan

But Pakistan considers Mr Bahadur to be a“ good Taliban”, ie, one who has agreed to fight only in Afghanistan, not on Pakistani soil.
但巴基斯坦认为巴哈杜尔是一个“好塔利班”,也就是说,他答应只在阿富汗打仗,而不在巴基斯坦的领土上打。 ecocn

Contrary to what many Pakistani conspiracy theorists believe, the suspicion and contempt with which the country is seen with is not deliberate or carefully calculated.
与许多巴基斯坦阴谋论者所认为的相反,对这个国家的怀疑和轻蔑并不是蓄意的或者精心设计的。 yeeyan

Do not follow in the footsteps of the Pakistani elite by failing them.
不要跟随巴基斯坦精英阶层的脚步,让他们破产。 yeeyan

He is now backed up by experts from headquarters, sent at the request of Pakistani authorities.
他现在得到总部应巴基斯坦当局请求而派遣的一些专家的支持。 who




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