

单词 paint job
释义 paint job ˈpeɪntdʒɒb 短语²⁵⁴³⁶
Her new guns are installed. Her light- gray paint job has dried.
航母安装了新的武器,灰白涂装已经完成。 www.top81.com.cn

Perhaps these bikes could vary by having a custom fender design or a paint job, different length forks, or engine size and tyres.
每辆车可能在局部有所不同,比如挡泥板、颜色、把手长度、发动机和轮胎大小等。 infoq

The subtenant decided that the house needed some repairs and a paint job.
转租者认为,房子需要进行一些维修和翻新。 www.justing.com.cn

And a good paint job.
还需要好好的油刷一下。 ebfjj

Her light- gray paint job has dried.
浅灰色的油漆已经风干。 yeeyan

It had a fresh paint job, the gang graffiti erased from the garage door. New curtains hung in the window.
此刻的老屋,里里外外都被重新粉刷了一遍,车库门上的涂鸦作品也被抹去,窗上还挂起了新窗帘。 edu.sina.com.cn

It is a re- use of the Vulture's Claw model from Season One, but with a distinct paint job and some other modifications.
它是第一季中“秃鹫之爪”模型的再次使用,但作了一些特殊化的色彩处理,以及其他一些修改。 starwarsfans

Science, art or ice-cream paint job?
科学、艺术或是冰淇淋上色? ecocn

The sleek black paint job and high seat complete the look for a bike that will turn heads on the open road.
那光亮的黑漆,高高的座椅设计使得自行车看起来是要迫不及待迎面冲向开阔的公路。 yeeyan

We all know that in 2006 the car had a lot of scratches and it got bended in one side and pretty sorry looking in terms of the scrapes and the paint job and the rust.
我们都知道,2006年的车有很多刮痕,一边车身还凹了,很旧的样子,到处是刮痕,油漆脱落,生锈。 youdao

Wouldn't you say that Tom's house needs a paint job?
难道你不认为汤姆的房子需要粉刷了吗? ebigear




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