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词汇 pageant
释义 pag·eant 英ˈpædʒənt美ˈpædʒəntAHDpăjʹənt ★☆☆☆☆高四GIS宝八COCA¹³⁶⁶⁰BNC¹⁸⁶⁹⁷iWeb¹⁴¹⁴³Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
n. 盛会⁵⁵; 游行³⁶; 壮丽的场面; 选美复数pageants

an elaborate representation of scenes from history etc; usually involves a parade with rich costumesa rich and spectacular ceremony来自page,页码,书页,-ant,名词后缀。比喻用法。GRE红宝书page页, ant蚂蚁: 蚂蚁爬满了一页一壮观游行
page + ant 一行蚂蚁在书页上爬,游行;page 书页→载入史册的→壮观的游行或庆典
分割记忆:page页+ ant蚂蚁, 一页蚂蚁→游行_
联想记忆page页+ ant蚂蚁→ 一页蚂蚁浩浩荡荡 ⇒壮观的游行GRE难词记忆pageant 音“迫近的”→一天天迫近的新年盛装游行近义词 play玩show证明pomp壮丽parade游行review复习display显示spectacle景象pageantry盛典procession队伍exhibition展览performance表演presentation介绍carnival嘉年华会entertainment娱乐cavalcade车或马的队列…

用作名词Secondly, the 2008 Olympics will be a redpageant.其次,二零零八年的奥林匹克运动会将是一次红色的盛会。
Former Miss California USA Carrie Prejean is suingpageantofficials for religious discrimination and libel.前美国加州小姐嘉莉普雷让日前起诉盛会组织官员有宗教歧视和诽谤行为。
The coronation of the new king is a splendidpageant.新国王的加冕典礼是一个非常壮丽的场面。noun.spectacle or contest
同义词 celebration,extravaganza,fair,parade,procession,ritual,tableaucharade,display,exhibition,exposition,make believe,motorcade,pomp,show
反义词 hiding,reality,truth
charadenoun pretense
deception,disguise,fake,farce,make believe,mimicry,pantomime,parody,pretension,pretentiousness,put on,travesty,trick
disguisenoun covering, makeup for deception
beard,blind,camouflage,charade,cloak,color,coloring,concealment,costume,counterfeit,cover-up,dissimulation,dress,facade,face,faking,false front,fig leaf,front,getup,guise,illusion,make believe,mask,masquerade,pageant,pen name,pretense,pretension,pretentiousness,pseudonym,put on,red herring,screen,semblance,smokescreen,trickery,veil,veneer
displaynoun public showing;spectacle
act,affectation,arrangement,array,arrayal,blaze,bravura,dash,demonstration,example,exhibit,exhibition,expo,exposition,exposure,fanfare,flourish,for show,frame-up,frippery,front,grandstand play,layout,manifestation,ostentation,ostentatiousness,pageant,panorama,parade,pedantry,pomp,presentation,pretension,pretentiousness,revelation,sample,scheme,shine,showboat,splash,splendor,splurge,spread,unfolding,vanity
displaysnoun public showing;spectacle
acts,affectations,arrangements,arrayals,arrays,blazes,bravuras,dashes,demonstrations,examples,exhibitions,exhibits,expos,expositions,exposures,fanfares,flourishes,for shows,frame-ups,fripperies,fronts,grandstand plays,layouts,manifestations,ostentation,ostentatiousnesses,pageants,panoramas,parades,pedantry,pomp,presentations,pretensions,pretentiousness,revelations,samples,schemes,shine,showboats,splashes,splendors,splurges,spreads,unfoldings,vanities
exhibitionnoun showing, demonstration
a scene,advertisement,airing,an act,carnival,display,exhibit,expo,exposition,fair,fireworks,flash,front,manifestation,offering,pageant,performance,presentation,representation,show,sight,spectacle
expositionnoun fair
bazaar,circus,county fair,demonstration,display,exhibition,expo,marketplace,mart,pageant,presentation,production,show,showing A dismal exam result and a disastrous encounter with the instructorsend Ben and his lab partner on a binge, Noel and Javier go to Atlantic City,and Felicity's pageant comes back to haunt her.
迫于糟糕的考试成绩和与老师的悲惨相遇之压力,本和他的伙伴去饮酒作乐,宣泄情绪。诺尔和哈韦尔去亚太兰大,费莉希蒂的选美大赛一直困扰着她。 yeeyan

And an elephant beauty pageant gave salt to this three-day festival, with elephant Chanchalkali declared the winner of the beauty contest.
此外,一场“大象选美比赛”也为三天的节日增色不少,其中一头名为朱古托纳的大象摘得选美桂冠。 cri

As the pageant was taking place, feminists marched around the “ freedom trash can” in which they tossed items they perceived as symbols of feminine oppression: high heels, makeup, girdles and bras.
选美比赛进行的如火如荼时,抗议者们把高跟鞋、化妆品、腰带、胸罩等她们认为象征压迫女性的东西都扔到了“自由”垃圾桶里,并进行示威游行。 yeeyan

He wooed her with expensive gifts and sponsored her through Chica Med, a second-rate beauty pageant organizers concede was viewed as a cattle market by gangsters looking for new girls.
万利拉向尤雅娜求爱,用贵重的礼品来打动她的芳心,还赞助她参加了一个二流的选美比赛。组织者们承认,黑帮们把这个比赛看作寻觅新女孩的牲畜市场。 yeeyan

However, thanks to the widespread media that the pageant already drew, the protest and the cause was heavily covered in newspapers across the nation.
由于选美比赛本身已经吸引了众多媒体的关注,此次抗议活动及其起因也得以被全国各大报纸重点报道。 yeeyan

In the evening, a beauty pageant was held, with47 girls from the Dai Ethnic Group from China, Thailand, Laos and Myanmar taking part, attracting thousands of spectators.
晚上举行了一个选美大赛,来自中国傣族,泰国,老挝和面对的47名女孩参赛,吸引了成千上万的观众。 hxen

The final five Miss USA candidates hold hands as they await the announcement of the fourth runner-up during the Miss USA Pageant.
这次“美国小姐”盛会上,最后的五名候选人手拉着手,等待着第四名的公布。 cri

The world's first pageant exclusively for girls convicted of Mafia-connected crimes is being held in Budapest, Hungary, the Sun of London reported.

A sex tape and nude photos of Prejean were discovered soon after the pageant, and Haggard's drug use and sexual relations with a male prostitute ultimately came to light.
选美大赛结束后不久就流出一组普雷让的裸照和色情录像。哈歌德的吸毒事件和召男妓事件也最终令他身败名裂。 yeeyan

Asian Game is the great sport meeting and culture pageant of Asian region with largest scale and the highest level; moreover, it will show the comprehensive national strength of China completely.
亚运会是伟大的体育和文化盛会上,亚洲地区最大规模和最高水平;此外,它会显示的综合国力中完全。 ebigear

But it is all a grandiose pageant.
但素有这些这都是一种浮夸的盛装游行。 yeeyan

Curtis is known as Nebraska's Easter City due to its famed40-year-old Easter Pageant tradition.

Eight men were competing for the title and a place in the Worldwide Mr Gay pageant, to be held next month in Oslo, Norway.
八位选手将要竞争一个席位,来参加下课月在挪威奥斯陆举行的世界同性恋先生选美比赛。 yeeyan

Forget the Alamo for a couple of minutes. The big battle now is between a defrocked beauty queen and the pageant directors who took her tiara.
先别光想着《阿拉莫之战》,今天这场大战是在被摘掉皇冠的选美大赛皇后和选美大赛组织者之间展开的。 kekenet

However, when she’s on the pageant circuit or making appearances as Miss Delaware, it’s a different story.
然而在她参与选美巡回表演或者作为德拉华小姐亮相的时候,就是不同的故事了。 yeeyan

I never expected to enter a lesbian beauty pageant. What happened in the year after I expected even less.
我从来没期望自己可以参加同性恋丽人的选美比赛,更不用说我期望一年后会发生什么。 yeeyan

I spent most of the first three days at the convention fulfilling my role in this pageant.
我在会议的头三天,花了大量时间在这个盛会上履行我的角色。 yeeyan

Police today cancelled what would have been China’s first gay pageant just minutes before it was due to start.
今天,就在距中国首次同性恋选美大赛开始不到几分钟的时间内,被警察给叫停了。 yeeyan

Sanya itself raised its international profile by hosting the Miss World beauty pageant four times over five years starting in 2003.
三亚则通过主办2003年之后五年间的四届世界小姐选美大赛,进一步提升了自身在国际上的知名度。 ebigear

Seville, Spain: Fatima Jimenez holds a bouquet of flowers after winning the Miss Sevilla pageant.
西班牙,塞维利亚:法蒂玛·希门尼斯赢得塞维利亚小姐选美冠军后,手持一束鲜花。 yeeyan

The central government is also utilizing pageant winners as cultural ambassadors to promote China's image overseas.
中央政府也选择选美冠军担任文化大使来提升中国在海外的形象。 yeeyan

There’s a bit of propaganda in any pageant.
任何盛会都会有点宣传成分。 yeeyan

There was a Miss Confederate beauty pageant, parades, and even a re- enactment of South Carolina's declaration of secession.
当地还出现了联盟小姐选美活动,游行,甚至重现南卡罗莱纳宣布脱离联邦统治的场面。 yeeyan

They also say she gained weight and didn't prepare sufficiently for the Miss Texas pageant.
组织者还说,她发胖了,而且前面为德州的选美大赛准备不够充分。 kekenet

Two years later, in 1984, Palin, then20, entered a local beauty pageant to earn college scholarship money.
两年后的1984年,20岁的佩林参加了一场地区性的选美比赛,得到了一笔大学奖学金。 yeeyan




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