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pAgCOCA¹⁴³¹⁰⁷BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺² 基本例句 =protein A gold 蛋白A金 Conclusion: Tiaozhi Capsule can prolong APTT, PT, TT, and influence PAG, and improve the function of the platelet and prevent the formation of thrombus to cure the AS. 结论调脂胶囊可通过延长血浆中 APTT、 PT、 TT,影响 PAG,改善血小板的功能,防止血栓的形成,以发挥抗动脉粥样硬化的作用。 cnki Functionally, both cerebellum and PAG are related to visceral activities. 小脑和 PAG均与许多内脏的功能活动有关。 cnki It is mean that the CDUS and A/ BI combination examination has higher accuracy if there are not distinct different between the examination conclusion of CDUS and PAG. 结果 CDUS检查结果与动脉血管造影 PAG检查结果无显著差异, CDUS与 A/ BI联合检测对提高诊断率有较高准确性。 cnki It was found previously that the periaqueductal gray PAG and hippocampus play important roles in pain modulation of ACTH, a non- opiate peptide. 以往工作发现,中脑导水管周围灰质 PAG和海马在非阿片肽 ACTH痛觉调制中占有重要地位。 dictall Something of a visionary, he formed the Premier Automotive Group PAG as a separate part of Ford. 是他异想天开地组建了高端汽车集团 PAG,作为福特集团内一个独立的部分。 ecocn.org The direct projections from the nucleus tractus solitarius NTS and area postrema AP to the periaqueductal gray PAG were investigated in the rat by using tract- tracing techniques. 应用神经束路追踪技术对大鼠孤束核 NTS和最后区 AP向中脑导水管周围灰质 PAG的直接投射进行了观察。 dictall The PAG is responsible for identifying the most important risk- related issues and highlighting them to portfolio managers and the Chief Investment Officer. PAG负责确认最重要的、与风险相关的问题以及将这些问题向投资组合管理师和首席投资官进行明确的指示。 blog.sina.com.cn The PAG controls the “ flight or fight” response. PAG控制着“逃跑还是战斗”的本能反应。 yeeyan The PAG is a committee that meets monthly with representatives from the PAT and the investment management team, to review a detailed pack of information on the risk profiles of portfolios. PAG是一个委员会,每月要会见来自 PAT和投资管理团队的代表,审阅有关投资组合风险的详细信息。 blog.sina.com.cn At one point, together with PAG, Mercury and the vehicles tailored for different countries and regions, Ford’s designers and engineers had to cope with97 different models. 有一度,包括 PAG,水星和其他为各地区定制的车型在内,福特的设计师和工程师要痛死打理多达97种不同的车型。 ecocn Conclusion:The changes of NOS positive neurons of PAG in SIH rats may be involved in the development of SIH. 结论:应激性高血压大鼠 PAG内NOS阳性神经元的变化可能参与了应激性高血压的形成。 cnki Conclusion:The effect of Huanyuan injection on PAG may shed some light on its therapeutic mechanism for acute hemorrhage stroke. 结论:还元注射液对脑出血外周血中 PAG水平影响可能是其治疗出血性脑卒中的机制之一。 cnki Even now, three years later, getting waste oil free is still easy, according to Andy Pag, the rally's organiser. 拉力的组织者安迪·帕格说,甚至在三年后的今日,依然很容易拿到免费的废油。 yeeyan Eventually PAG was supposed to provide a third of the company’s global profits. 当时寄望PAG能最终能实现公司总利润的三分之一。 ecocn Indeed, some quip that PAG really stands for “ Please Ask the General”. 而实际上,有人讽刺说政策执行组织真正的行动准则是“请问将军”。 ecocn Intact human erythrocytes have successfully entrapped in polyacrylamide gel PAG and polyvinyl alcohol PVA. 完整人红细胞被成功地包埋于聚丙烯酰胺凝胶 PAG和聚乙烯醇 PVA。 cnki Investors were cheering his decision Wednesday, along with the financial results of Penske Automotive Group PAG, Fortune 500, bidding shares nearly to a three-year high. 事实上,彭斯克上周三的这个决定赢得了投资者的一致喝彩。 彭斯克汽车集团 Penske Automotive Group的财务业绩也获得好评,集团股价几乎达到了三年以来的最高值。 fortunechina Objective To study the effect of oxytocin OT on pain modulation in periaqueductal gray PAG and its relation to endogenous opiate peptides. 目的探讨中脑导水管周围灰质 PAG内催产素 OT在痛行为调制中的作用,及其与内源性阿片肽系统之间的关系。 cnki Objective To study the function of nitric oxide NO on blood pressure in midbrain periaqueductal gray PAGof rats. 目的研究中脑导水管周围灰质 PAG内 NO对血压的作用。 cnki Results Two DNA bands were displayed on PAG, and the one with smaller molecular weight was less intensively stained. 结果在聚丙烯酰胺胶上可以观察到两条 DNA带,相对分子质量小的 DNA带染色较弱; cnki The first decision was to concentrate on the Ford brand and sell off the PAG businesses even if it meant taking a loss. 第一个决定就是把精力集中到福特这个品牌上,然后就算亏本也要把 PAG的业务出售。 ecocn The PAT and PAG regularly review and identify risk inherent in each portfolio. PAT和 PAG定期审查和确认在每个投资组合中存在的风险。 blog.sina.com.cn The results suggest that PVN is one of the major intrabraih nuclei participating in analgesia, it plays its role via PAG of its direct projection to the dorsal horn. 实验结果表明: PVN是脑内镇痛的主要核团之一,其作用通过 PAG实现,也可通过 PVN—脊髓背角直接投射的途径。 cnki The characteristic of synthetic lubricant PAG, POE, PAO and AB had been analyzed, and was verified that PAG with better over- all properties. 本文对 PAG、 POE、 PAO和 AB四种润滑油特性进行了分析,结果表明 PAG具有较好的综合性能。 cnki The results suggest that the PAG may exert an excitatory influence on pontine micturition reflex of the rat. 此结果提示, PAG可能对大鼠脑桥排尿反射活动具有兴奋性调节作用。 cnki These results indicate that the presynaptic inhibition is involved in the PAG inhibition of the C discharges of convergent neurons in spinal dorsal horn. 结果提示:电刺激 PAG所引起的脊髓背角会聚神经元 C放电的抑制有突触前抑制成份参与。 cnki When a woman has sex, a part of the brain stem called the periaqueductal gray PAG is activated. 中脑导水管周围灰质 PAG是脑干的一部分。女性性爱时它会被激活。 yeeyan |