

单词 paediatricians
释义 paediatricians ˌpi:diəˈtriʃənz COCA¹⁵⁴³⁸⁸BNC⁵⁵⁹¹²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.儿科医师paediatrician的名词复数原型paediatrician的复数 She was helped along by doctor Luis Rubio, who led the team of surgeons, paediatricians and heart specialists which carried out the operation.
塞隆的主治医生路易斯·卢比奥带领着一支包括外科医生、儿科医师以及心脏病专家在内的小组,为塞隆实施了前几次手术。 qq

The term‘ shaken baby syndrome’ was first coined in the 1970s, but is no longer used at Sydney Children’s Hospital, although paediatricians still use the term loosely.
“摇晃婴儿综合症”的说法最早出现于二十世纪七十年代,但在悉尼儿童医院已不再使用,只是儿科医生仍然不太严格地使用这种说法。 who

This is a review of the literature on childhood masturbationCM which gives practical advice to general paediatricians.
目的是综述文献中能够指导临床医师评估和治疗儿童手淫的信息。 medlive

Applicable in general, the surgeons, respiratory physicians, paediatricians.
适用于一般内、外科医师、呼吸科医师、儿科医师。 supply.sol.com.cn

French children are catching up to their US counterparts in the obesity stakes, a group of French paediatricians said.
法国多名小儿科医师表示,法国儿童在肥胖症风险方面,正迎头赶上美国儿童。 calm-sea

I have spoken to parents of girls who have said that the first response from the doctor has been, ‘ She is a girl, it is highly unlikely to be autism’. Not just GPs but paediatricians too.
“我和这些女孩们的家长谈过,他们说从医生的第一反馈就是,“她是女孩,不大可能是孤独症”不仅仅是全科而且是儿科学医生的观点。” yeeyan

Many paediatricians in the area advise parents against circumcision.
该地区的许多儿科医生反对父母给孩子行割礼。 ecocn

So a second line drug can be used, again to be prescribed by Paediatricians.
这可使用由儿科医生开的第二线药物。 mamastation.com

The range's high- quality skin care products have been developed in cooperation with both dermatologists and paediatricians.
该系列的高品质护肤产品已开发既皮肤科医生和儿科医生合作。 hfpchina

This case highlights a condition which many paediatricians are not familiar with and illustrates the difficulties encountered in treating a patient with type1 diabetes with methylprednisolone.
本病例突出了一种许多儿科医师并不熟悉的疾病,并说明了用甲基强的松龙治疗1型糖尿病患者时遇到的困难。 medlive

Paediatricians, family doctors and nurses have the potential to guide and support parents in child-raising practices that include safety promotion.
儿科医生、家庭医生和护士都有可能在育儿做法包括安全促进方面为父母提供指导和支持。 who

Paediatricians suspect some are killed in infancy— not Darwin’s natural selection but the dispensing of an extra mouth to feed.
儿科医生猜测也许有些孩子早在婴儿时就被杀死了——这并非达尔文的自然选择理论,而是为了减少一张吃饭的嘴。 ecocn




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