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词汇 paddling
释义 pad·dling 英ˈpædlɪŋ, ˈpædlɪŋ美ˈpædlɪŋ, ˈpædlɪŋAHDpădʹlĭng, pădʹl-ĭng 高COCA²⁵³⁷²BNC²⁴³⁶⁸iWeb³¹⁸⁰⁵
动词 paddle:
propel with a paddleplay in or as if in water, as of small childrenswim like a dog in shallow waterwalk unsteadilygive a spanking to; subject to a spankingstir with a paddlepaddle桨paddling pool涉水池
The act ofpaddling.划桨划桨的动作
A crab nipped my toe while I waspaddling.我 水时脚趾让螃蟹给夹了。as in.boating
同义词 rowing,sailingcanoeing,cruising,drifting,sculling,trawling,yachtingas in.corporal punishment
同义词 spanking,whippingbeating,flagellation,floggingas in.defeat
同义词 beating,blow,breakdown,collapse,debacle,destruction,drubbing,embarrassment,failure,killing,loss,massacre,rout,setback,thrashing,triumphambush,annihilation,break,check,conquest,count,discomfiture,extermination,fall,KO,lacing,licking,mastery,rebuff,repulse,reverse,ruin,scalping,shellacking,slaughter,subjugation,trap,trashing,trimming,trouncing,waxing,whaling,whipping,whitewashingdefeasance,downthrow,insuccess,nonsuccess,vanquishmentas in.licking
同义词 whippingambush,annihilation,beating,blow,break,breakdown,check,collapse,conquest,count,debacle,destruction,discomfiture,drubbing,embarrassment,extermination,failure,fall,killing,KO,lacing,loss,massacre,mastery,overthrow,rebuff,repulse,reverse,rout,ruin,scalping,setback,shellacking,slaughter,subjugation,thrashing,trap,trashing,trimming,triumph,trouncing,waxing,whaling,whitewashingdefeasance,downthrow,insuccess,nonsuccess,vanquishmentas in.thrashing
同义词 annihilation,beating,conquest,debacle,drubbing,rout,trouncing,whippingambush,blow,break,breakdown,check,collapse,count,destruction,discomfiture,embarrassment,extermination,failure,fall,killing,KO,lacing,licking,loss,massacre,mastery,overthrow,rebuff,repulse,reverse,ruin,scalping,setback,shellacking,slaughter,subjugation,trap,trashing,trimming,triumph,waxing,whaling,whitewashingdefeasance,downthrow,insuccess,nonsuccess,vanquishmentas in.vanquishment
同义词 ambush,annihilation,beating,blow,break,breakdown,check,collapse,conquest,count,debacle,defeasance,destruction,discomfiture,downthrow,drubbing,embarrassment,extermination,failure,fall,insuccess,killing,KO,lacing,licking,loss,massacre,mastery,nonsuccess,overthrow,rebuff,repulse,reverse,rout,ruin,scalping,setback,shellacking,slaughter,subjugation,thrashing,trap,trashing,trimming,triumph,trouncing,waxing,whaling,whipping,whitewashing
boatingnoun travel, recreation in water
corporal punishmentnoun physical punishment
defeatnoun overthrow, beating
defeatsnoun overthrow, beating
lickingnoun defeat
thrashingnoun defeat
KO,ambush,annihilation,beating,blow,break,breakdown,check,collapse,conquest,count,debacle,defeasance,destruction,discomfiture,downthrow,drubbing,embarrassment,extermination,failure,fall,insuccess,killing,lacing,licking,loss,massacre,mastery,nonsuccess,overthrow,paddling,rebuff,repulse,reverse,rout,ruin,scalping,setback,shellacking,slaughter,subjugation,trap,trashing,trimming,triumph,trouncing,vanquishment,waxing,whaling,whipping,whitewashing Among the other features of their new home, the zoo's former gorilla house, will be a bamboo forest, a small cave suitable for sleeping, climbing frames and paddling pools to cool themselves.
这对大熊猫的新家的前身是猩猩馆,这里将被改造为一片竹林,还将搭建一间适合睡觉的小洞穴、供熊猫攀爬的架子、以及用来乘凉的嬉水池。 newchannel

As a kid paddling in the New Jersey surf — where I was probably more likely to encounter medical waste than any shark— I know that's how I felt.
回想以前,连我也是这么想的,虽然当时我还是一个在新泽西海边玩水的小孩子,虽然平时我碰到的医疗垃圾远比鲨鱼还多。 yeeyan

At a summer job working as park naturalists that year, I flipped the canoe Air and I were paddling and we had to push it to shore.
那年我在公园里做暑期兼职,我把独木舟翻转个身,然后我们一起合力将它推到岸边,这样我们就可以划船了。 yeeyan

It's all a work in progress. The important thing is to learn to go with the flow instead of paddling against it.
工作进展顺利。最重要的事情是学着让工作变的流畅而不是阻止工作的进程。 yeeyan

Another oddity: When paddling through the water, a platypus keeps its eyes, ears and nostrils closed, and its duck- bill serves as an antenna, sensing the faint electric fields surrounding prey.
另外的奇异之处在于:在水下游泳时,鸭嘴兽的眼睛、耳孔和鼻孔都会关闭,此时,其鸭嘴就像天线一般,遥感猎物周围微弱的磁场。 yeeyan

But one river was full of carbonised naked bodies of men, women, children, floating face-down “ like blocks of wood”, and on these—part treading, part paddling— he got to the other side.
但是却有一条河里满是碳化的裸露尸体,男人、女人、小孩,脸朝下浮在水面之上,好像“一块块木头”。 借着这些“木块”——半是踏,半是划——他过到了另一边。 ecocn

But the Loire is so shallow, paddling is about as far as bathing goes.
但是卢瓦尔河很浅,划船大约只能像洗澡走那么远。 yeeyan

His legs were crushed, but he somehow stayed conscious and started paddling with his upper body until the Coast Guard fished him out.
尽管双腿已被撞得粉碎,但他的意识还很清醒。 他用手臂拍击水面,直到被海岸护卫队捞起。 ecocn

I loved getting dirty, paddling canoes all day long and making friends to last a lifetime.
我喜欢变得脏兮兮的,整天划着独木舟,交朋友,我愿意这样过完一生。 yeeyan

Many hunters use more traditional methods in the spring, traveling across sea ice and paddling toward whales in sealskin boats.
许多猎人在春天用更传统的方法。 他们在海豹皮船里横穿海冰,用桨划向鲸鱼。 yeeyan

Once you start paddling, and if you keep focused on paddling, you will eventually get to the other side.
一旦你开始划桨,而且你专注于划桨,你最终就会到达彼岸。 yeeyan

One day as Raven walked by the sea, he saw an old man, bent and wrinkled, paddling a canoe.
一天,乌鸦正在海边漫步时,它看到了一个满脸皱纹的驼背老人,独自划着一只小船。 yeeyan

One shows what are supposedly a drug lord’s pet tigers paddling in a pool with bikini-clad señoritas.
其中一个视频的内容可能是一位毒枭的宠物虎和穿着比基尼的女子在游泳池中戏水的场面。 ecocn

Our first date was paddling around in a canoe one summer night under the stars.
我们的第一次约会,是一个夏夜,在繁星下,划独木舟。 yeeyan

Platypuses hunt underwater, where they swim gracefully by paddling with their front webbed feet and steering with their hind feet and beaverlike tail.
鸭嘴兽优雅地在水下游动捕食。它靠前面有蹼的脚划水,用后脚和海狸那样的尾巴掌握方向。 yeeyan

The increase in the use of paddling pools and the popularity of water features and fishponds in gardens has resulted in an increase in drowning accidents involving babies.
随着花园戏水池,水景和鱼塘的普及应用的增加而引发的婴儿溺死事件也在增加。 chinafanyi

The important thing is to learn to go with the flow instead of paddling against it.
最重要的事情是学着让工作变的流畅而不是阻止工作的进程。 yeeyan

The only solution is to pick one boat and start paddling.
问题的唯一解决之道就是选一条船然后开始划桨。 yeeyan

This stresses that moose are unpredictable, able to swim as fast“as two men paddling a canoe” or run at35 miles56km an hour.
他们强调,驼鹿活动是不可预测的,他们游泳的时候比“两个人划独木舟还要快”,跑起达到每小时35公里,折合56千米每时。 ecocn

Well, if that's what floats your canoe, you'll be paddling it up a very lonely creek.
好吧,如果是它在推动你的独木舟漂浮,你的独木舟将漂向一条非常孤独的小溪。 yeeyan

When it comes to rugged individualism, the British can be found— as usual— paddling in the middle of the Atlantic, somewhere between Europe and America.
当谈到顽固的个人主义,我们会发现英国人和以往一样,徘徊在欧美大陆的大西洋中间。 ecocn

When they hear about a new social media craze they cringe in agony, desperately hoping it’s a passing fad and not another new goddamn thing they’ll be aimlessly paddling around in for the next decade.
当他们听到一种新的社会媒体成为一种风尚,就会使他们会痛苦万分,并绝望地诅咒这新东西只会流行一时,而不是他们在未来几十年里必须毫无目标地围绕着它的新的该被诅咒的东西。 yeeyan

While suspensions take kids out of the classroom for days, paddling could be done in15 minutes.
停课让学生好几天都远离教室,而棍棒可以在15分钟内解决问题。 yeeyan

You can go on hikes with your family or go swimming or paddling.
还可以和家人一起徒步、游泳或者划船。 yeeyan




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