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词汇 pad
释义 pad 英pæd美pædAHDpăd ★★☆☆☆常高四六研I4八COCA⁴⁹⁰³BNC¹¹⁷²⁶iWeb²⁷²⁰Economist¹³¹⁸¹

vt. 填塞

put pads in or on

vt. 拉长

make a sentence, essay, book, etc. longer by using unnecessary material

vi. 慢慢地走; 慢慢地荡

walk or trot steadily or softly


anything made of or filled with soft material to protect sth or make it more comfortable


a number of sheets of paper fastened together


the usually thick-skinned fleshy underpart or the foot of some animals


a launch pad


house or flat

a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edgethe large floating leaf of an aquatic plant as the water lilya block of absorbent material saturated with ink; used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stampa flat mass of soft material used for protection, stuffing, or comforta platform from which rockets or space craft are launchedtemporary living quartersthe fleshy cushion-like underside of an animal's foot or of a human's finger
add details towalk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud;

Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone

line or stuff with soft material;

pad a bra

add padding to;

pad the seat of the chair

用作动词 v.
~+名词pad one's age虚报年龄pad a box垫盒子pad an expense account伪造开支账pad a payroll吃空缺~+副词pad out添凑; 硬塞进pad the essay out拼凑文章~+介词pad sth with soft cloth用软布填塞…用作名词 n.动词+~get a pad拿一个垫子wear a pad戴护垫形容词+~bachelor pad单身住所clean pad干净的垫子scratch pad拍纸簿名词+~knee pad膝垫helicopter pad直升机起落机场介词+~above the pad在发射台上at pad在住处~+介词clean pad of cotton干净的棉花垫pad of paper拍纸簿
pad along¹ v.+adv.

慢慢地走 walk softly

pad alongThe old man was padding along.这位老人慢慢地向前走去。
John's dog padded patiently along beside him as he walked.约翰散步时他的狗在他旁边耐心地跟着他慢慢地走。
pad along² v.+prep.

沿着…慢慢走 move slowly down sth

pad along sthThey padded along the road.他们沿着这条路慢慢地走。pad the bill

虚报费用 give a false report of expenses

pad down v.+adv.

轻轻走过 move slightly

pad sth ⇔ downThe little boy padded down the hall to his parent's bedroom.那小男孩轻轻地走过走廊到他父母的卧室。
pad out v.+adv.

走出 walk out

pad sth ⇔ outYou'll have to pad out the chair with some more cloth before recovering it.在套上椅罩之前,你须先用些布把椅子垫厚实了。pad sth ⇔ outThe critic padded out the review with quotation from the author.这个评论家引用那个作家的话拼凑了这篇评论。pad outHe put on his slippers and padded out to the kitchen.他穿着拖鞋出来向厨房走去。
pad through v.+prep.

慢慢地走过 move slowly through sth

pad through sthThe wolf padded through the forest.那只狼慢慢地走过森林。
pad with v.+prep.

用…填充 fill sth with sth

pad sth with sthWe padded the box with soft cloth.我们用软布填塞那箱子。
We padded the seat of chair with mane to make it softer.我们用马鬃来填充椅子座以使它更软。故事记忆我的老 Dad爸爸职业是做 Ad广告性情就像 Lad少年随身常带 Pad便签本灵感来时 Glad高兴脚气却更 Bad糟糕常常半夜 Mad发疯让我老妈 Sad伤心非常记忆p皮鞋〖编码〗+ad阿弟〖拼音〗⇒穿着皮鞋的阿弟把垫子踩在脚下近义词 fillingn. block
S+~+ n./pron.The child let his mother pad the chair.这个小孩让他妈妈把椅子加上垫子。
The cell is padded.这个小房间装有护垫。其他This is a jacket with padded shoulders.这是一件有垫肩的上装。用作名词n.Get a pad to lie on.拿一个垫子来躺在上面。
Elbow pads and knee pads are essential on a skateboard.滑滑板时带护肘垫和护膝垫是必要的。
Each student should have a pencil and pad.每个学生应该有一支铅笔和一本拍纸簿。
She made a brief note on the telephone pad.她在电话通讯簿上记下简短的话。
The dog had a thorn in its pad.这只狗的爪垫上扎了一根刺。
The helicopter was already in the air, hovering about a meter above the pad.直升机已在空中,在离机场一米的上空盘旋。
I'm going over to his pad this evening.我今晚要去他的住所。Ppad-out填充Pkeypadn.键区Pkneepadn.护膝Pmenopad月经垫Pelectropad电垫Pfat-pad脂肪垫Pnotepadn.记事本Pfootpadn.拦路强盗Psketchpad略图草图Pinkpadn.打印台印泥Phelipadn.直升机升降坪Psucking-pad颊脂垫颊脂体Ppaddingn.垫充垫塞填料废话虚报的费用


pad用作及物动词时意思是“填塞”,即“加垫子于; 填料于”。引申可作“拉长”解。接名词或代词作宾语。


pad后接along意思是“慢慢地走”“沿着…慢慢走”; 后接down意思是“轻轻走过”; 后接out意思是“把…垫满或填满”“把…不必要地拉长”; 后接with意思是“用…填充”。

用作名词She always kept apadand pencil by the phone.她总在电话机旁准备一本便签簿和一支铅笔。
He jotted down a note on thepadby the telephone.他在电话机旁的便笺本草草记下一个通知。
That carpet needs apadunder it.那块地毯下面要铺衬垫。
The nurse put a cleanpadof cotton over his wound.护士在他的伤口上敷了一块干净的纱布垫。
That missile disintegrated less than a minute after leaving the launchpad.那枚导弹离开发射台不到一分钟就解体了。
He moved back into his old bachelorpad.他搬回了原先的单身公寓。用作名词She heard thepadof bare feet coming down the stairs.她听见有光着脚下楼的轻柔声音。用作动词The helmet ispaddedwith foam.头盔以泡沫材料填充。
Neverpadout your essay with irrelevant details.千万别用不相干的细节来拉长文章。
Don'tpadout your answer to make it seem impressive.不要为了让它看似吸引人而夸大你的答案。用作动词They like topadalong this lane.他们喜欢慢慢地走。
He lost all his money and had topadit home .他的钱都丢了,不得不步行回家。noun.tablet of paper
同义词 notebook,notepad,paperblock,jotter,memorandum,parchment,quire,ream,scratch,slipsscratch padnoun.dwelling, room
同义词 abode,coop,crib,digs,hangout,hideout,hive,house,layout,lodging,quarters,residence,residency,setupverb.protect with cushioning
同义词 cushion,fill,line,pack,protect,shape,stufffill outverb.elaborate, amplify
同义词 augment,embellish,fudge,inflate,overstatebulk,embroider,enlarge,exaggerate,expand,increase,lengthen,magnify,overdraw,protract,spin,stretchfill out,flesh outverb.walk quietly;walk ploddingly
同义词 sneak,traipsecreep,hike,march,patter,pitter-patter,plod,pussyfoot,steal,tramp,trek,trudgego barefoot
abodenoun building or place where one resides
address,apartment,base,casa,co-op,condo,crash pad,crib,den,digs,domicile,dwelling,flat,flop,habitat,haunt,headquarters,hearth,hole,home,homestead,house,joint,lodging,quarters,residence,roost,sanctuary,seat
accommodationsnoun place of residence, usually temporary
apartments,boardinghouses,boards,crash pads,cribs,digs,hotels,houses,housings,lodgings,motels,pads,quarters,roofs,room and boards,rooming houses,rooms,shelters
addverb adjoin, increase;make further comment
affix,annex,ante,append,augment,beef up,boost,build up,charge up,continue,cue in,figure in,flesh out,heat up,hike,hike up,hitch on,hook on,hook up with,include,jack up,jazz up,join together,pad,parlay,piggyback,plug into,pour it on,reply,run up,say further,slap on,snowball,soup up,speed up,spike,step up,supplement,sweeten,tack on,tag
addsverb adjoin, increase;make further comment
calculates,casts,computes,counts,counts up,does addition,enumerates,figures,reckons,reckons up,summates,sums,tallies,totals,totes,tots,tots up
amplifiesverb increase in size or effect
adds,augments,beefs up,boosts,builds up,deepens,develops,elaborates,enlarges,exaggerates,expands,expatiates,extends,flesh out,heightens,hikes up,inflates,intensifies,jacks up,lengthens,magnifies,pads,pyramids,raises,soups up,strengthens,stretches,supplements,swells,ups,widens
amplifyverb increase in size or effect
add,augment,beef up,boost,build up,deepen,develop,elaborate,enlarge,exaggerate,expand,expatiate,extend,flesh out,heighten,hike up,inflate,intensify,jack up,lengthen,magnify,pad,pyramid,raise,soup up,strengthen,stretch,supplement,swell,up,widen An enduring image of the past few days is that of PAD toughs shooting at government supporters while holding up the king’s portrait.
过去几天一直可以看到这样的场面: PAD一面残暴地射杀政府支持者,一面还供奉着国王的画像。 ecocn

Next to your bed, place a pad and pen, or a tape recorder or laptop, to record your dreams as soon as you wake up.
在你的床旁边,放好本子和笔,或是录音机,又或是笔记本电脑,这样你可以在醒来时马上记录下你的梦境。 ebigear

When Scuderi questions him about it, Pad Man shoots him. He has the others in the Company activate their assets to retrieve Scylla.
史古德利因“锡拉”的事质疑他,“将军”射杀了史古德利,然后要求“公司”中的所有人动用他们的资源来取回“锡拉”。 yeeyan

A board might also serve as an electronic bookcase from which one might download texts to a pad or tab.
一个板子也可以当成一个可以下载文本到垫子或标签的电子式书柜。 yeeyan

A tiny electronic pad is placed onto the retina of one eye, so that the electrodes are in direct contact with the ganglion cells.
一个微小的电子衬垫被放置在单侧眼睛的视网膜上,这样电极就可以与神经节细胞直接接触了。 cri

After following a few simple steps with the GUI on the license server installation launch pad, you will be asked to import your license key from a file.
在许可服务器安装发射台上与 GUI一起进行了几个简单的步骤之后,您将被询问从一个文件中输入您的许可密码。 ibm

Because this result is held in an integer variable, a message to display the value should use a formatting code to pad to four characters with leading zeros for codes that are numbered less than1000.
由于这个结果保存在一个整数变量中,因此,显示值的消息应该使用一个格式化代码,为代码填充具有前导零的四个字符。该代码数量不到1000 个。 ibm

But he said any cease-fire must include conditions so Hamas can not use Gaza as a launch pad for rocket attacks on Israel.
但是他说,任何停火必须包括一些条件,要求哈马斯不能再把加沙作为向以色列发动火箭攻击的基地。 ebigear

Describe your situation and your problem briefly. Find a pad of paper or a journal book and answer the following questions: How is your situation exactly?
简要描述你目前的状况和问题。找一个便签本或者日记本,回答如下问题:你目前的情况准确来说是怎样的? yeeyan

I took the pad again.
我又拿起了笔记本。 yeeyan

I use a block cipher algorithm for encryption that requires the clear data bytes to be in blocks of8 bytes, so I pad the last incomplete block with some characters.
我对需要将明文数据字节放在8字节块的加密使用块密码算法,所以我用一些字符填充最后一个不完整的块。 ibm

If you are waiting on materials from a coworker, be sure to pad their time estimations when it relates to your deadlines and expectations.
如果你需要来自同事的材料,而这又和你的截止时间和期望有关,要确保他们的时间判断不会影响到你。 yeeyan

If you've identified the problem as merely the need for a wrist pad, an adjustable chair, or a movable display, it's in the company's interest to comply.
如果你觉得问题的解决只需要一个鼠标垫、一把能调节高矮的办公椅或者一个可以移动的显示器的话,公司有解决问题的义务。 hxen

It consists of a base and two ring type devices which can be worn onto the finger pad which is the most sensitive part of the finger.
它由一个基座和两个环状设备组成,可以套在指垫上,而指垫是手指上最敏感的部位。 yeeyan

Let her choose whether she prefers a pad or a tampon.
让她选择,看她是喜欢使用护垫还是棉条。 yeeyan

Officials in Malaysia and Serbia are targeting parents and children through media and school campaigns, sometimes in the form of a crib sheet or a mouse pad that can be kept next to the computer.
马来西亚和塞尔维亚的官员通过媒体和学校活动做家长和儿童的工作,有时以床单或鼠标垫之类可以放在电脑旁边的形式。 yeeyan

Start by not buying yourself a sketch pad.
开始并不用自己买一个草图画板。 yeeyan

The next step up in size is the pad, something of a cross between a sheet of paper and current laptop and palmtop computers.
规模上而言,下一步是垫子,一种位于一张纸和当前膝上型和掌上型计算机之间的东西。 yeeyan

Use a hot-water bottle or a heating pad set on low.
用一个热水瓶或一个设定为低温的加热垫。 yeeyan

Use a laptop cooling pad that has a fan or two.
使用装有一个或两个风扇的笔记本电脑冷却垫。 yeeyan

When you rent or buy a DVD, the checkout clerk rubs it across a pad to demagnetize the metallic glass so it won't trigger an alarm when you leave.
当你租或者买 DVD光盘时,收银员会把它滑过一个垫子使其中的金属玻璃退磁,所以在你离开的时候不会引起警报。 yeeyan

Whereas portable computers go everywhere with their owners, the pad that must be carried from place to place is a failure.
与便携式计算机随着拥有者去所有地方不同,必须被携带者从一个地方到另一个地方的垫子是一种失败。 yeeyan

Pad your schedule to allow time for this stuff.
要在你的时间表里为这类事情填补时间。 cnblogs




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