释义 |
Packets Capture 基本例句 数据包捕获 The issue also introduced packet capture model and BPF model and Libpcap function and our code of packet capture.然后,文章介绍了数据包捕获的原理和BPF模型的原理,以及基于BPF的Libpcap函数库的编程方法,并给出了程序实现的详细过程。 A particularly simple network packet capture, sniffer tools can only capture can not be amended to send.一个特别简单的网络数据包捕获;嗅探工具;只能捕获不能修改发送. Firstly, The paper introduces the principle of sniffer technology to capture data packets, illustrates the structure and functions of libpcap library and winpcap based on BPF and presents the design of packet capture class.首先,本文介绍了用于数据包捕获的网络嗅探技术的工作原理,在给出BSD数据包过滤器的基础上,对实现sniffer的libpcap库函数及winpcap的框架和使用作了详细介绍,并给出应用winpcap实现数据包获取类的设计。 |