

单词 pacify
释义 pac·i·fy 英ˈpæsəˌfaɪ美ˈpæsəˌfaɪAHDpăsʹə-fī' ★☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA³¹⁶⁶⁷BNC³⁸⁹⁷⁶iWeb²⁶⁴⁹³Economist¹⁷⁵⁴⁶

cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of;

She managed to mollify the angry customer

fight violence and try to establish peace in a location;

The U.N. troops are working to pacify Bosnia

GRE红宝书源于: peacen 和平; 安宁
来自pacify 源自peace 和平
pac和平,平静+ify 化
pac和平+i连接字母+fymake,造成→造成和平⇒平息,平定,安抚,使平静。词根记忆pac和平,平静+ ify ⇒使安静近义词 allay减轻quell压制soothe缓和calm平静的lenify安慰appease安抚mollify安慰placate抚慰quiet安静的assuage缓和silence沉默compose作曲relieve救济gentle温和的gruntle使高兴conciliate安抚soften使变柔和calm down(使)平静tranquilize使平静

用作动词She knew that he had become delirious, and tried topacifyhim.她知道他已经神志昏迷起来了,极力想使他镇静下来。
He tried topacifythe protesters with promise of reform.他试图以改革的承诺安抚抗议者。
I bought an ice cream topacifymy crying daughter.我买了个冰淇淋来抚慰哭泣的女儿。verb.make peaceful;appease
同义词 allay,ameliorate,assuage,mitigate,mollify,placate,quell,repress,smooth over,soothe,tamecalm,chasten,compose,con,conciliate,cool,dulcify,grease,lull,moderate,propitiate,qualify,quiet,relieve,silence,soft pedal,soften,square,still,stroke,subdue,sweeten,temper,tranquilizebury the hatchet,butter up,fix up,kiss and make up,lay back,make peace,pacificate,put the lid on,take the edge off
反义词 aggravate,agitate,incite,intensify,irritate,provoke,upset,worry,worsen,anger,arouse,excite,rouse,trouble
allayverb reduce something, usually a pain or a problem
abate,alleviate,assuage,calm,compose,cool out,decrease,ease,lessen,lighten,make nice,mitigate,moderate,mollify,play up to,pour oil on,quiet,square,take the bite out,take the sting out
alleviateverb relieve;lessen
allay,assuage,ease,lighten,mitigate,mollify,pacify,pour oil on,soft pedal,take the bite out,take the edge off,take the sting out
alleviatesverb relieve;lessen
allays,assuages,eases,lightens,mitigates,mollifies,pacifies,pours oil on,soft-pedals,takes the bite out,takes the edge off,takes the sting out
assuageverb soothe, relieve
allay,alleviate,appease,calm,compose,conciliate,cool,ease,fill,lessen,lighten,lull,make nice,mitigate,moderate,mollify,pacify,palliate,placate,pour oil on,propitiate,quench,quiet,sate,satisfy,soften,still,surfeit,sweeten,take the edge off,take the sting out,temper,tranquilize
becalmverb calm
allay,calm down,compose,lull,pacify,placate,quiet,relax,settle,soothe,steady,still
calmverb make composed, quiet
allay,alleviate,appease,assuage,balm,becalm,compose,cool,cool it,cool out,hush,lay back,lull,mitigate,mollify,pacify,placate,quiet,quieten,relax,relieve,sedate,settle,simmer down,soft pedal,soothe,steady,still,stroke,take it easy,take the edge off,tranquilize And Mr Yudhoyono may yet pacify his new allies in Golkar, perhaps by striking a deal to resolve Mr Bakrie's tax cases.
尤多约诺终究会安抚他的从业党新联盟,也许是通过达成协议解决巴克里的税务问题。 ecocn

At the same time, he savours the apparent enfeeblement of America, as it flounders in Afghanistan and fails to pacify Iraq.
同时,他还品味着美国的明显衰弱。美国在阿富汗深陷泥潭,也未能使伊拉克实现和平。 ecocn

In financial markets too, it is better to avert panic than to try to pacify it.
金融市场也是如此,与其设法安抚恐慌还不如避免恐慌。 ecocn

As previously mentioned, the other major way women neck- pacify is by covering their suprasternal notch with their hand or lightly on the side of the neck.
正如前面所提到的,另一种主要的缓解情绪的方法就是把手放在胸骨上切处或者是轻轻地放在颈侧。 yeeyan

But giving the jihadists another victory over another superpower would boost their ambitions to the skies, making it even harder for Pakistan to pacify its tribal regions.
但是如果圣战分子再一次战胜另一个超级大国的话,将使他们的气焰嚣张到极点,这对巴基斯坦而言将更加难以平息其部落地区。 ecocn

But Prime Minister Cameron would doubtless want to flourish some sort of concession to pacify the Eurosceptics in his own party and beyond.
但首相卡梅伦将要求更多的一些让步,安抚他自己的政党内部及其他的欧洲怀疑论者。 topsage

But unless he manages to pacify the people of the Delta and so secure its pipelines and refineries, the reforms will be in vain.
但除非他设法平息了三角洲地区的民众并保证管道和炼油厂的安全,这些改革都将只是徒然。 ecocn

Despite floating various well- meaning plans to pacify the Delta, the government has failed to stop the region’s unrest.
尽管浮动着各种善意的安抚三角洲计划,政府还是未能阻止该地区的动乱。 ecocn

For example, when women pacify using the neck, they will sometimes touch, twist, or otherwise manipulate a necklace, if they are wearing one.
比方说,如果她们戴有项链,当她们需要舒缓情绪时,她们有时会去摸,扭或是用其他方法玩弄项链。 yeeyan

In many ways, the push to pacify Afghanistan is only just starting, now that the war in Iraq is ending.
无论如何,平息阿富汗局势只是刚刚开始,好在伊拉克战争已经接近尾声。 yeeyan

In March, they were transferred to Tibetan regions of western Sichuan to pacify antigovernment protesters.
三月份,他们被派遣到四川西部的藏族地区以平息反政府示威; yeeyan

It goes hand in hand with empathy, and helps to pacify relations.
它可以和同理心一起,去帮助我们保持平静的心态。 yeeyan

It posits that popular culture is factory-like in structure, and through this culture, standardized goods are manufactured to pacify the populace.
它假设流行文化在构造上是可以工厂化生产的,通过这种文化,标准化的产品被制造出来抚慰大众。 yeeyan

Moreover, it was suggested that he should be elected mayor of the city as he was the only one who could pacify his crime partners.
此外,还有人提议将他选为市长。因为他是唯一一个能安抚他的犯罪同伙的人。 yeeyan

So instead trying to attack it, learn to pacify this powerful emotion.
所以不要去和它做对,去学习平静这种强大的情绪。 yeeyan

Such talk rings hollow as long as the Taliban continue to defy American efforts to pacify even a small and rural community like Marja in Helmand province.
只要塔利班组织继续否认美国为平定甚至是一个像赫尔曼德省马尔贾这样的小农村社区做出的努力,这种谈判就显得空洞无力。 ecocn

There can be tremendous pressure to pacify these people, to reassuringly tell them that you know precisely what they want, how you're going to give it to them, and when.
你需要安抚这些人,向他们反复保证你非常清楚地知道他们的需求,告诉他们你将如何去实现,以及什么时候可以交付,这些都会成为你巨大的压力。 yeeyan

This is time- honoured frontier strategy, not unlike the methods of bygone British and Mughal imperialists, who also failed to pacify South Waziristan. But Pakistan has an additional problem.
这是一条历史悠久的,古老的好似昔日的英国和莫卧尔帝国所采用的边境战略,而他们曾经也无法安抚南瓦济里斯坦。 ecocn

To pacify her, I held the casement ajar a few seconds.
为了使她平静下来,我就将窗子打开了几秒钟。 putclub.com




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