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词汇 Pacific SST
释义 Pacific SST
So it is of significance to pay attention to equatorial EastPacific SSTand ENSO information for short-term climate prediction.而副高活动异常又明显受ENSO循环的制约,因而关注赤道东太平洋海温及ENSO信息对福建汛期旱涝与降水分布趋势的预测具有重要意义。
Maintenance of the Sea-Ice Edge Influences of ENSO-Induced Indo - WesternPacific SSTAnomalies on Extratropical Atmospheric Variability during the Boreal Summer.返回目录北方夏季期间ENSO引起的印度-西太平洋SST异常的海冰边界对亚热带大气变化影响的维持。
Yu Shuqiu, Lin Xuechun. CLIMATE JUM OF NORTH PACIFIC SST AND ITS EFFECT ON PRECIPITATION OF THE FLOODS SEASON IN CHINA. Journal of Tropical Meteorology.于淑秋,林学椿。北太平洋海温的气候跃度及其北对中国汛期降水的影响。热带气象学报。
Besides,the atmospheric circulation serves as theinitiator for the interplay between midlatitude NorthPacific SSTanomaly and Northernatmospheric circulations.本文还指出在中纬度北太平洋SST异常与北半球大气环流的相互作用中,大气环流是首先启动的方面。
In the variation of west-east position of subtropical high, the Indian Ocean SST has a stronger effect than the NorthPacific SST, with correlation area mainly distributed in the neighbouring of the confluentce of warm and cold currents.对副高东西位置变动,印度洋海温的作用强于北太平洋海温,相关区主要都分布在冷暖海流交汇处附近。 两大洋与副高长期变动的相关敏感区的起迄时间大体上与大洋上空大气环流的转换期相对应。
The effect of northPacific SSTanomaly in the middle latitute,which is both active and significantly correlative with rainfall in China,on precipitation was simulated by means of OSU-AGCM.利用全球大气环流模式,作中纬度北太平洋热源异常强迫的数值试验,分析中纬度北太平洋海温异常对降水的影响。




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