

单词 Pacheco
释义 Pacheco pəˈtʃekoʊ COCA⁴⁶⁷⁸⁶BNC⁷⁴⁹⁹³
For John Buckley and his amateur West Cork Soccer League side this game was like a dream come true and Pacheco's goal was certainly a goal to remember.
巴克尔和他的西科克足球联赛的业余球员参加这场比赛就像做梦一样,帕切科的进球更是让球迷铭记于心。 lfcbbs.fans1.com

Luis Pacheco- Cobos of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and his colleagues discovered this by following mushroom gatherers from a village in the state of Tlaxcala for two rainy seasons.
来自墨西哥国立自治大学的路易斯·帕切科·科波斯和他的同事们通过对特拉斯卡斯州一个小村庄里采蘑菇的村民们进行了一项为期两年的跟踪调研得出了这一结论。 ecocn

The Mozambican Interior Minister Jose Pacheco condemned the demonstrators.
莫桑比克内政部长 Jose Pacheco对示威者提出了谴责。 tingclass

“ It has helped me to break barriers and to keep having crazy ideas, ” said Pacheco, who recently climbed to the top of Iztaccihuatl, a 17, 159- foot5, 230- meter volcano near Mexico City.
帕切科说:“摄影帮助我冲破一切障碍,不断产生各种疯狂的点子。”他最近刚刚才登上了伊斯塔西瓦特尔——墨西哥城附近一座5230米17159英尺高的火山。 yeeyan

“ Yossi is an important player for Liverpool, ” Pacheco told LFC Weekly magazine.
“尤西是利物浦最至关重要的球员,”帕切科在每周 LFC说道。 lfcbbs.fans1.com

After years of struggling to accept his new, sightless life, Pacheco said photography has empowered him and helped him to sharpen the senses he does have.
经过多年的努力,他终于接受了自己全新的、离开了视觉的生活。帕切科说摄影给他力量,并帮助他提升其他各种感官。 yeeyan

I was on the same team as Paul Konchesky, Dani Pacheco, Joe Cole and Ryan Babel. We went up against a side including Gerrard and he was just unstoppable.
我和孔切司机、帕切科、乔科尔还有巴贝尔一组。我们的对手阵中有杰拉德,没人能防得住他。 ept-team

In his teens he studied art with Francisco Pacheco, whose daughter he married.
在他十几岁,他研究了艺术与旧金山帕切科,她的女儿,他结婚了。 itpub

John McMahon's young team left it late to seal the win. Pacheco set up Nemeth for the opening goal, before the Spaniard won a penalty which he cooly converted from the spot.
麦克马洪的预备队最后才决定比赛的胜局,帕切科助攻内梅特首开纪录,随后西班牙小将赢得点球,他冷静把球罚进。 lfcbbs.fans1.com

McMahon's boys were starting to play some sublime football and City stopper Gunnar Nielsen was forced into a fine double save from Kacaniklic and Pacheco.
麦克马洪开始踢出许多华丽的配合,曼城的门将尼尔森连续扑出了卡坎尼克里奇和帕切科两记非常有危险的射门。 lfcbbs.fans1.com

Rafael Benitez has revealed that young starlets David Amoo, Daniel Pacheco and Nathan Eccleston could get first team opportunities in the not too distant future.
拉法-贝尼特斯已经透露新星阿莫乌、帕切科和埃斯克林顿在不久的未来的将会得到一队上场的机会。 lfcbbs.fans1.com

Spanish ace Daniel Pacheco was second with 24 per cent, while Hungarian hotshot Krisztian Nemeth was third with21 per cent.
西班牙小将帕切科得到24%位居第二,而匈牙利小将内梅特以21%的选票排名第三。 lfcbbs.fans1.com

This season, Jay Spearing, Martin Kelly and Daniel Pacheco have been limited to occasional forays off the bench.
本赛季,杰伊斯皮林,马丁凯利和丹尼尔帕切科被限制在偶尔先遣部队替补出场。 bbs.zhibo8.com

When the doctor asked her if she had any objections to undergoing the HIV test, Pacheco laughed, but she had the test and went to get the results unaccompanied.
当医生询问她是否反对进行 HIV测试时,帕切科大笑起来,但她做了测试,并且一个人去取了测试结果。 soudoc




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