

单词 pablo
释义 pa·blo AHDˈpä₍ˌ₎blō COCA¹⁵⁶⁷⁵BNC³⁰⁰¹⁸
The effect is temporary, said Pablo Vázquez of the Foundation for Applied Economic Studies.
应用经济研究基金会的 Pablo Vázquez说,这样的效果只是暂时的。 ecocn

The France defender begins a three- match suspension on Saturday after being sent off against Manchester City in midweek following an altercation with Pablo Zabaleta.
因为周中对阵曼城的比赛中因为和巴布罗·萨巴莱塔的冲突,这位法国后卫从周六开始为期三场的停赛。 yeeyan

The gay marriage law has been a boon for tourism, said Pablo De Luca, founder of the Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce in Buenos Aires.
位于阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯的同性恋商贸会的创始人帕布罗•德•卢卡说,同性婚姻法的通过有利于旅游业的发展。 iciba

The work of a10-year-old boy, who has never seen the art of Pablo Picasso, has stunned the art world with its echoes of the Spanish genius, the Daily Mail reported.
据《每日邮报》报道,英国一10岁男孩从未见过西班牙艺术大师毕加索的作品,却画出与其风格相似的画作,震惊世界画坛。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Would you rather be the pope or Pablo Escobar?
你愿意成为教皇或是毒枭帕布洛·艾斯科巴吗? yeeyan

“There’s light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s a long tunnel, ” says Pablo Azcárraga, head of the National Tourism Business Council, a lobby group.
国家旅游事务委员会一个政治团体的负责人 Pablo Azcárraga说到“这就像是隧道尽头的一道光,可惜这条隧道也太长了。” ecocn

Astoria is integrated with Microsoft’s . NET framework perfectly while leveraging the existing framework infrastructure, as Pablo mentioned.
Astoria还与微软公司的. NET框架完美地结合了起来,能够充分利用框架现有的各种强大的基础设施, Pablo说到。 infoq

But they only entered the public eye in May, when Mr Schoklender left the organisation after feuding with his brother Pablo, who also participated in his parents’ murder and in Shared Dreams.
但直到今年五月才进入公众视线,舍兰德先生在与他的兄弟帕布鲁不和后离开了该组织,帕布鲁既参与了谋杀他们的父母也参与了“共同梦想”项目。 ecocn

Ernest Hemingway and Pablo Picasso were on to something: a recent study suggests that by living abroad artists may be fueling their creativity.
原来海明威和毕加索这样做是有意义的:最近一个研究表明侨居外国很可能点燃艺术家的创造力。 yeeyan

He came across a man who was burying a child. This scene was photographed by both Pablo Bartholomew and Raghu Rai, another renowned Indian photojournalist.
他经过一个正在埋葬孩子的男子时,和另一个名为拉古·瑞尔的著名印度摄影师都拍下了这个场景。 kekenet

He follows in the footprints of his father, Pablo, who played for Uruguay in the1974 World Cup.
他跟随了父亲巴勃罗代表乌拉圭参加1974年世界杯的足迹。 yeeyan

However, Diego isn’t the only Forlan to represent Uruguay at the World Cup, his father, Pablo, played in both the1966 and1974 World Cups.
然而,迭戈·弗兰并不是弗兰家族代表乌拉圭参加世界杯的唯一一人,他的父亲,巴勃罗·弗兰,曾参加过1966年和1974年两届世界杯。 yeeyan

If upheld, this will be the highest-ever damages award in an environmental case, according to Pablo Fajardo, a lawyer for the plaintiffs.
据原告律师 Pablo Fajardo所说,如果判决最终生效,这将是环境诉讼案件史上最高的赔偿金。 ecocn

Mr Zapatero’s budget cuts will not take Spain out of crisis, says Pablo Vázquez of the Foundation for the Study of Applied Economics.
应用经济学研究基金会的巴勃罗•`巴斯克斯表示,萨帕特罗的预算削减计划无法带领西班牙走出危机。 ecocn

The chief executive, Pablo Isla, sees no need for a second product base: “ We’re not thinking of replicating the brain in Asia, ” he says, “ though maybe logistics.”
公司首席执行官 Pablo Isla认为没必要再建一个生产基地。他称,“我们目前不会考虑在亚洲另起炉灶,但可能会建立一个物流中心。 ecocn

The attack on Guernica inspired the passion and genius of Pablo Picasso to reveal his truth about war: war is not about power and glory, war is about pain, suffering, and death.
对格尔尼卡的袭击激发了巴勃罗•毕加索的创作热情和天赋,让他挥笔揭露战争的真相:战争无关权力和荣誉,它带来的是痛苦和死亡。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The man in question was Pablo Solon, the head of Bolivia’s delegation to the UN talks.
这个人毫无疑问就是帕里罗·索伦。 他是玻利维亚委派到联合国谈判会议的代表。 ecocn

Pablo Eisenberg of Georgetown’s Public Policy Institute argues that such“ right-wing hammering” has deliberately“ confused the issues”.
乔治敦公共政策研究机构里的帕布罗·爱森伯格认为这种“右翼攻击”故意“混淆视听”。 ecocn

Pablo Picasso's“ Little Guitar” see photo, a sculpture the artist made for his daughter Paloma, has been recovered from the home of an Italian businessman, the Daily Telegraph reported.
据《每日电讯报》报道,西班牙艺术大师毕加索为女儿帕洛玛制作的雕刻作品“小吉他”见图,日前在一名意大利商人家中被发现。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Pablo ate so many sandwiches that he felt his stomach would burst.
帕布罗吃了太多的三明治,他觉得他的胃简直要撑爆了。 edu.sina.com.cn

Pablo Triana’s “Lecturing Birds on Flying” laments the way that mathematicians and financial economists have appeared to take over the markets.
Pablo Triana的《教鸟儿怎么飞》则悲哀于数学家和经济学家接管市场的方式。 ecocn




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