

释义 PAASCOCA²⁰²⁴⁸⁰
Perception of Addicts and Addiction Scale,成瘾者知觉与成瘾量表原型paa的复数 A PaaS- enabled online platform with process in the center is one way to provide such business transformation.
支持 PaaS的以流程为中心的在线平台是提供这一业务转换的一个方法。 ibm

A self-service management portal for service management used to manage three kinds of in- concern services: industry- specific services, PaaS- generated services, and external services.
用于管理三种关注中服务的自助服务管理门户:特定于行业服务、 PaaS生成服务、以及外部服务。 ibm

An optical true time delayTTD is a means for optically controlling phased array antennas PAAs.
光真延时是对相控阵天线进行光控的一种重要手段。 dictall

An optical true time delayTTD is a means for optically controlling phased array antennas PAAs. Fiber-optic TTD techniques for PAAs are reported as well as their architectures.
光真延时是对相控阵天线进行光控的一种重要手段。文章介绍用于相控阵天线的光纤真延时技术和各种真延时结构。 cnki

The PaaS- enabled, value-added parts are a test bed for future business growth points.
支持 PaaS的增值部分是未来业务增长点。 ibm

The effect of sodium polyacrylate PAAS on the grinding efficiency of bauxite was studied and its mechanisms were also analyzed.
研究了聚丙烯酸钠对铝土矿磨矿效率的影响,并分析了其作用机理。 www.jsks.net.cn

The possible applications of cloud computing in the library include: SaaS, ILS based on cloud computing, cloud storage and PaaS or IaaS.
云计算在图书馆的可能应用包括:软件即服务、图书馆集成系统、云存贮、平台即服务或基础设施即服务。 cnki

We also mixed PAAS and sodium tripolyphosphate and discovered that the efficacy of the mixture is very good which reduced the cost of using single organic water reducing agent.
把有机聚丙烯酸钠与无机三聚磷酸钠复合使用,能达到更好的减水效果,而且也解决了单纯使用有机减水剂成本比较高的难题。 chemyq

How will this translate to PaaS-based solutions?
这将如何转变为基于 PaaS的解决方案? infoq

When a tenant specific client request wants to search files or consume any other multi-tenant software the offerings use Hadoop on the provisioned operating system instance PaaS.
这些服务意味着,客户端将使用 Hadoop、Eclipse等平台以及在搜索文件或使用某些软件时使用的操作系统。 ibm

Windows Azure is a Cloud- PAAS offering from Microsoft for building scalable applications.
Windows Azure是微软用于构建可扩展应用的云服务平台。 infoq

PAAS- normalized REE distribution patterns for samples from the weathering frontier are characteristic of MREE enrichment.
另外,风化前缘稀土相对于 PAAS标准化后显示 MREE富集的特征。 cnki




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