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词汇 Pa
释义 Pa.
Pennsylvania 美国宾夕法尼亚州州名

an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talka short-lived radioactive metallic element formed from uranium and disintegrating into actinium and then into leada unit of pressure equal to one newton per square metera Mid-Atlantic state; one of the original 13 coloniesan electronic amplification system used as a communication system in public areasma-and-pa夫妻经营的 procu…P.A.私人助理pa爸爸p-a system=public ad…pa'anga帕安卡东加…
近义词 dad爸爸pappa爸爸P.A.私人助理protoactinium镤papa爸爸Dada爸爸pop发出砰的响声…protactinium化鏷PASCAL计PASCAL帕其卡…PA system有线广播系统=publ…public address system扩音装置p.a. system有线广播系统(=publ…Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚(美国州名…daddy爸爸Keystone State拱顶石州宾夕法尼亚州的…

as in.(dad
同义词 old man,papa,parentdaddy,poppappyas in.father
同义词 ancestor,dad,parent,predecessorbegetter,daddy,origin,padre,papa,pop,progenitor,sire,sourceforebearer,procreatoras in.papa
同义词 daddaddy,popas agent
同义词 publicistadvance man,PR consultant,press officer,publicity agent,public relations officer
dadnoun father
daddy,old man,papa,pappy,parent,pop
fathernoun male person who begets children
papanoun father
press agentnoun publicity person
PR consultant,advance man,pa,press officer,public relations officer,publicist,publicity agent And both the protesters and the PA share the common aim of ending the occupation in the 80% of the West Bank, known as Areas B and C, that are controlled directly by the Israeli army.
抗议者和权力机构都拥有共同的目标:结束以色列在约旦河西岸领土80%的占领。 也就是众所周知的 B区和 C区,这两个地方被以色列军队直接控制。 ecocn

Why, Ashley Wilkes and his father told Pa just last week that our commissioners in Washington would come to—to— an— amicable agreement with Mr. Lincoln about the Confederacy.
就在上个星期,艾希礼·威尔克斯和他父亲还对我爸说,咱们派驻华盛顿的专员将要同林肯先生达成--达成一个关于南部联盟的协议呢。 kekenet

After breakfast next morning, Pa and Ma packed the wagon.
第二天吃过早饭之后,爸爸和妈妈开始收拾马车。 yeeyan

And that’s when his Pa appeared with Mr. Hugo.
就在这时,他爸爸和雨果先生进来了。 yeeyan

At night the top bed would be put in the front of the wagon, for Pa and Ma to sleep in.
晚上时可以把上面的床放倒在马车的前面,让爸爸妈妈在上面睡觉。 yeeyan

Below is a simplified version of part of the PA and customer registration form.
下面是简化的部分 PA和顾客注册表单。 ibm

But how did you manage it, little pa?
我的小爸爸,您是怎么出来的? ebigear

First, I read an interview in the Financial Times with Alan Middleton, head of PA Consulting, in which he said: “ I think2010 will to some extent be a continuation of2009.”
我先是阅读了英国《金融时报》对 PA咨询公司主管米德尔顿的采访。他在采访中表示:“我认为在某种程度上,2010年将是2009年的延续。” hxen

He entered the building through a gate that led right into its bowels, and that’s where he remained, unless he was at school, or was ordered by his Pa to polish the black marble in the lobby.
他进公寓走的那个门可以直接去到地下室,然后他就呆在那里,除非他去了学校,或者按他爸爸的吩咐去打磨大厅的黑色大理石。 yeeyan

He ordered an internal investigation into why the PA delayed the vote, although the decision is widely believed to have been his own.
他下令内部调查为何巴勒斯坦自治政府要求延后表决,但是外界广泛相信这是由他自己决定的。 ecocn

If the PA bids on the errand or rejects it, we had to track the new status of that errand and reflect current status of each errand each time the list is displayed.
如果 PA对差事进行投标或拒绝了它,我们不得不跟踪差事的新状态,并且在每次显示差事列表时都反映每个差事的当前状态。 ibm

Inform the commander of PA307 to hold the plane taking off.
通知 PA307机长推迟该机起飞时间。《21世纪大英汉词典》

Ma packed all the clothing in two carpetbags, and Pa hung them to the wagon bows inside the wagon.
妈妈把所有的衣服放进两个旅行代里,爸爸把它们挂在马车里的钩子上。 yeeyan

Next Pa took the small cupboard from the wall, and in it Ma packed the food and the dishes.
然后,爸爸从墙上拿下一个小的碗柜,妈妈在里面放上食物和一些盘子。 yeeyan

No one called him Carlton, except his Pa.
除了他爸之外,没有人叫他查尔顿。 yeeyan

Often they were outdoor shows, sometimes with no PA system at all, so I really had to learn how to project to be heard.
演出一般都是露天的,有时候甚至没有扩音装置,所以我必须学会在各种条件下让声音传到观众耳朵里。 yeeyan

Surely, thought Scarlett, Pa will know whether this awful story is true.
当然,思嘉想,爸爸会知道这个可怕的传闻不是真的。 kekenet

That might lead the PA to accept an accord on Palestinian refugees.
这也许会让 PA接受一份关于巴勒斯坦难民的协议。

The following chart and code samples show what really happens when the PA selects the option to display the errands.
下面的图表和代码样本显示了当 PA选择显示差事选项时实际发生的事情。 ibm

The little duchess offered Pa her hand to kiss.
小女公爵伸出手来,等着他爸爸亲吻。 yeeyan

They envisage somehow restoring PA border guards— in fact, Fatah soldiers or police— at the Rafah crossing.
他们设想在拉法过境点恢复 PA的边境防卫,事实上,就是由法塔赫武装人员或警察管理。 ecocn

This is why they have insisted that the border will open only in accordance with an old protocol that would let the Fatah-dominated PA, and not Hamas, control the crossing.
这就是为什么他们坚持只有根据协议规定让法塔赫领导的 PA而不是哈马斯来控制过境外的情况下他们才能开放边界。 ecocn

When the PA clicks OK, the list of errands is displayed with the bid- upon errand showing the new status.
当 PA单击 OK时,显示差事列表,且被投标差事显示出新状态。 ibm

When users register on the site, we collect information: their first and last name, address, phone number, whether they're a customer or PA or both, credit card information, user ID, and password.
用户在站点注册时,我们收集信息:他们的姓名、地址、电话号码、他们是消费者还是 PA或者两者都是、信用卡信息、用户标识以及密码。 ibm

Yessir, if I was your Pa I'd take down your britches and muss you up a bit.
好的,先生。如果我是你爸的话,我会脱了你的裤子然后把你给弄糟点。 yeeyan

Pa waited10 minutes before he beat Howell with his belt buckle, just for offering a soda cracker to the little duchess.
爸爸过了10分钟才开始用皮带扣抽打豪厄尔:仅仅因为他给小女公爵一块苏打饼干。 yeeyan

Pa’s eyes narrowed down to pale- blue slits. All the usual paranoia had settled in.
爸爸的眼睛眯成了浅蓝色的细缝,疑神疑鬼的老毛病又犯了。 yeeyan

Pa put the cupboard under the wagon- seat, and in front of it he laid a sack of corn for the horses.
爸爸把碗柜放在马车的座位下面,又在柜子前放了满满一口袋的谷子作为马的食物。 yeeyan




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