

单词 Ozawa
释义 O·za·wa 英əʊˈzɑːwə美oˈzɑwəAHDō-zäʹwə COCA⁶⁰⁶⁵⁵BNC³⁷⁸⁸⁰
n.小泽征尔⁵⁰Seiji Ozawa;日本裔指挥家⁵⁰

United States conductor born in Japan in 1935近义词 Seiji Ozawa小泽征尔
SeijiOzawawill conduct the Boston Philharmonic in Beethoven's Ninth.小泽征尔将指挥波士顿乐团演奏贝多芬第九交响曲。
For MrOzawa, this was unwelcome.对小泽来说,这不是一个好消息。
Ozawa, you do not throw up, do you ?Ozawa,你不会吐,对不对?
Ozawa, you do not throw up, do you?ozawa,你不会吐,对不对?
Yet MrOzawahas a gun to the party's head.但小泽手里有着足以毁灭这个党的武器。
Third in line for blame comes the DPJ's MrOzawa.第三个要受责备的是民主党党魁小泽一郎。 He has made some other appointments that appear aimed at mollifying Mr Ozawa's supporters.
菅直人还有其他一系列似乎旨在安抚小泽支持者的任命。 yeeyan

The prosecutors, meanwhile, have leaked furiously to the media, which, say Mr Ozawa's defenders, hints at an establishment conspiracy.
另外,公诉人突然向媒体泄露相关信息,这在小泽的辩护人看来暗示了一个阴谋。 ecocn

A doctor who accompanied Ozawa said the cancer is in an early stage.
发布会期间陪在他旁边的医生称,癌症处于早期。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

According to the norms of Japanese politics, Mr Edano is young for the job, and he takes over a party whose funding and strategy have been monopolised by Mr Ozawa.
根据日本政坛的标准,枝野幸男比较起自己的职位来说太过年轻,而且他挑起的党务担子在资金和策略方面都已被小泽势力所垄断。 yeeyan

AT THE heart of Ichiro Ozawa’s constituency near Oshu City in north-east Japan stands the huge Isawa dam, built of rock.
在支持小泽的选区腹地,日本东北部靠近奥州市的地方,静静矗立着由岩石构建的胆沢大坝。 ecocn

But Mr Ozawa has a stranglehold.
但是小泽有个遏制手段。 ecocn

Clearly, he is concerned that Mr Ozawa might direct a stealth attack on his government during the DPJ's leadership elections in September.
很明显,他考虑到小泽势力有无可能在九月举行的日本民主党领导层大选期间暗中攻击他的政府。 yeeyan

However, Mr Ozawa is not to be stopped by mere unpopularity.
不过,小泽先生不会仅仅因为不受欢迎就放弃的。 ecocn

If so, he could bring Mr Ozawa under suspicion, too.
如果他承认了,那么小泽先生也会遭到猜疑。 ecocn

Mr Ozawa wants both to have low tolls and taxpayer funds to go on building unnecessary roads.
小泽想靠征收低廉过路费及纳税人基金继续修筑不必要的道路。 ecocn

Mr Ozawa was his party's biggest electoral liability by far.
至今,小泽在选举方面应当对民主党负最大的责任。 yeeyan

Yet behind the scenes, Mr Ozawa looks in sudden trouble.
事实上在后台,小泽也遇到了意外的麻烦。 ecocn

Yet the dam represents the dark side of Mr Ozawa, too.
但是,大坝也代表了小泽阴暗的一面。 ecocn




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