

单词 asterisk
释义 as·ter·isk 英ˈæstəˌrɪsk美ˈæstəˌrɪskAHDăsʹtə-rĭsk' ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA³⁰⁴⁰⁸BNC²⁹⁹¹¹iWeb¹³⁶⁷⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a star-shaped character * used in printing
mark with an asterisk;

Linguists star unacceptable sentences

发音释义:'æstərɪsk n.星号vt. 注上星号;用星号标出
结构分析:asterisk = aster星星+isk指小形式→小星星→星号
同源词:disaster灾难←星位不正;asteroid小行星;astronaut宇航员asterisk with initial attribute初值属性的星号…asterisk wildcard通配符asterisk picture character星号图像字符…
aster=astr-,星星+isk指小名词后缀→小星星⇒星号。词根记忆aster星星+ isk ⇒星号近义词 star星mark记号sign手势label标记symbol符号identify鉴定indicate指示character个性specify详细说明reference mark印参考符号如星号、…

Theasteriskedquestions may be omitted.带星号的问题可以略去。as in.(reference mark
同义词 bullet,caret,dagger,diacritical mark,ditto,double dagger,leaders,punctuation,punctuation mark,reference
reference marknoun typographical symbol
bullet,caret,dagger,diacritical mark,ditto,double dagger,leaders,punctuation,punctuation mark,reference As Lord Ashdown, a former leader, reminded activists, in1989 his party’s poll rating was briefly an asterisk, meaning too small to measure with confidence.
该党前主席阿什顿勋爵 Lord Ashdown让积极分子想起,该党在1989年的民调支持率仅仅为一个星号,意味着支持者太少而无法满怀信心的测量。 ecocn

In order to declare them both pointers, the asterisk must be repeated.
如果要将两者都声明为指针,必须要重复星号。 infoq

Its report“ was one big magic asterisk,” Bob Greenstein of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities told The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein.
正如预算与政策优先中心鲍勃·格林斯坦 Bob Greenstein说给《华盛顿邮报》的厄兹拉·克莱恩 Ezra Klein那样,该委员会的报告只“是一个大大的奇迹星号”。 yeeyan

The helper method then checks to see if the component is a required field, and if so it outputs an asterisk.
然后帮助器方法会检查组件是不是必需的字段,如果是,就输出星号。 ibm

The question mark and asterisk can be used more than once in the same profile.
可以在相同配置文件中使用多个问号和星号。 ibm

The asterisk to the left of the story indicates that the changes have not been saved yet.
事例左边的星号,意味着更改现在尚未得到保存。 ibm

A tiny asterisk conducted me to a footnote at the bottom of the page.
一个小小的星形符号把我的目光引到了那页底部一个说明上。 kekenet

All the required fields are followed by a red asterisk.
所有必填的字段后面都标有一个红色的星号。 ibm

An example of an anti- pattern is an unlimited bound for the upper multiplicity of an association end typically denoted by an asterisk.
反模式的一个实例是关联端上面的多重性的无限边界一般由星号表示。 ibm

An asterisk can be used to match anything.
可以用星号来匹配任意值。 ibm

An asterisk wildcard is not supported as the first character in a text search term, however.
但是,在文本搜索项的第一个字符中,并不支持星号通配符。 ibm

Be aware that the double asterisk matches zero or more nodes, not one or more nodes.
请注意,两个星号将匹配零个或多个节点,而不是一个或多个节点。 ibm

Finally, if the query word has an asterisk in the middle, require the query word to match at the beginning and end.
最后,如果查询词的中间有星号,则要求严格匹配查询词的开头和结尾。 ibm

For example, a single asterisk and a double asterisk have nearly the same meaning.
例如,一个星号和两个星号的含义几乎相同。 ibm

Here, the double- asterisk is used to represent zero or more nodes at the beginning of a queue name.
此处,两个星号用于表示队列名称开始处的零个或多个节点。 ibm

If the asterisk appears at the beginning of a query word, we want to consider that to mean that the word needs to end in the specified query.
如果星号出现在查询词的开头,我们就要知道这意味着指定的查询必须以该词后面的部分为结束。 ibm

Listing10 details the steps to follow if there is more than one asterisk per- query word.
清单10详细说明了在每个查询词中有多个星号的情况下需要遵循的步骤。 ibm

Mandatory parameters are marked with an asterisk in the first table column.
必需参数在该表的第一列中标上了星号。 ibm

Notice on the FLIGHTS tab the asterisk that precedes the word FLIGHTS.
注意 FLIGHTS选项卡上单词 FLIGHTS之前的那个星号。 ibm

Required properties will have an asterisk next to them.
必要属性旁边有一个星号。 ibm

Shoppers stroll past bright red price signs adorned with large yellow numbers and the familiar six- point asterisk.
顾客们在用硕大的黄色数字和六颗星号装饰的闪亮的的红色标价牌前游走。 yeeyan

Similarly, if the asterisk appears at the end of the query word, the program will treat that as requiring the word to begin with the specified query.
同样地,如果星号出现在查询词末尾,程序将把该星号视为要求指定的查询必须以该词前面的部分为开始。 ibm

The plug-in names followed by an asterisk are those that were loaded during startup.
后面跟有一个星号的插件名是那些在启动的时候就加载的插件。 ibm

The plus sign at the end means“ match one or more of the last thing” the asterisk is for “ zero or more”, and the question-mark is for “ zero or one”.
结尾处的加号表示“查找最后字符串的一个或多个匹配”星号表示“零个或多个”,问号表示“零个或一个”。 ibm

The asterisk is a placeholder for supporting finer probe points in the future.
星号是一个占位符,用于在以后支持更细粒度的探测点。 ibm

The asterisk matches zero or more characters delimited by a dot character.
星号可匹配由点分隔的零个或多个字符。 ibm

This code is focused on creating regular expressions where only one asterisk is present.
这段代码主要创建了正则表达式,其中只有一个星号。 ibm




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