

单词 oxidize
释义 ox·i·dize 英ˈɒksɪˌdaɪz美ˈɑksɪˌdaɪzAHDŏkʹsĭ-dīz' ★☆☆☆☆高四六GS宝八COCA³⁵⁸⁶⁰BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb¹⁶³⁰⁰

enter into a combination with oxygen or become converted into an oxide;

This metal oxidizes easily

add oxygen to or combine with oxygen来自oxide,氧化物。GRE红宝书源于: oxygenn 氧
使oxygen 氧
oxid氧化物+ize→ 氧化
GRE难词记忆oxidize→oxide n.氧化物+ize→使成为氧化物→使氧化GRE难词记忆oxide→ox=oxygen 氧,氧气+ide→氧化物词根记忆oxid氧化物+ ize ⇒氧化近义词 rust铁锈react反应flake薄片tarnish晦暗corrode腐蚀crumble崩溃oxidate氧化dissolve使溶解oxidise使氧化反义词 deoxidize去氧

用作动词The dye is allowed tooxidizebefore the next dip.染料允许在下个垂度之前氧化。
In addition, argon plasma will notoxidizesilver unlike an air or oxygen plasma.此外,氩气等离子体不会像大气或氧气等离子体氧化银。verb.convert into oxide
同义词 burn,corrode,heat,rust
反义词 aid,cool,help
biteverb corrode, eat away
burn,consume,decay,decompose,deteriorate,dissolve,eat into,engrave,erode,etch,rot,rust,scour,sear,slash,smart,sting,tingle,wear away
corrodeverb wear away;eat away
flameverb burn
blaze,coruscate,fire,flare,flare up,flash,glare,glint,glow,ignite,kindle,light,oxidize,shine
heatverb make or become hot
bake,bask,blaze,boil,broil,calorify,chafe,char,enflame,enkindle,fire,flame,flush,frizzle,fry,glow,grill,grow hot,grow warm,ignite,incandesce,incinerate,inflame,kindle,melt,oxidate,oxidize,perspire,raise the temperature,reheat,roast,scald,scorch,sear,seethe,set on fire,singe,smelt,steam,sun,swelter,tepefy,thaw,toast,warm,warm up
rustverb corrode
decay,decline,degenerate,deteriorate,oxidize,stale,tarnish,wither In well logging, the natural potential parameters has obvious reaction to oxidize and reducing environment.
测井中自然电位参数对氧化和还原环境的反映比较明显。 cnki

The treatment consists of mixing the effluent with biological sludge and then feeding oxygen to oxidize the polluting organic compounds to carbon dioxide.
即首先把污水和生物泥浆相混合,然后通入氧气,把有机污染物氧化为二氧化碳。 jukuu

The bad news is that these free radicals tend to oxidize biological molecules, just as iron oxidizes when it rusts.
坏消息是,这些自由基会氧化生物分子,就像铁氧化生锈时。 rourou88

A poor insulation, or poorly applied insulation will oxidize“ oxygen free” wire or cable just like non oxygen free wire or cable.
本质较差的隔绝封装技术或被较差地使用着的隔绝封装技术将使“无氧状态”的线缆如同非无氧处理的线缆一样被氧化。 hinews

Acetobacter and Gluconobacter can be allowed to oxidize the ethanol to acetic acid and form a wine vinegar.
醋酸杆菌和葡萄糖酸菌可以用来氧化乙醇而得醋酸形成一种葡萄酒醋。 ebigear

As this blood starts to oxidize, it turns a dark blue colour similar to a bruise.
这些渗出的血液开始氧化,会变成类似于青肿擦伤的深蓝色。 liebiao

At intervals the tea is fried again and re- wrapped to cool and oxidize slightly.
过一段时间,茶叶会再次炒青,然后放在包装里面放凉,慢慢氧化。 douban

Conclusion: The method of UDIO can prevent the fit quality to oxidize of increase, operate simple, the infection were little.
结论:紫外线照射充氧液体输注法能防止脂质过氧化的加重,操作简便,感染机会少。 cnki

Davidson says the chlorine is fed back into the ballast stream and “that will ideally oxidize or kill any live organisms.”
Davidson说,氯气在压舱水的水流中发生化学反应,“理论上将迅速氧化或杀死任何活着的生物。” yeeyan

Even if you can’t see any stains, it’s possible that lingering oil spots will oxidize and become noticeableand permanent, so keep that in mind when deciding what needs washing.
即便你没有看到衣服上有任何污渍,也有可能渗透的油点将会氧化很明显有时,油点是永久不褪去的。因此,切记,知道什么样的衣服是必须清洗后再保存的。 yeeyan

Gold has about1.4 times the resistance of copper and does not oxidize making it a popular plating for audio and video connectors.
金的电阻大概是铜的1.4倍,金不会被氧化的特性使得它成为音频视频接头的常用镀层。 hinews

In 1840, James Bowman Lindsay put a platinum filament into a glass bulb and removed most of the air so that the filament wouldn’t oxidize, and thus the first working light bulb was created.
1840年, James Bowman Lindsay将铂金细丝放入玻璃灯泡,并抽走所有的空气以防止铂被氧化,这样第一个工作的电灯泡被创造出来了。 yeeyan

In addition, chemicals in the air will oxidize or discolor the mountings.
此外,空气中的化学物质会氧化或变色的支架。 fucity

In the presence of ultrasonic wave, using the oxidative liquid derived from last step to oxidize toluene, therefore benzaldehyde is achieved.
用上步反应所得的氧化液在超声波作用下氧化甲苯来制备苯甲醛。 cnki

Objective To investigate protective function mechanism of Chinese herbal medicine compound prescribe TangmaipingTMP capsule on oxidize and endothelial hurt to type2 diabetes in rats.
目的探讨中药复方糖脉平胶囊对2型糖尿病大鼠氧化和血管内皮损伤保护作用的机理。 cnki

Processing paint protection strengthen, able to defend ultraviolet ray, high temperature and also acid rain. Protects not to be oxidize. The effect hold out for a long time.
使用镀膜处理后,漆面表层防护力增强,具有防紫外线、耐高温、抗酸雨功能,保护车漆不被氧化,效果持久稳定。 bab

Should have the high chemical stability, in uses and in the storage process is not easy to oxidize, the deterioration.
应具有较高的化学稳定性,在使用与储存过程中不易氧化、变质。 yeyaba

Soils can oxidize atmospheric methane under particular condition due to methanotroph exist in soils.
土壤中存在甲烷氧化菌,在一定条件下可以氧化大气中的甲烷。 cnki

The article introduces the performance and application of oxidize starch.
介绍了氧化淀粉的性质,性能及其应用。 chemyq

Why was the amount of oxygen consumed so much greater than the amount necessary to completely oxidize the added oxaloacetate or malate?
为什么加入草酰乙酸或苹果酸后耗氧量比完全氧化所需的多出如此之多? ebigear

Oxidize copper to copper oxide .
使铜氧化变成氧化铜。 hotdic




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