

单词 oxidase
释义 ox·i·dase 英ˈɒksɪˌdeɪs, -ˌdeɪz美ˈɑksɪˌdes, -ˌdezAHDŏkʹsĭ-dās', -dāz' 高COCA⁸⁵⁶⁰¹BNC³⁷¹⁹⁰iWeb²⁶³⁶⁵Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
any of the enzymes that catalyze biological oxidationaminophenol oxidase氨基酚氧化酶…alkoxyphenyl oxidase烷氧苯基氧化酶…cytochrome oxidase细胞色素氧化酶…amino oxidase氨基氧化酶acetylindoxyl oxidase乙酰吲哚氧基氧化酶…diamine oxidase二氨氧化酶cholesterol oxidase胆固醇氧化酶…coproporphyrinogen oxidase粪卟啉原氧化酶…xanthine oxidase黄嘌呤氧化酶…aerobic oxidase医 需氧氧化酶…aldehyde oxidase醛酶,醛氧化酶…catechol oxidase儿茶酚氧化酶…glucose oxidase葡糖氧化酶dopa oxidase多巴氧化酶amine oxidase胺氧化酶ascorbate oxidase抗坏血酸氧化酶…choline oxidase胆碱氧化酶

用作名词Glucoseoxidaseconsumes oxygen in the process of glucose oxidation.葡萄糖氧化酶在氧化葡萄糖的过程中消耗氧。 It has been documented that NADPH oxidase is involved in plant defense reactions to pathogen or elicitor attack and in plant response to abiotic stresses.
近年来的证据表明, NADPH氧化酶参与了植物对生物和非生物胁迫的应答反应。 iciba

The results also showed that the PPO activity of the straw mushroom failed to correspond with the browning as a result of compartmentation of polyphenol oxidase and its substrates.
草菇在贮藏过程中表现出多酚氧化酶 PPO活性与褐变程度不一致的现象,这主要是由于 PPO与底物区域化分布的结果。 cnki

The changes of dry and fresh weight, and activities of peroxidase, nitrate reductase, glycolate oxidase of Chinese Kale were studied in fall.
在秋季条件下研究了芥蓝在生长期间干、鲜重及硝酸还原酶、过氧化物酶和乙醇酸氧化酶活性的变化。 iciba

Activities of cytochrome c oxidase CCO and malate dehydrogenase MDH in mitochondria increased at the initial phase of dehydration stress, and then decreased.
线粒体细胞色素 c氧化酶 CCO和苹果酸脱氢酶 MDH的活性在脱水胁迫的初期增加,然后下降。 iciba

Activity of peroxidase POD and polyphenol oxidase PPO in peels were raised with the development of fruits on the trees.
在树上正生长发育的香蕉果实,随着果实长大,果皮中过氧化物酶 POD和多酚氧化酶 PPO活性不断升高。 cnki

CCC could be able to increase the activity of IAA oxidase as the concentrations increased.
CCC在同一时期能显著提高地榆叶片中 IAA氧化酶活性,并且随着药剂浓度的增大而增大。 iciba

Dr Hebert proposed part of a gene called cytochrome c oxidase I COI as suitable to the task. All animals have it.
赫本特 Hebert博士说,基因中叫做细胞色素氧化酶 COI的部分可担此任,所有的动物兼而有之。 ecocn

For example, the enzyme glucose oxidase, which catalyses the reaction of glucose into hydrogen peroxide, involves the quantum tunneling of an entire oxygen atom.
例如,葡萄糖氧化酶是葡萄糖变成过氧化氢的催化剂,在催化过程中包括一个完整氧原子的量子隧穿。 yeeyan

GENETIC polymorphism associated with the enzyme NADPH oxidase is related to the development of premature myocardial infarctionMI, according to a Greek abstract.
根据一项希腊研究的摘要, NADPH氧化酶的基因多态性与早发性心肌梗死的发展有关。 dxy

In comparison with2 deoxyglucose autoradiography, cytochrome oxidase histochemistry reflects a more stabilized state of energy metabolism.
与2-脱氧葡萄糖放射自显影相比,细胞色素氧化酶组织化学反映是一个能量代谢更稳定的状态。 cnki

In particular, they have discovered an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase that is responsible for making its rubbery sap coagulate.
而且,他们发现,多酚氧化酶能令橡胶草胶液凝结。 tianya

In this paper we present a modified ti- xylenol photometric method for determination of cholesterol oxidaseCOD activity.
本文介绍了测定胆固醇氧化酶活性的一个改进了的钛—二甲酚橙比色法。 cnki

It was found that the strain have not only activity of tannase, but also activity of polyphenol oxidase PPO.
结果表明这株菌不仅具有单宁酶的活性,而且具有多酚氧化酶 PPO的活性。 cnki

Monoamine oxidase A MAOA is an enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters signaling chemicals in the brain.
单胺氧化酶是一种能分解脑部神经传导物质信号化学物质的酶。 psytoday

Objective To study the inference factors and their influence magnitude in the determination of glucose by hexokinase and oxidase method.
目的研究己糖激酶法和葡萄糖氧化酶法测定血液血糖含量时的干扰因素及其影响程度。 biodic

Objective:To establish a sensitive, accurate, specific method to determine a small quantity of alcohol in serum with stable reagents by catalysis of alcoholic oxidase.
目的:建立一个灵敏、准确、特异、试剂稳定的乙醇氧化酶法用于测定血清微量乙醇浓度。 cnki

Objective:To study the effect of L- amino acid oxidase LAAO of king cobra venom-induced apoptosis of human palatal Salivary gland of adenoid cystic carcinoma NACC.
目的:研究眼镜王蛇毒 L-氨基酸氧化酶 LAAO诱导人类腭部小涎腺腺样囊性癌细胞系 NACC细胞凋亡的作用。 cnki

The result showed that coated snap beans had lower respiration intensity, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase activity and the content of malondialdehyde than the control groups during the storage.
结果表明,涂膜处理的油豆角呼吸强度、多酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶活性及丙二醛含量与对照组相比都有所降低; cnki

These results demonstrated that the accumulation of oxalate oxidase was induced by barley powdery fungus and possibly associated with defense response of barley to powdery mildew fungus.
这些研究结果表明草酸氧化酶的积累是白粉菌侵染诱导的,可能与大麦对白粉菌的防卫反应有关。 cnki

This defense takes place inside cells by an enzyme called Mixed Function Oxidase.
这种防御是通过细胞内部一种叫做混合功能氧化酶来完成的。 yeeyan

This stops an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase from oxidising the most powerful super nutrient in the tea plant, known as epigallocatechin gallate EGCG.
这样就阻止了叫做多酚的氧化酶带走茶叶中大多数的糖分,这种糖分叫做茶素酸酯 EGCG。 yeeyan

Thus, cerebral NADPH oxidase activation preceded cerebral inflammation and neuronal apoptosis.
因此脑 NADPH氧化酶的活化早于脑部炎症和神经元的凋亡。 dxy




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