释义 |
a state banquet 基本例句 国宴 Maotai liquor mellow, with luxury and high-grade package, is a fine.wine fora state banquet.“茅台”酒,酒味醇厚、包装豪华高档,是国宴精晶。 Maotai liquor mellow, with luxury and high-grade package, is a fine wine for a state Banquet.“茅台”酒,酒味醇厚、包装豪华高档,是国宴精晶。 President Chen Shui-bian confers a medal and hostsa state banquetin Nantou County in honor of President Ricardo Maduro of Honduras.陈水扁总统于南投县以国宴款待暨赠勋宏都拉斯共和国总统马度洛(2002.;10 I was founded in 2000, is the main breeding and sale of Haizhen Pin, mainly from Yibei shrimp, abalone, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, which Yibei shrimp, abalone specifically fora state banquet.我公司成立于2000年,是以养殖及销售海珍品为主,主要由虾夷贝、鲍鱼、海胆、海参,其中虾夷贝、鲍鱼专供国宴。 I feel highly honored to be invited to the state banquet.我对受邀出席国宴感到荣幸之至。 a state banquetin honour of the visiting President为来访总统举办的国宴 |