

单词 ownership rights
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It often refers to a bunch of party-approved village apparatchiks arrogating ownership rights for themselves.
集体所有权经常被一伙党任命的村级官僚所“代表”,并据为己有。 hjenglish

A diplomatic solution as to how to reinstate ownership rights to the thousands of people who were forced to abandon their property has not been found.
双方始终没有找到一个如何为成千上万被迫放弃房地产的人恢复所有权的外交途经。 tingvoa

Alwaleed reportedly did not want to enter international arbitration over the ownership rights to the land.
据报道,阿尔瓦利德不愿意就这块土地的所有权问题寻求国际仲裁。 forbeschina

Assigning ownership rights to locals has also proved a successful way of preserving coral reefs.
分配所有权给当地居民,也被证明是一个保护珊瑚礁的成功的方法。 yeeyan

But a growing number of these insiders' clubs have voted to end their exclusive ownership rights and sell shares in the exchanges to public shareholders.
但是更多的这种圈内人俱乐部选择结束他们绝对的所有权,并把在交易市场的股份卖给公众。 ecocn

Digital watermarking is a potential method for protection of ownership rights on digital image, audio, and video data.
在保护数字图像、视频、音频等数字媒体的知识产权方面,数字水印技术是一种很有前景的方法。 cnki

Digital watermarking is a technique for protection of ownership rights on multimedia product.
数字水印是一种多媒体数字产品版权保护技术。 cnki

First, ownership rights to the remaining state assets should be distributed equally to China’s 1.3 billion citizens.
首先,剩余国有资产的全民所有权应该平等的分配给中国的13亿民众。 yeeyan

Historically, the allocation of Internet resources has been handled informally, with little thought given to issues such as trademarks and ownership rights, observers noted.
从历史 上看,观察家们认为, Internet资源的分配都是非正式处理的,很少考虑商标和拥有权等问题。 www2.ccw.com.cn

Instead, ownership rights are traditionally decided by the community, and houses nearer the ocean command a higher value than those further away.
土地所有权一般由社区根据惯例做出决定,房屋离海越近,其价值就越高,反之就越低。 worldbank

So the next time we start handing out new ownership rights— whether via patents or copyright or privatization schemes— we’d better try to weigh all the good things that won’t happen as a result.
因此下次我们开始处理新的所有权问题的时候,无论是专利,版权还是私人计划,我们最好先试着衡量下那些不会发生的好的结果。 yeeyan

They also hear cases involving situations that took place on the sea and violations of ownership rights.
联邦法院不定期审理发生在海上的案件以及侵犯所有权的案子。 dictall

Usufruct right----Holders of this right may use a resource normally subject to restrictions, but do not have full ownership rights.
用益权——有这项权利的人才可以使用资源通常指约束因素,但不具有全部所有权。 blog.sina.com.cn

While Volvo continues to have access to Ford technologies, Geely does not have any ownership rights.
尽管沃尔沃仍可使用福特的技术,但是吉利对技术并没有所有权。 yeeyan

Women trail men in labor force participation, access to credit, entrepreneurship rates, inheritance and land ownership rights, and income.
妇女在劳动力参与率、获得信贷的机会、企业家比例、继承权和土地私有权、以及收入等方面,仍然不如男性。 worldbank




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