

单词 own
释义 own. əʊn


belong to oneself, itself, ourselves, etc.


done or produced by and for oneself

vt. & vi. 拥有


vt. & vi. 承认


belonging to or on behalf of a specified person especially yourself; preceded by a possessive;

for your own use

do your own thing

she makes her own clothes

`ain' is Scottish

have ownership or possession of;

He owns three houses in Florida

How many cars does she have?


❌ He owned to be defeated.

✔️ He owned to being defeated.

✔️ He owns to having been defeated.

own很少接to- v ,但own可接to v -ing ,含义是“承认已…”。


❌ He owns to this house and the land surrounding it.

✔️ He owns this house and the land surrounding it.


own to, own up


1.含义上, own to侧重承认的内容,而own up侧重承认时的“爽快劲儿”。例如:

You'd better own up.你还是坦白为好。
He owns to the theft.他承认偷了东西。

2.用法上, own to中的to是介词,接名词或动名词; own up中的up是副词,表示承认的内容时还须加“to+ n./v -ing”。

own, acknowledge, admit, confess


1.acknowledge和admit所承认的是不对的或不光彩的事实; confess指承认“错误及罪行”; own承认的不一定是“错误及罪行”,只是一般地表明自己的感觉及处境。例如:

He acknowledged that he was your inferior.他承认他不及你。
Did he admit to stealing it?他承认是他偷的吗?
He confessed where he had hidden the money.他供出了他藏钱的地方。

2.acknowledge强调在一定压力下承认, admit强调勉强承认。例如:

Dan acknowledged himself as criminal.达恩承认自己是罪人。
I admit to a natural fear.我承认生来胆小。

3.acknowledge所承认的一般是隐蔽的, admit, confess和own所承认的不一定是隐蔽的。例如:

Jane acknowledged using her father's motor-car.珍妮承认用了她父亲的摩托车。
They admitted my statement to be reasonable.他们承认我的陈述有道理。
The police have confessed themselves completely puzzled by this strange crime.警方承认他们完全被这桩奇特的罪案搞糊涂了。

4.confess语气上较强,属正式语体; own则不如confess正式。

5.这四个词用作及物动词时,都可接简单宾语或复合宾语,除own外,其他词均可接动名词。admit, confess和own用作不及物动词都可与介词to搭配,其后均可接动名词。例如:

They acknowledged having been defeated.他们认输了。
He confessed taking part in a plot to free the prisoner.他供认自己参与了企图营救那个囚犯的密谋。
She admitted having done wrong.她承认自己做错了。own, have, have got, hold, occupy


1.have既可指有生命物及无生命物之间的所属关系,也可指部分与整体的关系,或指精神上、身体上的特点; have got与have意义相同,但在口语中比have用得广泛; own则指具有在法律上的所有权,即使不在身边的东西,只要拥有法律上的所有权,就应用own; hold语气较强,有占据、控制、抓住〔保持〕住某物的意思; 而occupy则指占有空间、时间或占领、占据某地,或拥有某种职务或地位等。例如:

I didn't have the books that she asked for.我没有她所要的书。
Your books have got all over the place.你的书到处都是。
They don't hold the power to hire or fire at will.他们没有雇用或随意解雇的权力。
Enemy troops occupied the country.敌军占领了这个国家。


These enterprises are owned by him.这些企业是属于他的。own, possess


1.own强调具有合法权利占有、继承某物作为财产的意思,所占有的物必须有相当的价值; possess则不管采用何种方法得到。例如:

The police asked me if I possessed a gun.警察问我是否有一支枪。
His family owned neither land nor house.他家既无房子又无土地。


own, belong


1.belong指物属于谁; 而own指人拥有物。

2.belong是不及物动词,常与介词一起构成及物的短语动词; 而own是及物动词,可直接接宾语。

3.belong只有主动语态; 而own则可以用于被动语态。

用作动词 v.
~+名词own a bit of land拥有一小块地own one's fault承认自己的过错own oneself a coward承认自己是个胆小鬼own oneself defeated认输own oneself in the wrong认错~+副词own finally最终承认own gratefully感激地承认own ingenuously坦率地承认own legally合法拥有own legitimately合法拥有own personally个人拥有own privately私人拥有own rightfully合法拥有own selfishly自私地拥有own up承认错误own up to坦白,供认own up to the theft of the clock承认偷了钟~+介词own as承认…是…own in承认own to承认own to a fault承认有过失
用作代词pron.come into one's own

获得自主〔承认〕receive the credit, recognition, etc. one deserves

hold one's own

没有失败〔恶化〕keep one's (strong position)

of one's own

自己的belonging to oneself and no one else

on one's own

靠自己的力量,独自地without help; alone

own to v.+prep.

承认某事(; )承认有某种心情等( admit; admit to bear an certain feeling)

own to sthI must own to a feeling of anxiety.我承认我忧心忡忡。
Has he owned to the theft?他有没有承认这桩盗窃案是他干的?own to v-ingI must own to feeling anxious.我承认我感到了忧伤。
He owned to being uncertain about that.他承认对那件事情没有把握。
He owned to being wrong.他承认错了。
The boy owned to having told a lie.那男孩承认曾撒过一次谎。
The boy owned to having broken the glass.那男孩承认打破了玻璃杯。
She owned to having had doubts at first.她承认开始有疑虑。
own up v.+adv.

完完全全地坦白供认 confess fully and frankly

own upI advise you to own up at once.我劝你立即坦白。
Come on, own up.快,坦白交代吧。own up to sthHe owned up to the crime.他对犯罪供认不讳。
You'd better own up to your faults.你还是承认自己的过失为好。
So far no one has owned up to the theft of the clock.到目前为止还没有人承认钟是他偷的。own up to v-ingIf no one will own up to misbehaving, all pupils will be kept in after school.假如谁都不出来供认这一不良行为,放学后所有的学生都得留下。
He owned up to being the writer of the anonymous letter.他承认自己是写那封匿名信的人。
Tony finally owned up to having taken his brother's ball.托尼最后承认他拿了哥哥的皮球。
The man owned up to having taken my watch.那人承认偷了我的表。own up that-clauseYou'd better own up that you were responsible for the traffic accident.你最好承认对那起交通事故负有责任。故事记忆在一个 Town城市有一个 Clown小丑戴一顶 Crown皇冠颜色是 Brown褐色的过河时 Down掉下很快被 Drown淹没被龙王 Own拥有小学英语速记联想记忆:从now现在开始,做own自己的主人非常记忆owe欠⇒自己欠的债自己还近义词 haveholdkeepmanageretaincontrolpossessv. conduct反义词 someone else'spron. another's
用作代词pron.Many people now hold own car.现在很多人都有私车了。
Bananas have their own characteristic smell.香蕉有其特有的香味。
My time isn't my own.我的时间不属于我自己。
She makes all her own clothes.她的衣服都是自己做的。
She was younger than my own two daughters.她比我自己的两个女儿年轻。
It was my mother's very own engagement ring.这正是我母亲自己的订婚戒指。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.A large proportion of the peasant households round here own TV sets.这一带相当大一部分农民家庭拥有电视机。
Julie's father owned a business that dealt in bulk orders.朱莉的父亲拥有自己的生意,专门从事大宗订货。
Who owns this house?这房子归谁所有?
There one percent of the people own more than fifty percent of the wealth.在那里,百分之一的人却拥有百分之五十以上的财富。
A young woman came in to own the necklace.一位年轻妇女进来认领那条项链。
The man refused to own the child.那人拒绝承认自己是小孩的父亲。
The houses are owned collectively by the company.这些房子属公司集体所有。
That firm is owned and run by Mr. Alton.那家公司是奥尔顿先生拥有并经营的。S+~+that-clauseI owned that I might have made a mistake.我承认可能是自己错了。
I own that I did not attend school that day.我承认那天我没去上学。
She was ashamed to own that she hadn't done her duty.她羞愧地承认她没有尽到自己的责任。Pship-owner船主Plandownern.地主Pshipownern.船主Pnonowner非所有人Pownerlessa.无主的Pmill-ownern.工厂主Powner-farmer自耕农Powner-manager业主经理Powner-peasantn.自耕农Pdisownv.与…断绝关系否认Pownern.拥有者物主所有人Pownershipn.所有权物主身份Pco-ownern.共有人共同所有人Pco-ownership共同所有权共有Punowneda.无主的没得到承认的Powner-drivern.驾驶自备汽车的人Powner-occupieda.自己住的不出租的Pland-ownership土地所有制土地所有权




own如与数词连用,数词应放在own之后; own可用very修饰。



own可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,其后接名词、代词作宾语; 还可接以“to be+ adj. ”或“as+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时,常与介词to连用,表示“承认”, to后接名词或动名词一般式或完成式,也可接that从句,这时to常可省略。



own up的意思是“坦白,爽爽快快地承认”。

用作形容词But I can't hold on to myownprinciples, either.但是,我也没有能够坚持自己的主张。
The writer has hisownbrand of humour.这位作家有他独特的幽默感。用作名词Children need toys of theirown.儿童需要有自己的玩具。用作动词Heownshe was wrong.他承认他错了。
Nobodyownedup to the theft.这件偷窃事没有人承认是自己干的。
He would notownto knowing those persons.他不愿承认认识那些人。
Do youownthe house or are you a tenant?你是拥有这幢房子还是租住的?
Someday, I willowna shop like this.有一天,我自己将会拥有一间像这样的店。adj.belonging to individual
同义词 ownedendemic,hers,his,individual,inherent,intrinsic,its,mine,particular,peculiar,personal,private,resident,theirs,very own,yoursverb.possess;be responsible for
同义词 boast,control,dominate,enjoy,have,hold,keep,occupy,retaininherit,reservebe in possession of,be possessed of,fall heir to,have in hand,have rights,have titleverb.acknowledge, admit
同义词 allow,avow,concede,confess,declare,disclose,grant,recognizeassent to,come clean,let on,make clean breast of,own up,tell the truth
acknowledgeverb admit truth or reality of something
accede,accept,acquiesce,allow,avow,come clean,come out of closet,concede,confess,cop a plea,crack,declare,fess up,get off chest,grant,let on,open up,profess,recognize,yield
acknowledgesverb admit truth or reality of something
accedes,accepts,acquiesces,allows,avows,comes clean,comes out of closet,concedes,confesses,cops a plea,cracks,declares,fesses up,gets off chest,grants,lets on,opens up,owns,professes,recognizes,yields
admitverb confess, acknowledge
accept,accord,acquiesce,adopt,affirm,agree,allow,approve,avow,bare,bring to light,communicate,concede,concur,confide,confirm,consent,cop a plea,credit,declare,disclose,divulge,enumerate,expose,go into details,grant,indicate,let,let on,make known,narrate,number,open up,own,own up,permit,proclaim,profess,recite,recognize,relate,reveal,spill,subscribe to,talk,tell,tolerate,uncover,unveil,yield
admitsverb confess, acknowledge
accepts,blesses,buys,concedes,enters,entertains,gives access,gives the nod,gives thumbs up,grants,harbors,houses,initiates,introduces,is big on,lets,lets in,lodges,o.k.'s,permits,receives,shelters,signs,signs off on,suffers,takes,takes in
allowverb admit;acknowledge
acquiesce,avow,concede,confess,grant,let on,own
allowsverb admit;acknowledge
acquiesces,avows,concedes,confesses,grants,lets on,owns




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