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词汇 Owens
释义 Ow·ens 英ˈəʊɪnz美ˈoɪnzAHDōʹĭnz 高Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
United States athlete and Black American whose success in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin outraged Hitler 1913-1980近义词 Jesse Owens欧文斯
用作名词Owensaccidentally fell down a flight of stairs.欧文斯意外地在一段楼梯上摔倒。
My husband voiced no objection, andOwensand Bronwen smiled broadly.丈夫没有表示反对,欧文斯与布朗文咧开嘴笑了。 As I pulled up their drive, I saw Delia Owens emerging from a barn on the property.
我将车停在他家的私家车道上,看到迪丽娅•欧文斯从一间仓房里出来。 yeeyan

In the years before“ Deadly Game” was broadcast, Christopher Owens twice came to Zambia for the summer to visit his father and stepmother.
《致命游戏》播出前的几年里,克里斯托弗•欧文斯曾经两次到赞比亚和父亲、继母一起过暑假。 yeeyan

Not only was Owens a teen who enjoyed saving his customers money, he even donated some of his profits to charity.
欧文斯不单只是喜欢为顾客省钱的少年,他甚至还将公司的一部分利润捐给慈善机构。 iciba

Out of desperation, city engineers began buying up land and water rights in the Owens Valley, east of the Sierra Nevada.
绝望之下,城市开发者们开始在内华达山脉东边的欧文斯谷大肆抢购土地权和用水权。 yeeyan

Simwinga later recanted much of what he had told me and in an e-mail to Mark Owens whom he refers to as “ Dad” he promised his continued support.
希姆维嘉后来收回了他此前和我说的大部分话,并且在另一封写给马克•欧文斯他把欧文斯称作‘老爸’的电邮中,他发誓继续支持欧文斯。 yeeyan

They told Mark Owens that some of the more fearsome poachers possessed powers derived from witchcraft; they could become invisible, or ford rivers without being eaten by crocodiles.
巡防队员告诉马克·欧文斯,一些更吓人的偷猎者还拥有从巫术中获得的法力;他们可以隐身或者穿河涉水但不会被鳄鱼吃掉。 yeeyan

“ I would definitely do some kind of long-term male contraceptive, ” said Mr. Owens, a39-year-old school social worker from Seattle.
“我以后确实要采取长期的男性避孕措施了,”现年39岁的欧文斯先生说,他是西雅图的一名学校社工。 yeeyan

According to a neighbor, Christopher Silva, Owens was hunting in the woods near his home when he shot and killed one of Silva's dogs and injured another.
据他的邻居克里斯托弗•席尔瓦讲,欧文斯在自家附近的树林里打猎时打死了席尔瓦的一只狗,还把另外一只也打伤了。 yeeyan

As Mark Owens assumed more authority over the valley and the game scouts he extended his campaign against poachers beyond the borders of the national park.
在马克•欧文斯对谷地和狩猎巡防队行使更大的管辖权的时候,他将自己的反偷猎运动延伸到了国家公园的边界之外。 yeeyan

But scouts I spoke to in a number of villages in the Luangwa Valley told me that Mark Owens had clearly been their commander.
但是我在卢安瓜谷地的许多村子里同巡防队员交流过,他们告诉我马克•欧文斯很显然就是他们的指挥官。 yeeyan

But the person who alerted locals to look for poaching was Mark Owens.
但是这个提醒当地人寻找偷猎行为的人却是马克•欧文斯。 yeeyan

Fouche and Owens were once allies in the fight against poachers, but fell out over what Fouche said were disagreements about tactics.
福凯与欧文斯曾经是并肩打击偷猎者的盟友,但彼此在策略上意见不合而分道扬镳了。 yeeyan

Fouche handed me a letter that he said Owens had faxed him in 1994.
福凯递给我一封信,他说是1994年欧文斯给他发的传真。 yeeyan

In 1997 a year after“ Deadly Game” was aired Mark Owens wrote to the Zambian attorney general to clear his name.
1997年,也就是《致命游戏》播出一年之后,马克•欧文斯写信给赞比亚司法部长为自己洗脱罪名。 yeeyan

In addition to adverse health effects on local residents, dust from Owens Lake has been linked to reductions of visibility in nearby national parks, forests, and wilderness areas.
除了对当地居民产生不良的健康影响外,欧文斯湖的灰尘也已导致附近的国家公园、森林和自然保护区的能见度的降低。 yeeyan

Kuchel told me that Zambia’s justice system was thoroughly corrupt and he feared that if Mark Owens were held in a Zambian jail he would be raped and infected with H.I.V.
基克尔告诉笔者,赞比亚的司法体系是相当腐败的,而且他担心如果马克•欧文斯被关进赞比亚监狱的话,他将会遭到强暴并会感染艾滋病病毒。 yeeyan

Mark Owens’s letter to Fouche has been a particular point of contention.
马克•欧文斯写给福凯的信一直处于舆论漩涡的中心。 yeeyan

Mark Owens said we had to do anything to stop them, or else the elephants would all die.
马克•欧文斯也说了,我们要想方设法阻止他们,否则大象都会被杀死的。 yeeyan

Mr. Owens disliked testosterone gel, which was applied to his shoulders and required that his wife and daughter not touch him for hours to prevent exposure.
欧文斯先生不喜欢上在肩膀上的睾丸激素凝胶,因为为了防止它暴露出来,他的妻子和女儿几个小时内都不能碰他。 yeeyan

Musole said he thought he could solve the mystery if he could interview members of the ABC team and Mark and Delia Owens.
穆索莱说,如果他能够和美国广播公司摄制组的成员和欧文斯夫妇面谈的话,他想他可以解开谜团。 yeeyan

On my three trips to North Luangwa I made several visits to the Mano camp and interviewed a dozen veteran scouts about Mark Owens.
在三次到访北卢安瓜的行程中,我数次来到马诺营地采访,请了十几名老巡防队员谈了对马克•欧文斯的印象。 yeeyan

The Owenses through their attorneys said that Mark Owens could not be responsible for what the scouts did because he did not command them.
欧文斯夫妇通过他们的律师圣扎迦利说,马克•欧文斯不能为巡防队的行为负责,因为他并未控制他们。 yeeyan

The police searched Owens's house soon after, and found a rifle with a scope attached.
不久之后,警察搜查了欧文斯的房子,找到了一支配备瞄准镜的步枪。 yeeyan

The realization came to Mark Owens that he should help lead the scouts himself.
马克·欧文斯认识到他自己要帮助领导这些巡防队员了。 yeeyan

Then Mr. Owens volunteered to test potential methods that lowered his sperm count so much that“ I was not viably able to produce a child, ” he said.
欧文斯斯先生接着自愿试用了一些可能减少精子数的方法,这些方法是如此奏效,以至于“我失去生育能力了”,试用过后的欧文斯感叹说。 yeeyan

Vollers flew with Mark Owens as he searched the forests for poachers’ camps, and she watched as he tried to organize effective foot patrols of the park.
富勒斯陪着马克·欧文斯在空中寻找偷猎者的营地时注意到,马克在努力安排好公园的徒步巡逻。 yeeyan

Owens- Illinois Inc. , an Ohio bottle- maker, intends to pump possibly hundreds of millions of dollars into Chinese acquisitions and joint ventures in the coming years.
欧文斯伊利诺斯有限公司,俄亥俄州的一家瓶子制造商,打算投入近几亿美元进行与中国公司的并购和合资。 yeeyan

Owens says that during his cherry- bomb campaign he spread rumors in the valley that he was firing live ammunition.
欧文斯说,在发动樱桃炸弹攻势期间,他在谷地散布谣言说他发射的是真正的弹药。 yeeyan




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