

单词 owed
释义 owed 英əʊd美oʊd COCA¹²⁸⁶⁰BNC⁷⁸⁸³Economist⁵³⁵¹
动词 owe:
be obliged to pay or repaybe indebted to, in an abstract or intellectual sensebe in debtIowedit to my parents to come home, for they were getting tired and old.为了父母我认为应该回家,他们都很劳累而且上了年纪。
The boarding-house keeper drew his pistol upon the miner whoowedhim, and said, “Down with the dust!”寄宿公寓的管理员拔出手枪对欠他房租的矿工说,“把钱交出来!”
The accident happened yesterdayowedto his foolishness.昨天发生的事故应该归咎于他的愚笨。
He compounded with his creditors for a remission of what heowed.他和他的债权人谈妥免除其债务。adj.due
同义词 overdue,payable,unpaid,unsettledexpected,mature,owing,scheduledIOU,chargeable,collectible,in arrears,not met,outstanding,receivable,to be paid,unliquidated,unsatisfied
反义词 paid,settled
chargedadjective bought but not paid for
debited,on account,on credit,owing,put on one's account
dueadjective unpaid;owing money
IOU,chargeable,collectible,expected,in arrears,mature,not met,outstanding,overdue,owed,payable,receivable,scheduled,to be paid,unliquidated,unsatisfied,unsettled
indebtedadjective under an obligation
accountable,answerable for,appreciative,beholden,bound,bounden,chargeable,duty-bound,grateful,honor-bound,hooked,in debt,in hock,liable,obligated,obliged,owed,owing,responsible,thankful
owingadjective unpaid
attributable,comeuppance,due,in debt,mature,matured,outstanding,overdue,owed,payable,unsettled
payableadjective to be paid
receivableadjective due
IOU,chargeable,collectible,expected,in arrears,mature,not met,outstanding,overdue,owed,owing,payable,scheduled,to be paid,unliquidated,unpaid,unsatisfied,unsettled But what if the customer owed a late fee from a previous rental?
但是如果顾客在上次租借中欠了逾期费怎么办? ibm

But if this is not something owed to current employees, it is better cast as a matter of social responsibility.
但如果这不是对现有雇员的一种亏欠,那可以被更好的认为是社会责任这么回事。 yeeyan

Debt relief: First World nations can cancel debt owed to them by Third World countries without imposing devastating conditions on them, freeing up resources for human development.
免除债务:第一世界国家可以免除第三世界欠他们的债务,同时不向他们强加具有极具破坏力的条件,释放资源,用于人类发展。 yeeyan

Fantine owed them one hundred and twenty francs.
芳汀欠他们一百二十法郎。 ebigear

God knows I owed it to them.
上帝知道我欠他们这个。 yeeyan

He totted up what I owed him.

Historians call this battle one of Lee's finest moments as a Confederate general, and his success owed much to Jackson's participation.
历史学家称此次战役是李作为联盟上将最辉煌的时刻,他的成功的一大部分要归功于杰克逊的参与。 yeeyan

I owed my success to my friends.
我把我的成功归功于我的朋友。 ebigear

If there is anything fair about psychosisand there is not, this was the least schizophrenia owed her.
如果精神疾病是美好的实际上并不是,这至少是精神分裂症欠她的。 yeeyan

In fact, American taxpayers are most certainly owed an apology.
可事实上他的确欠大多数美国人一个道歉。 yeeyan

In plain English, if someone is owed money by your company, he or she would be able to go after the company's assets, but not the personal assets of the company's owners.
说得明白点,如果你们公司欠别人的钱,他她可以寻求由你们的公司资产偿还,而不是由公司所有者的私人资产偿还。 yeeyan

Mr Putin has long been intolerant of alternative centres of power in Russia, but he owed Mr Luzhkov a favour for his backing in1999.
普京一直以来无法容忍俄罗斯权力中心可以替代,但他欠卢日科夫一个人情——后者在1999年的时候支持了他。 ecocn

One of my friends from China asked me how much of the federal debt was owed by the government to itself.
我的一个来自中国中国的朋友曾问过我政府自身究竟欠多少联邦债务。 yeeyan

Other Africans were sold as slaves because they owed a debt; some even by their own families.
其他有些非洲人因为欠债而充作奴隶,有的甚至被自己的家人出售。 yeeyan

Power plants are owed money by the national grid and the grid in turn cannot get consumers including the Pakistani government to pay for the electricity they use.
国家电网欠发电厂的钱,反过来使得消费者包括巴基斯坦政府不能支付他们所使用的电力。 ecocn

The money he owed me stacks up to500 pounds.

The money I owed him and that he owes me cancel each other out.

We had a dispute about how much money he owed me.
我们就他欠我多少钱一事进行了一番争论。 kekenet

What we as a country owed them was nights, at the end, when they never again had to feel that dread in the darkness.
作为一个国家,我们欠他们的是这样的夜晚:在那里、在那时,他们不必再为身处黑暗而担惊受怕。 yeeyan




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