

单词 ovum
释义 o·vum 英ˈəʊvəm美ˈovəmAHDōʹvəm ☆☆☆☆☆高ST八COCA⁷⁴⁷⁶⁰BNC³⁴⁰⁵³iWeb³¹⁰⁶⁰

the female reproductive cell; the female gamete来自拉丁语ovum,卵,词源同egg.unfertilized ovum未受精卵permanent ovum医 永久卵, 能…aged ovum老化卵子abnormal ovum异常卵子ovum transfer卵移植reversed ovum逆卵系ovum transplantation卵子移植centrolecithal ovum中黄卵ovum recovery卵状小体alecithal ovum无黄卵holoblastic ovum全裂卵ovum collection原卵ovum operculum卵盖mature ovum成熟卵primitive ovum医 原卵ovum embolism虫孵栓塞parasitic ovum寄生虫卵homolecithal ovum均黄卵fertilized ovum受精卵impregnated ovum孕卵
ov卵+um名词后缀,来自拉丁语名词词尾⇒卵,卵子。近义词 egg蛋seed种子egg cell卵细胞

用作名词Sperm must be capacitated before spermovumfusion.精卵融合之前精子必须获能。noun.female reproductive cell
同义词 egg,gamete,oosphere,seed,sporeegg cell
eggnoun seed, cell;embryo of an animal
bud,cackle,cackleberry,germ,nucleus,oospore,roe,rudiment,spawn,yellow eye
germnoun beginning
seednoun beginning, source
seedsnoun beginning, source
berries,buds,cells,conceits,conceptions,concepts,cores,corns,ears,eggs,embryos,germs,grains,images,impressions,inklings,kernels,notions,nuclei,nuts,ova,ovules,particles,rudiments,semen,sparks,sperms,spores,starts,suspicions Our genes program us instantly when the fertilized ovum is formed, and our potentialities are virtually limited by that“program”.
受精卵一旦形成,基因就给我们编制“程序”,我们的潜能根本上受到这个“程序”的限制。 blog.sina.com.cn

The effects of DL- tetrahydropalmatine andsinomemine on the activity of oviduct smooth muscle and ovum transport in rabbits are reported in this paper.
作者观察了两种中药钙拮抗剂 DL—四氢巴马汀和青藤碱对兔输卵管平滑肌活动及对卵子运行的影响。 cnki

The male gamete, or sperm, and the female gamete, the egg or ovum, meet in the female's reproductive system to create a new individual.
雄性生殖细胞精子和雌性生殖细胞卵子在女性的生殖系统中相遇并形成一个新的个体受精卵。 yeeyan

The series of mitotic cell divisions that produces a blastula from a fertilized ovum. It is the basis of the multicellularity of complex organisms.
卵裂,卵割由一组有丝分裂细胞从受精卵中生成的囊胚,是复杂有机体中多细胞的主要成分。 iciba

“ Wi- Fi was never designed to work on a big scale like this,” notes Michael Philpott, an analyst at Ovum, a technology consultancy, and mobile- phone firms already offer wide-area internet access.
“ Wi- Fi从未设计用作如此大规模部署”, Ovum一家技术咨询公司并移动电话商,已提供广域网接入的分析师迈克尔·菲尔波特指出。 yeeyan

A valuable technology of ovary cryopreservation and transplantation is developed to establish ovum bank, and has been advanced.
卵巢冷冻保存和移植是建立卵子库的一项有效技术,近年来取得了很大进展。 chemyq

As their moods start to become more even and predictable, their lady parts do the opposite, sometimes releasing more than one ovum each month.
虽然她们的心理已经变得更加平和和可以预测,她们的身体则不然,每个月可以排出多个卵子。 yeeyan

Conclusion In IVF, the sperm morphology may have significant influence on ovum fertilization rate, and human ova are selective for sperms with normal morphology.
结论在 IVF中,精子的形态对卵子的受精率有着明显的影响,卵子对正常形态的精子有一定的选择性。 cnki

Earlier this week research firm Ovum forecast that Symbian phones will continue on some markets into2016.
早先, Ovum研究公司预测塞班手机将在某些市场销售至2016年。 yeeyan

Furthermore, analyst firm Ovum said in September last year that the delay by the Chinese government in announcing industry standards and license details was slowing down investment.
而且根据 Ovum分析公司的说法,去年9月中国政府推迟发布3G工业标准和营业牌照已经使得投资放缓。 yeeyan

In vitro, the acrosome reaction of sperm does not influence the ovum fertilization rate.
在体外,精子顶体反应率的高低与卵子受精率没有明显的相关性。 dictall

Result63 cases sterility symptom patient have advantage ovum and ultimately oviposit and56 cases have gestation ultimately.
结果排卵障碍不孕症患者中有优势卵泡且最终排卵的63例,妊娠56例。 cnki

The largest cell in the human body is the female reproductive cell, the ovum.
人体中最大的细胞是女性生殖细胞,即卵子。 yeeyan

The largest cell in the human body is the female ovum, or egg cell.
人体中最大的细胞是女性卵子,或卵细胞。 yeeyan

The sex of birds is determined by chromosomes ZZ in the male or ZW in the female in the nature, so the sex chromosome of spermatozoa is Z and that of ovum is Z or W.
在自然界公鸡和母鸡的性别分别由性染色体 ZZ和 ZW所决定,因此公鸡产生的精子其性染色体均是 Z,而母鸡产生的卵子有 Z和 W两种。 cnki

The two words“ baby” and“ ovum” are frequently used in Chinese philosophy.
“婴儿”和“卵子”这两个词在中国哲学中经常使用。 zidian8

This paper discusses Lac Zhuang's theory on“ baby” and the disposition- centered scholars' theory on “ ovum, ” and the two words' significant implications in Chinese philosophy.
本文讨论了老庄关于“婴儿”的理论和心性学家关于“卵子”的理论,以及它们在中国哲学中的重要意义。 cnki

This is usually when the woman is most fertile, and when the ovum is released.
这通常是女人最能生育的时候,而且是卵子被释放的时候。 yeeyan




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