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词汇 OVM
释义 OVM
=Orbiting Velocity Meter 沿轨道运行速度测量器¹⁰⁰
OVM, in Hesperian eye, the pride of indicative the Chinese nation.OVM,在西方人眼里,象征着中华民族的骄傲。
Practice and Effectiveness of Enterprise Informationization Construction in LiuzhouOVMCo. Ltd.企业信息化建设在柳州OVM公司的实际运作及效果。
Because, the product ofOVMalready was gotten on the international market coquettish!因为,OVM的产品已在国际市场上一领风骚!
At present,MRI is becoming avery useful and non-invasive method in the diagnosis and treatment ofOVMand non-occult AVM ofthe spinal cord.对非隐匿性血管畸形,MRI能清楚显示脊髓血管畸形的部位、与周围结构关系等,对诊断和治疗有很大帮助。
The proven SystemVerilog-class based library within theOVMwas easy to use, allowing the team to get up and running much earlier in the project.OVM内经验证的基于SystemVerilog的文件库非常易用,使该团队可以在项目的更早阶段着手运行。
We expect to scale our use of theOVMto other project teams in OKI, reducing the time and cost to verify our high-quality products.我们希望将OVM的使用推广到OKI 的其他项目团队,以减少花在验证我们高品质产品上的时间和成本。”




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