

单词 overture
释义 o·ver·ture 英ˈəʊvəˌtʃʊə美ˈovɚˌtʃʊrAHDōʹvər-ch‹r' ★☆☆☆☆高GI宝八COCA¹⁹⁷⁸⁸BNC²⁹⁴³¹iWeb²²²⁵²Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

orchestral music played at the beginning of an opera or oratoriosomething that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows;

training is a necessary preliminary to employment

drinks were the overture to dinner

a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others;

she rejected his advances

来自overt,打开的,-ure,名词后缀。用于音乐术语指序奏,前奏。GRE红宝书overtadj 公开的; 开始的, ure一开始的歌曲-序曲
近于aperture 孔, 穴,有了突破或开端;overt 翻过来,可看成overturn 翻过来,将乐谱翻开→开始,一件事有了开始,???展→提议;
o出+vert转+ure →从开头转出来→序曲
词根记忆o出+ vert转+ ure → 从开头转出来 ⇒序曲近义词 offer提供music音乐advance前进prelude 序幕proposal求婚feeler试探者approach靠近invitation邀请introduction介绍bid买方出价…preliminary初步的

用作名词And, knowing little about Geely, it didn't take theovertureseriously, according to people familiar with the situation.据知情人士透露,由于对吉利知之甚少,福特汽车没有认真对待这一提议。
He resolved, therefore, to let things take their course without making any directovertureto the count.所以他决定让事情顺其自然发展,而不向伯爵作任何正面的提议。
Many spokesmen attacked consumingly thisoverture.大会上许多的发言人强烈抨击了这项提案。
Three-fours of the people agree with theoverturepresently.目前有四分之三的人赞成该提案。
They played theovertureat a fairly slow tempo.他们用相当缓慢的速度演奏那首序曲。
This tool works differently from the Overture tool.这个工具厂不同序曲工具。用作动词And, knowing little about Geely, it didn't take theovertureseriously, according to people familiar with the situation.据知情人士透露,由于对吉利知之甚少,福特汽车没有认真对待这一提议。
He resolved, therefore, to let things take their course without making any directovertureto the count.所以他决定让事情顺其自然发展,而不向伯爵作任何正面的提议。noun.introduction, approach
同义词 bid,invitation,presentation,proposal,proposition,signal,suggestionadvance,exordium,foreword,offer,opening,preamble,preface,prelude,prologue,tenderconciliatory move,prelusion,proem
反义词 conclusion,ending,epilogue,finish,withdrawal
advancesnoun desirous pursuit of someone
advancesnoun desirous pursuit of someone
accommodations,allowances,bites,credits,deposits,down payments,floaters,front moneys,hikes,increases,loans,prepayments,retainers,rises,scores,stakes,takes,touches
appealnoun request for help
appealsnoun request for help
approachnoun request, suggestion
approachesnoun request, suggestion
attitudes,concepts,courses,cracks,flings,go,ideas,licks,manners,means,methods,modes,modus operandis,new wrinkles,offers,procedures,programs,shots,stabs,styles,techniques,ways,whacks,wrinkles So let's listen to a pattern that Rossini is using here in this opera overture.

The Scottish Hebrides are breathtaking, especially when the rain doesn't fall; you can see how Mendelssohn was inspired to write an overture.
苏格兰的赫布里底群岛真是令人激动,特别是在没下雨的时候;你会明白门德尔松是怎么受到激发写出了一首序曲。 ecocn

The three books in The Wind-up Bird Chronicle are named after a Rossini overture, a piano piece by Schumann and a character in Mozart’s Magic Flute respectively.
《发条鸟纪年》中的三本书分别是罗西尼序曲,舒曼的一只钢琴曲以及莫扎特《魔笛》中的一个人物。 yeeyan

Barack Obama made a conciliatory overture to Iran's leaders and people.
奥巴马向伊朗领导人和人民表现出愿意和解的姿态。 ecocn

But the recent moves by Bank of China and Bank of Communications look more like the overture than the full opera.
但中国银行和交通银行最近的筹资举措,看上去却更像是一出歌剧的序曲,而不是整出大戏。 iciba

But Inktomi and Overture languished ignominiously inside Yahoo!, which Mr Semel was simultaneously trying to turn into a new sort of media company.
但在塞梅尔先生试图将雅虎转变成一家新型传媒公司的同时, Inktomi和 Overture在其内部不幸地遭到冷落。 ecocn

However, Yembrick said no overture had in fact been made to China by the16- nation consortium building the International Space Station.
可是耶姆布里克表示关于中国进入国际空间站的事宜尚未收到国际空间站16国成员的提案。 yeeyan

In 2003 Yahoo!, the largest media property on the web, bought Overture from Mr Gross for $1.6 billion.
2003年,雅虎,这家互联网最大的媒介公司,以16亿美元的价格从 Gross手里收购了 Overture。 ecocn

It also includes a far more in- depth analysis than is available on Overture's free tool.
当然它还有比 Overture免费工具更深入的分析结果。 yeeyan

Like The Corrections, Freedom begins with an overture, a portrait of a family and the house they live in.
一如《纠正》,《自由》的开端便是一幅对家庭成员及其住所的描绘。 ecocn

Some of the Eastern European countries are not as happy with this new overture toward Russia, but that's understandable given their historical perspective.
一些东欧国家对有关俄罗斯的新姿态并不高兴。不过考虑到他们的历史观点,这也可以理解。 hjenglish

That’s just an overture, really, to a symphony of hurtling, fairly ingenious fights and escapes.
这仅仅是一个前奏,实际上,接下来是飞驰音乐,独特的打斗、逃跑的设计。 yeeyan

The opera was preceded by a short overture.
这部歌剧开始前有一简短的序曲。 hjenglish

This is an overture to the Russians.
这是对俄罗斯人的序曲。 yeeyan

When all the companies are arduously looking for the new gold mine, Overture created an unprecedented concept, ranking auctions, an ideal commercial mode for search engine.
当每一家公司都在辛勤的探寻着新的金矿时,一个新的、史无前例的、搜索引擎完美的模式出现了——竞价排名。 yeeyan

Overture Films, a four- month-old studio, plans to follow a similar strategy.
四个月前才成立的“序曲影业公司”计划采用相同的策略。 iciba




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