

单词 overtraining
释义 overtraining 英əʊ'vətreɪnɪŋ美əʊ'vətreɪnɪŋ COCA⁷⁵⁵¹⁰BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
培训过度,过度训练原型overtrain的现在分词 A model was developed for simulating overtraining in rats by method of swimming training.
本文报道用超负荷训练大鼠游泳的方法,来建立大鼠模拟过度训练模型。 cnki

The inevitable consequences of“ more is better” are burnout, overtraining, illness, and injury.
“多就是好”将导致不可避免的结果包挂力竭、训练过度、生病和运动伤害。 bikehome

When the overtraining professional athletes are competing with high strength sports for a long time, their bone tissues will be born over- pressure and irregular strain;
超负荷运动的竞技型职业运动员在竞技状态中,长期的高强度运动使骨组织承受超负荷压力与非正常劳损; chemyq

An athlete who enjoys training will get far more benefits from it than one who is always on the edge of overtraining.
与总是在训练过度的边缘上的人比较,享受训练的运动员将获得更多的好处。 bikehome

An athlete who recovered from problems associated with overtraining and missed periods.
一位从过度训练和停经等问题中恢复的运动员。 blog.sina.com.cn

But after overtraining for two Ironman- distance races, I was injured for a full year.
可是为了加人两次铁人距离赛而训练过度后,我被伤痛困扰整整一年。 hjenglish

Conclusion: It was successful in establishing the overtraining model of female rat by17- week treadmill training.
结论:通过17周的跑台训练成功建立了过度训练动物模型; www.rehabi.com.cn

Conclusion Overtraining could induce sperm DNA injury and affect sperm activity, thus to decrease the potentiality of reproduction.
结论过度训练后可导致精子染色质结构的变化,影响精子活力,使生育潜能降低。 cnki

Conclusions These findings revealed that decreased HSP72 levels in skeletal muscle with prolonged strenuous exercise was prior to occurrence of overtraining syndrome.
结论:长期超负荷训练导致的骨骼肌 HSP72表达变化早于过度训练综合征。 cnki

For athletes, it's often a sign of overtraining.
是运动员的话,尝试运动过量的信号。 yeeyan

Many cyclists have become accustomed to overtraining that is seems a normal state.
许多骑手习惯于过度训练似乎已经变成一种常态。 bikehome

Most common running injuries are due to overuse, overtraining, improper shoes, or a biomechanical flaw in body structure and motion.
大多数跑步带来的伤痛是由于过度的运动,过度的训练,不合适的鞋,或者是身体本身结构和运动的生物机械缺陷。 bbs.running8.com

Objective To identify the effects of overtraining on human sperm DNA.
目的探讨过度训练是否对人精子 DNA产生影响。 cnki

Only one problem: “ I was overtraining and killing myself, ” she says.
只有一个问题:“我过度训练折磨自己。”她说。 yeeyan

Proceeding from the pathological mechanism and causes of overtraining, we have discussed the prevention and recovery from overtraining so as to direct the amateur training of youngsters.
从过度训练的病理机制和原因出发,对过度训练的预防与恢复进行探讨,旨在指导青少年的业余训练。 cnki

Resting heart rates can also be affected by ensuing illness, fatigue and overtraining.
静态心率还会受到疾病,疲劳和训练过量的影响。 www.running8.com

The result showed that overtraining could lead to change in microstructure.
结果:过度训练可造成胃肠粘膜微观结构发生改变; cnki

To avoid overtraining, don't increase your weekly mileage by more than10%.
为了避免过度训练,记住每周提升跑量的幅度不要超过10%。 yeeyan

Overtraining can cause other problems besides missed periods.
过度训练能导致停经以外的其他问题。 blog.sina.com.cn

Overtraining induced the remarkable decrease of those enzymes in myocardium.
过度训练导致心肌局部上述酶活性显著性降低。 cnki

Overtraining is the leading cause of injury and burnout for runners.
训练过度是跑步者受伤和虚脱的主要原因。 xmnn

Overtraining is the number one cause of injuries, so try to remember that progress takes time.
过度训练是受伤的罪魁祸首,记住取得进展是需要时间的。 yeeyan

Overtraining is one of the important topics in modern athletic training.
过度训练问题一直是体育科学研究中的重要课题之一。 cnki

Overtraining syndrome always directly affect health and physical performance of athletes, so it causes great concern from sports field both at home and abroad.
过度训练综合症直接影响运动员的健康和运动能力,受到国内外体育界的密切关注。 cnki




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