

单词 overtired
释义 overtired 英ˌəʊvə'taɪəd美ˌoʊvər'taɪərd ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹¹⁷⁴⁹⁷BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb⁵⁵²⁰¹
动词 overtire:
tire excessivelyovertire过于疲劳
用作形容词I'm loney only when I amovertired,when I have worked too long without a break,when fro the time being I feel empty ad need filling up.experience that needs to be sorted out.只有当我过度劳累的时候我才会孤独,当我没有休息地工作了很长时间,随着时间流逝我感到空虚,想要得到充实的时候,我会把所有事情分类整理好。as in.fatigued
同义词 exhausted,listless,wearybeat,bedraggled,bushed,dropping,enervated,prostrate,spent,tuckered,wasted,wornall in,blasé,burned out,dead,dead tired,dead-beat,dog-tired,dog-weary,done in,droopy,fagged out,jaded,languid,languorous,lassitudinous,out of gas,played-out,pooped,ready to drop,washed out,worn-out,zonked
反义词 energetic,fresh,lively,untired,invigorated,unusedalert,energized,keen,refreshed,vivacious
fatiguedadjective tired
all in,beat,bedraggled,blasé,burned out,bushed,dead,dead tired,dead-beat,dog-tired,dog-weary,done in,droopy,dropping,enervated,exhausted,fagged out,jaded,languid,languorous,lassitudinous,listless,out of gas,played-out,pooped,prostrate,ready to drop,spent,tuckered,washed out,wasted,weary,worn,worn-out,zonked According to a national survey of urban residents in2009, nearly60% of white-collar workers in major cities were overtired.
《2009中国城市健康状况大调查》显示,主流城市的白领人群处于过劳状态的接近6成。 blog.sina.com.cn

I'm lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up.
只有当我疲惫不堪,长时间不间断地工作,或者一时间感到空虚而想充实自己时,孤独感便悄然袭来。 qnr

Spray anywhere there are Overtired& Cranky people! Spritz onto face make sure to close your eyes, body, into the air, in a car, airplane, and bedroom.
任何地方如果有人疲劳烦燥就喷一下,喷在脸上确保先闭上眼,身体,头发里,在汽车,飞机或是睡房里。 horogo

“ Now I'm able to feed him before he's really hungry and put him to bed before he's overtired and fussy, ” says Scott.
“现在我能在他真的饥饿之前就给他喂饭,在他累过头或者发飙之前让他上床睡觉。” S说。 yeeyan

Breathes the impulsion which the muscle and chest gallery dependence main center provides maintains the breath movement, but easy overtired but failure.

Do not drive when angry, overtired, or upset.
怒气未消、过度疲劳或心境不佳时不要开车。 ieche

Don't bring the baby to the bed of a parent who's overtired or using medications or other substances that could impair their alertness.
不要将婴儿与过度疲劳的人同睡一张床,或者是在服药期间或其他会降低警惕性物质的大人。 dxy

I am lonely when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up.
只有在我过于劳累,在我长时间无间断地工作,在我感到内心空虚,需要补充精神营养的时候,我才感到寂寞。 putclub

If one is overtired or feels fatigued, it is advisable to avoid lifting heavy objects alone.
如果感到过度劳累时,最好独自避免提举重物。 iciba

I'm so tired I think I'm overtired.
我好累,我想我是累过头了。 kekenet

Small problems will seem large and it would be easy to feel overwhelmed or overtired.
小问题会显得大,很容易感到不知所措或过度疲劳。 chinatarot

This will reduce your chances of becoming overtired.
这会减少你变得过度疲劳的机会。 yeeyan

Why is it so difficult to fall asleep when you are overtired?
为何你劳累过度却又如此难以入睡? edu.sina.com.cn

You are just overtired. There is nothing wrong with you. You'll be all right after a couple days' rest.

You're overtired and a good holiday will pull you out.

You're feeling low because you're overtired; a good holiday will pull you out.
你是因为太累了才精神不好,好好地度一个假就会使你恢复的。 hotdic

Overtired, mentally stalled, he consulted his wrist watch and calculated that there would be time for an hour, or two, of sleep before the dawn.
过度疲劳,精神失控的时候,他会看一下手表,计算一下黎明前还会有多少时间可睡,一小时还是两小时。 blog.sina.com.cn




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