

单词 assuredly
释义 as·sur·ed·ly AHD-ürə̇dlē,-li ☆☆☆☆☆高TCOCA³⁴⁸⁰¹BNC³⁶²⁹⁷iWeb²⁰⁷²¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

without a doubt;

the grammar schools were assuredly not intended for the gentry alone

assured=-ed-ly像⇒adv.确实地⁶⁰;确信地⁴⁰近义词 surely无疑really实在for sure确定certainly当然doubtless无疑的definitely肯定地decisively决然地undoubtedly无疑地for certain肯定地without a doubt当然without doubt无疑地confidently有信心地unquestionably当然地with assurance有把握地with confidence满怀信心地

This thing have happenedassuredlyin my life.这种情况在生活中确有发生。
Vicious he couldassuredlynot be, but one easily imagined him weak in character.他确实不是邪恶的,不过人们易于想象他的性格是柔弱的。adv.without a doubt
同义词 undoubtedlyabsolutely,certainly,definitely,of course,positively,surely,unquestionably,without fail
反义词 doubtfully,questionably
OKadverb yes
absolutely,affirmative,agreed,all right,amen,aye,beyond a doubt,by all means,certainly,definitely,even so,exactly,fine,gladly,good,good enough,granted,indubitably,just so,most assuredly,naturally,of course,okay,positively,precisely,roger,sure thing,surely,true,undoubtedly,unquestionably,very well,willingly,without fail,yea,yep
certainlyadverb without doubt
absolutely,assuredly,cert,exactly,for a fact,of course,positively,posolutely,right on,surely,unquestionably,without fail
confidentlyadverb in an assured manner
assuredly,having conviction,positively,with conviction
doubtlessadverb certainly;most likely
absolutely,apparently,assuredly,clearly,easily,for sure,indisputably,no ifs ands or buts,of course,ostensibly,positively,precisely,presumably,probably,seemingly,supposedly,surely,truly,undoubtedly,unequivocally,unquestionably,without doubt
easilyadverb without a doubt
absolutely,actually,almost certainly,assuredly,beyond question,by far,certainly,clearly,decidedly,definitely,doubtless,doubtlessly,far and away,indeed,indisputably,indubitably,no doubt,plainly,positively,probably,really,surely,truly,undeniably,undoubtedly,unequivocally,unquestionably
emphaticallyadverb definitely
absolutely,assuredly,certainly,decidedly,decisively,distinctly,entirely,flatly,of course,undoubtedly,unequivocally,with decision The techniques of internal management will assuredly change.
毫无疑问,内部的管理技术也会改变。 kuenglish

Assuredly, as the minister looked back, he beheld an expression of divine gratitude and ecstasy that seemed like the shine of the celestial city on her face, so wrinkled and ashy pale.
反正,当牧师回头看去时,只见到一副感谢天恩的狂喜神情,似乎天国的光辉正映照在她那满是皱纹的灰白色面孔之上。 hjenglish

Almost assuredly, as soon as they start living in high performance, something will happen to set them back.
几乎可以确信,一旦他们开始进入高绩效的状态,就会有障碍出现。 infoq

But it is most assuredly possible.
但这肯定是可能的。 yeeyan

Human hearts are assuredly universal.
人心确实是宇宙。 blog.sina.com.cn

If we enter the presence of a person infected with contagious disease in fear and trembling, we must assuredly draw to ourselves the poisonous microbes.
如果我们心怀恐惧、战战兢兢的去接近一个感染了传染性疾病的人,我们肯定会把自己变成有毒的微生物。 yeeyan

There is assuredly a case to be made for reducing its size and ambitions and giving greater responsibilities to individuals.
的确,需要削减它的规模和野心,将更重的责任给予个人。 ecocn

To that end, I think impartial reporting produced by responsible media must be delivered quickly and assuredly to those who need it.
为此,负责任的媒体就需要把公平、客观的新闻报道迅速、准确地传送到需要者那里。 putclub

We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
假使我们不团结在一起,我们将分开被绞死。 ibm

We can assuredly build a socialist state with modern industry, modern agriculture, and modern science and culture.
我们一定会建设一个具有现代工业、现代农业和现代科学文化的社会主义国家。 jukuu

Without a release, life will almost assuredly bring you down. The human mind and body can only take so much before it breaks down, so doing some' maintenance' is essential to keeping yourself well.
缺少了放松生活会毫无疑问的让你失望,认得一生的经历是有限的,所以适时的保养对于你的身体健康很有必要。 yeeyan

Assuredly, this is an opera which it is worth the trouble of listening to.
诚然,这是一出值得人家倾听的歌剧。 iciba




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