

单词 assured
释义 as·sured 英əˈʃʊəd美əˈʃʊrdAHDə-sh‹rdʹ ★★★☆☆高四G宝COCA⁹²⁴⁵BNC⁷⁹⁷⁹iWeb⁸³⁷⁹Economist⁶⁰⁰⁶

marked by assurance; exhibiting confidence;

she paints with an assured hand

characterized by certainty or security;

a tiny but assured income

we can never have completely assured lives

assured destruction确有把握的摧毁…rest assured放心mutual assured survival互相保证的生存…assure使确信self-assured有自信的assured of确信operator assured exchange line access话务员保留的交换机外…assured command确定权be assured of确信rest assured of放心assured processibility factor安全操作系数…You may rest assured.请放心,请你相信。…
assure+ed…的⇒assured adj.确定的,有保证的近义词 sure肯定的cool凉爽的solid固体的certain确定的positive积极的insistent坚持的confident自信的poised泰然自若的courageous勇敢的guaranteed保证的self-assured有自信的self-possessed镇静的self-confident有自信的


I am assured of his honesty.我确信他很诚实。

涉及到“保险”时,我们习惯用insure,而不是assure,如insure her car。不过assure也有指“保险”的意思,如assure her life指“为她保人寿险”;

在指“确保”时,ensure的用法比assure更加普遍。His work assured him a degree of happiness.他的工作确保给他带来了一定程度的幸福感。

His work ensured him a degree of happiness.该句的用法更为普遍。
用作形容词Please restassuredthat repayment is ensured.请您放心,还款是有保障的。adj.absolutely certain
同义词 guaranteed,settled,surecinched,clear-cut,clinched,confirmed,decided,racked,sealed,secure,setbeyond doubt,definite,in the bag,indubitable,irrefutable,made certain,nailed down,on ice,positive,pronounced,sewed-up,surefire,undoubted,unquestionable
反义词 indefinite,uncertain,unsure,undecided,vaguedoubted,doubtfuladj.confident
同义词 audacious,certain,composed,confident,gutsy,poised,self-assured,self-confident,sure,unflappablebrazencollected,cool,secureassertive,bold,cocksure,complacent,imperturbable,overconfident,positive,pushy,rosy,sanguine,self-possessed,unhesitating,upbeat
反义词 humble,meek,self-doubting,shy,timid,uncertain,unconfident,unself-confident,unsureconfused,doubting,feared,fearful,hesitant,nervous
Panglossianadjective optimistic
bright,buoyant,cheerful,cheering,confident,encouraged,expectant,happy,high,hopeful,hoping,idealistic,keeping the faith,looking on the bright side,looking through rose-colored glasses,merry,on cloud nine,on top of world,positive,promising,ray of sunshine,rose-colored,roseate,rosy,sanguine,sunny,trusting,upbeat,utopian
assertiveadjective aggressive
automaticadjective occurring as natural consequence
certainadjective fixed
clear-cutadjective definite
confidentadjective certain;sure
assured,convinced,counting on,expectant,having faith in,hopeful,optimistic,positive,sanguine,secure,sure,upbeat Although he seemed annoyed by this question, he assured me there was no one else, and that's when our relationship became more serious.
对这个问题他似乎很反感,他向我保证我是他的唯一,从那时起,我们开始更认真地对待我们的关系。 yeeyan

The disadvantage of this configuration is that, as service requests are presented and processed locally by each server, the sequencing of discrete messages cannot be assured.
该配置的缺点在于,由于服务请求被提交并由每个服务器本地处理,所以不能确定离散的消息顺序。 ibm

The Russian ambassador assured me we have no daylight between us.
俄罗斯特使也向我保证,我们之间毫无芥蒂。 ebigear

The state must be assured of the largest share of profits.

All this should lead to a rebound, but Mr King says that a sustainable recovery is far from assured.
所有这些都应该导致经济反弹,但是金先生说持续的复苏还远不能确定。 yeeyan

But we were assured we would be contacted once the beta began so that we can invite people to help test it.
但是向我们保证只要测试版放出来就会联系我们,所以我们可以邀请人们来测试。 yeeyan

Despite the optimism that the new data have sparked, Singapore's recovery is a long way from assured.
尽管新数据引发了人们的乐观,但是离达到人们放心的水平还有一段距离。 ecocn

He assured him the Centre would be finished and, just to show him how easy it would be, He picked it up.
祂向他保证这个医疗中心会建成的,就为了告诉他这是多么容易,祂把它举了起来。 ecocn

I spoke to him after class again today, and he assured me this semester was going to be different.
今天,在课后我又一次找他谈话,他对我保证这学期的表现会有所不同。 yeeyan

I spoke to him after class again today, and he assured me this semester was going to be different. He was determined to do better.
今天,在课后我又一次找他谈话,他对我保证这学期的表现会有所不同。他决心比上学期做得更好。 yeeyan

I told her I wished that I could caress her, too, but she assured me I could excite her with my mouth and tongue.
我告诉她我愿望我也能轻抚她,但是她向我保证我可以用我的嘴和舌头让她兴奋。 yeeyan

In a letter to employees sent Monday, he thanked them for their support and assured them that he will heal soon.
在上周一写给员工的信中,他对员工的支持表示了感谢,并让他们放心,自己很快就能痊愈。 fortunechina

In this way, no loss of event data can be assured.
通过这样的方式即可保证不丢失任何事件数据。 ibm

It automatically handles dependencies, so you can be assured that any module you want to install will install correctly with all its required pieces.
它自动处理依赖项,因此您可以确定:您想要安装的任何模块都将正确安装并包含必要的依赖项。 ibm

Several of these companies might implement the full standard, although that is not assured.
尽管不是很确定,这些公司中有几个可能实现完整的标准。 ibm

She stared, but soon comprehending why I counselled her to utter the falsehood, she assured me she would not complain.
她愣住了,可是马上就明白我为什么劝她说假话,她向我保证她不会诉苦的。 putclub

She was assured a job at the beginning of next year.

Some guests initially refused to attend, but the couple assured them there would not be any casket or corpse.
一些客人起初拒绝出席。但这对新人向亲友保证,婚礼现场不会出现棺材或尸体。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The news assured me.

We need to be assured that we can continue to function well, especially if the emergency escalates.
我们需要确定能继续有效运作,尤其是在紧急情况逐步升级的时候。 yeeyan

We need to ensure that every patient with confirmed malaria gets the best, quality- assured medicines.
我们必须确保确诊的每位疟疾患者得到有质量保证的最佳药物。 who

We assured him of our support.




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