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词汇 overrule
释义 o·ver·rule 英ˌəʊvəˈruːl美ˌovɚˈrulAHDō'vər-r›lʹ ★☆☆☆☆高四GI宝八COCA¹⁷⁹⁶²BNC³⁴⁶⁴⁰iWeb¹⁹⁷⁹⁵Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

rule against;

The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill

over-,在上,超过,rule,统治,管理。即上层管理者,后用于指否决,推翻。GRE难词记忆overrule→over在上面+rule v.统治, 裁决→上面裁决…为无效→否决GRE红宝书over在…上+rule 统治
rule over, 用rule来压制
组合词:over + rule统治⇒高位的人否决低位的人或事组合词over + rule统治→高位的人否决低位的人或事蒋争熟词记忆over-在上面rule统治⇒统治;压倒近义词 veto否决annul废除cancel取消refuse拒绝reject拒绝master主人repeal废止reverse逆转override推翻disallow驳回domineer擅权overturn翻倒overthrow推翻rule against否决revoke撤回,取消,废除…

用作动词I, however, retain the right tooverruleany choices that you make.但是,我仍有权推翻你所做的任何决定。
We wereoverruledby the majority.我们的意见被多数人否决了。
The judgeoverruledthe previous decision.法官否决了以前的判决。
Custom and agreementoverrulelaw.习惯与合意可以使法律无效。
Words plainlyoverrulethe understanding.言语显然能左右理解。verb.repeal
同义词 annul,disallow,invalidate,nullify,override,overturn,quash,rescind,reverse,revoke,strike down,veto,voidabrogate,cancel,negate
反义词 allow,approve,enforce,keep,permit,sanction,validate,establish
dominateverb govern, rule
boss,call the shots,command,control,detract from,dictate,direct,domineer,eclipse,handle,have one's way,have upper hand,head,hold sway over,influence,keep under thumb,lay down the law,lead,lead by the nose,manage,monopolize,outshine,overbear,overshadow,play first fiddle,predominate,preponderate,prevail,prevail over,reign,rule the roost,run,run the show,sit on top of,subject,subjugate,superabound,sway,tyrannize
governverb take control;rule
administer,assume command,be in power,be in the driver's seat,call the shots,call the signals,captain,carry out,command,conduct,control,dictate,direct,execute,exercise authority,guide,head,head up,hold dominion,hold office,hold sway,lay down the law,lead,manage,occupy throne,order,overrule,oversee,pilot,pull the strings,regulate,reign,render,run,serve the people,steer,superintend,supervise,sway,tyrannize,wear the crown
governsverb take control;rule
administers,assumes command,calls the shots,calls the signals,captains,carries out,commands,conducts,controls,dictates,directs,executes,exercises authority,guides,heads,heads up,holds dominion,holds office,holds sway,is in power,is in the driver's seat,leads,lies down the law,manages,occupies throne,orders,overrules,oversees,pilots,pulls the strings,regulates,reigns,renders,runs,serves the people,steers,superintends,supervises,sways,tyrannizes,wears the crown
invalidateverb render null and void
X out,abate,abolish,abrogate,annihilate,annul,blow sky-high,cancel,circumduct,counteract,counterbalance,disannul,discredit,disqualify,impair,negate,negative,neutralize,nix,nullify,offset,overrule,overthrow,quash,refute,revoke,shoot full of holes,undermine,undo,unfit,weaken
invalidatedverb render null and void
X-outed,abated,abolished,abrogated,annihilated,annulled,blew sky-high,canceled,circumducted,counteracted,counterbalanced,disannuled,discredited,disqualified,impaired,negated,negatived,neutralized,nixed,nullified,offset,overruled,overthrew,quashed,refuted,revoked,shot full of holes,undermined,undid,unfitted,weakened
invalidatesverb render null and void
X-outs,abates,abolishes,abrogates,annihilates,annuls,blows sky-high,cancels,circumducts,counteracts,counterbalances,disannuls,discredits,disqualifies,impairs,negates,negatives,neutralizes,nixes,nullifies,offsets,overrules,overthrows,quashes,refutes,revokes,shoots full of holes,undermines,undoes,unfits,weakens It's possible that the commission will overrule both the staff and the chief ALJ, but it's not something Kodak or its investors can bank on.
六人委员会可能会推翻调查小组和主审行政法官的判定,但柯达公司或其投资者都不能指望这一点。 fortunechina

And so Victor had no chance to overrule our plan. Tonight was to be the night.

As a referee, you must also be confident and alert enough to overrule your assistant when necessary.
作为一名主裁,你必须自信,并且在必要时否决助理裁判的判罚。 yeeyan

Auto dealers, too, have complained that G.M. and the administration are improperly trying to use the federal bankruptcy code to overrule state laws meant to protect car dealerships.
企业经销商也抱怨通用和政府不恰当使用联邦破产保护法来反驳保护销售商的州法律。 yeeyan

But she has been both hesitant and meddling, and has often allowed a small cabal of personal advisers to overrule and undermine ministers.
但是她既犹豫不决又多管闲事,而且经常让一个私人顾问组成的小集团去否决和损害部长们。 ecocn

But there are doubts about her sincerity, worries about her inexperience and a real fear that her brother may overrule her and rush home.
但是人们怀疑她是否真诚,还担心她缺乏经验,更担心其兄长会凌驾于她之上,火速回国。 ecocn

Court orders sometimes overrule that.
然而,法院下达的命令有时候会凌驾于这条规定。 yeeyan

Even if allies of the al- Khalifa family were to lose control of the lower house, the appointed upper house can overrule it.
即使阿勒哈利法家族的盟友失去对下议院的控制权,尤其认命的上议院也会予以推翻。 ecocn

Even if Mr Singh now favours the pursuit of freer trade, Sonia Gandhi, boss of the Congress family firm, with its roots in the countryside, may well overrule him.
即便辛格总理愿意追求更自由的贸易,国大党这个家族政党的领袖索尼娅•甘地也可能会否决他,因为该党的根基在于农村。 ecocn

If his generals disagree, he will overrule them.
如果他的将领不同意,他将否决他们。 ecocn

It objected to the creation and expansion of the three transatlantic cartels, only to be ignored by the DoT, which it cannot overrule on such matters.
他们反对这三个跨大西洋运输联盟的创造和阐述,而这被美国运输部忽略了。 ecocn

Many Americans would be very unhappy with the idea that an international court could overrule their own courts on his behalf.
国际法院因为他的缘故而推翻了本国法庭的裁决,很多美国人对此不甚乐意。 ecocn

Oswald Grübel, the chief executive, has said that if his newish risk chief, Philip Lofts, rejects a transaction he will never overrule him.
瑞银的执行总裁奥斯瓦尔德•格鲁贝尔表示,如果他的新任风险执行官飞利浦•洛夫茨拒绝执行某项交易,他绝不会对之加以否决。 ecocn

Pragmatists like the current prime minister, Baburam Bhattarai, managed to overrule party ideologues who do not want full integration and still openly oppose the deal.
实用主义者,包括现任的总理巴布拉姆·巴特拉伊在内,成功否决了那些不支持全面统一且仍公开反对该决议的空想家们。 yeeyan

Rather than overrule the masses, Skinner came up with his own solution: He keeps a stash of the old lids on hand.
但斯金纳并没有否决大多数人的意见,而是想出了自己的解决方案:他存了一批旧盖子留着自己用。 fortunechina

The grand- jury- like panels now have the power to overrule prosecutors.
如今审查会就像大陪审团,有了否决检察官决定的大权。 yeeyan

The more we know about what’s influencing our gut, the more we will be able to overrule it when reason dictates a different reaction.
对影响我们直觉的东西知道越多,当我们的理智有不同反应的时候,我们就能更多的推翻它。 yeeyan

They entered upon the turf, and, impelled by a force that seemed to overrule their will, suddenly stood still, turned, and waited in paralyzed suspense beside the stone.
他们走进草地,好像被某种控制了他们意志的力量逼着似的,突然在里程碑旁边站住了;他们转过身去,好像瘫痪了似的在里程碑旁等着。 ebigear




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