

单词 overhauled
释义 o·ver·haul·ed 英'əʊvəhɔːl美'oʊvərhɔːl COCA⁴³¹⁰²BNC³²³¹⁶Economist¹¹⁸⁰²
periodic maintenance on a car or machine;

it was time for an overhaul on the tractor

the act of improving by renewing and restoring;

they are pursuing a general program of renovation to the entire property

a major overhal of the healthcare system was proposed

travel past;

The sports car passed all the trucks

make repairs, renovations, revisions or adjustments to;

You should overhaul your car engine

overhaul the health care system

scheduled overhaul定期大修top overhaul大修overhaul period检修周期engine overhaul发动机修理,发动机大…overhaul instruction大修指导minor overhaul小修major overhaul大修general overhaul一般大修annual overhaul年度检修complete overhaul全部拆卸检修…overhaul manual检修手册maintenance overhaul维修,保全preventive overhaul定期修理,预防性修理…overhaul life大修周期,大修寿命…
近义词 mend修理pass通过refit改装outdo超过repair修理service服务surpass超越fix使 … 固定overtake赶上renovate修理refurbish刷新condition条件renovation革新leave behind留下redevelopment再发展modernize使 现代化modernise使现代化…

用作及物动词You shouldoverhaulyour car engine.你应检修你的汽车发动机。
The engines wereoverhauledcompletely before our departure.在我们出发之前马达都彻底检修过。
There have already been several attempts tooverhaulthe system.已有多次尝试彻底改革。
The fast cruiser soonoverhauledthe old cargo boat.快速巡逻艇迅即赶上那艘旧货船。
He managed tooverhaulthe leader on the final lap.他在最后一圈努力超过了领先的人。用作名词I've taken my typewriter in for anoverhaul.我已把打字机拿去彻底检修了。
The engine is due for anoverhaul.那台发动机该大修了。as in.remade
同义词 fixed,redone,refitted,renovated,revisedmade overas in.revised
同义词 adjusted,amended,improved,updatedaltered,changed,editedemendedfixed,rectified,redacted,redone,reworked,rewritten
remadeadjective rebuilt
fixed,made over,redone,refitted,renovated,revised
revisedadjective corrected
adjusted,altered,amended,changed,editedemendedfixed,improved,overhauled,rectified,redacted,redone,reworked,rewritten,updated Regulators should be inspected for wear and overhauled or replaced on an established schedule.
要按照确定的计划检查调整器是否老化,修理或替换它。 chinafanyi.com

The welfare system is being overhauled to let private firms and charities compete for more contracts.
彻改福利体系,让私有公司和慈善机构参与市场竞争。 ecocn

Comprehensive weighted assessment method for reliability assessment of overhauled motor vehicle is explored into.
探讨了大修汽车可靠性评价的加权综合评价方法。 cnki

During the second quarter, A. M. D. overhauled its mobile chip lineup, giving investors hope that its competitive position could improve.
在第二季度中,先进微设备公司彻底检修了它的移动芯片组,给予投资者它的竞争地位会有所提升的希望。 kaka3

Europe will not stem this crisis unless its decision-making apparatus is overhauled and Germany radically changes its tune.
若决策机制不能彻底改善,或者德国的态度不能有根本转变,欧洲就无力阻挡此次危机。 ecocn

Google Docs and Spreadsheets overhauled the way we collaborate with co-workers and friends.
还有谷歌文档和电子表格,它改变了我们和同事朋友的合作方式。 yeeyan

In 2006, as governor of Massachusetts, he passed a law that overhauled health care in the state.
2006年,作为麻省州长,他通过了一条修订该州医疗保险的法案。 ecocn

It's also why the compensation system must be overhauled to remove the incentive for creating ephemeral profits that ultimately go up in smoke.
这也是为什么补偿制度需要彻底改革以消除短期利润创造的刺激,因为这种短期利润最终都会化为乌有。 yeeyan

Jobs, Ratzlaff, and the designers settled into an in- depth discussion of the old Mac interface and how it might be overhauled.
之后乔布斯、 Ratzlaff和他的设计师们一起就如何重建旧的 Mac系统的界面进行了一次深度讨论。 yeeyan

Like many big banks, UBS has overhauled its bonus structure to more closely align pay with long-term performance.
与其它许多大银行一样,瑞银也对奖金制度进行了改革,将薪酬与长期绩效更紧密地挂钩。 h1ss

Please keep close watch over the separator we overhauled just now.
请注意我们刚才检修过的那台分油机。 club.sol.com.cn

Recently, Grand Circle overhauled its Amazon River itinerary based on feedback from employees that had vacationed with a competitor.
近期,根据与竞争对手一起旅游的员工给出的反馈,环游旅行公司对其亚马逊河旅游路线进行了彻底改革。 fortunechina

Self- flagellating is not sufficient expiation: the price of the bra must be cut, the newspaper redesigned, or, in this case, politics overhauled.
仅仅是自我鞭笞已经不足以赎罪——文胸必须减价,报纸必须改头换面,政治也必须彻底革新。 iciba

Servlet3.0 has also been overhauled to use generics, has improvements to session tracking, and includes new file upload functionality.
Servlet3.0还大量使用了泛型,改善了会话追踪,引入了新的文件上传功能。 infoq

Since Michael Dell returned in 2007 to the helm of the company he founded, he has overhauled its operations in a bid to revive its fortunes.
戴尔公司创始人迈克尔•戴尔自打2007年重新掌舵以来,已整顿经营,努力扭转运数。 ecocn

That puts it out of step with OECD standards, which were overhauled in 2004 to allow greater sharing of information between nations.
这使得香港和经合组织的标准存在冲突,经合组织已于2004年进行了改变,允许国家和地区之间进一步共享信息。 shinewrite

The Navy was sufficiently concerned about the danger of crews' receiving and carrying out unauthorized launch orders that it overhauled the entire system.
海军非常担心控制人员接收并执行未经授权发射命令的危险,因此对整个系统进行了彻底检查。 yeeyan

The abrupt slowdown in human movement might seem to improve the odds that America's broken immigration system will be overhauled soon.
人员流动性的陡然下降似乎也将增加全面改革美国糟糕的移民制度的几率。 ecocn

The Dearborn, Michigan-based automaker has overhauled Lincoln’s design theme to outfit models with prominent, split-bow grilles.
在福特位于密歇根州迪尔伯恩市生产基地,福特对其车型的设计主题进行了全面改装,将为这款小型车配备凸出的、分开向下的散热器护栅。 yeeyan

The express overhauled a goods train.
那快车超越了货车。 iciba

When properly maintained and overhauled, high- strength alloy steel components demonstrate high levels of service reliability.
只要维修和大修得当,高强度合金钢部件就会表现出极高的可靠性。 minhang




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