

单词 assuaging
释义 as·suage 英ə'sweɪdʒ美ə'sweɪdʒ COCA¹⁰¹²⁷⁴BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺
cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of;

She managed to mollify the angry customer

satisfy thirst;

The cold water quenched his thirst

provide physical relief, as from pain;

This pill will relieve your headaches

近义词 ease容易allay减轻check检查slake消除lessen减少calm平静的temper脾气loosen松开quench熄灭lenify安慰quiet安静的relieve救济appease安抚placate抚慰silence沉默suffice足够mollify安慰restrain抑制mitigate减轻palliate减轻gentle温和的alleviate减轻satisfy使满意gruntle使高兴moderate适度的conciliate安抚sympathize同情pacify使 … 平静soften使变柔和

用作动词Nothing canassuagethe widow's grief.什么也不能缓和这寡妇的哀伤。
His reply did little toassuagemy suspicions.他的答覆一点也没有减少我的怀疑。 In the short term, it must be enough to free the ECB to intervene without limit, by assuaging fears of moral hazard.
短期内,通过平息人们对道德风险的担忧,以使欧洲中央银行可以进行无限干预就已足够。 ecocn

The problem, though, is that assuaging Germany’s sensitivities may yet grate on Irish ones.
然而问题是缓和德国的敏感点也仍有可能刺激爱尔兰问题。 ecocn

The war is deeply unpopular, and Mr Zardari seems to face an impossible task in assuaging public opinion and overcoming military reluctance while fending off American impatience.
战争是着实不被看好的,扎尔达里似乎面临着无法完成的挑战:他必须缓和公众情绪,化解军队的抵制态度,同时还要稳住失去耐心的美国。 ecocn

And the revenue raised might go some way to assuaging the concerns of those who oppose immigration, especially now when clever thinking is needed about ways to improve public finances.
同时筹集到的收入在某种程度上减少反对移民的人对此的关注度,尤其在当下需要良策来改善公共财政的时候。 ecocn

Even in his own circumstances, the writer was focused entirely on assuaging the fears and unease of his family in Connecticut.
甚至在说到自己的情况时,作者也把焦点全部放在了缓和康乃狄格州家人的害怕与不安上。 yeeyan

Finally, the value of subprime and Alt- A mortgage bonds has soared in secondary markets this year, assuaging investor anger.
最后,次级和中间级 ALT- A按揭债券的价值今年来在二级市场上飙升,一定程度上平息了投资者的怒气。 ecocn

In assuaging these worries, governments will have to balance two risks.
为了安抚这些忧虑,政府必须平衡两个风险。 ecocn

Lower oil and commodity prices ought to benefit China and India, by lowering import bills and assuaging worries about inflation.
低廉的石油和大宗商品对中国和印度有利,可以使其减少进口负担并缓解通胀压力。 ecocn

Selecting natural material of international standard. Lavender essential oil with mild aroma, gentle, assuaging and refreshing.
选取国际标准原料,天然呵护,熏衣草植物精油,弱香型,温和舒缓怡神。 www.baobei360.com

So instead of assuaging market fears, leveraging may yet become a mechanism that transmits panic and weakens the sovereigns, above all France.
因此,杠杆作用非但不能缓解市场担忧气氛,反而会成为传播恐慌情绪的加速器削弱债务国主权,至少对法国来讲是这样。 ecocn

The structure, aimed at assuaging concerns about Indonesian law, is commonly deployed.
该结构旨在规避印尼法律,目前得到广泛使用。 ecocn

When a company loses money, people demand that heads roll, even if the changes are more about assuaging shareholders than sound management.
当公司亏损时,人们会要求解雇管理者,即使这种解雇的作用更多的只是安抚股东而非改善管理。 yeeyan




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