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词汇 assuage
释义 assuage əˈSweɪdʒ 
vt.使痛苦、饥渴等缓和to make pain, hunger, thirst, etc less intense
cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of;

She managed to mollify the angry customer

satisfy thirst;

The cold water quenched his thirst

provide physical relief, as from pain;

This pill will relieve your headaches

发音释义:ə'sweɪdʒ vt.平息;缓和;减轻
结构分析:assuage = as=ad,使+suage温和→使温和→缓和、减轻
GRE红宝书1)suage甜-变甜-缓和, 减轻2)ass帮助, age老人-帮助老人减轻痛苦
suad + 柔和温和;persuade 劝说就是能使事情缓和
as+suage甜→变甜 →缓和
as=ad,趋向+suag=suav-的法语变体,甜的,令人愉悦的+e→使变甜,使变得令人愉悦→使不愉快的感觉减轻⇒缓和,减轻痛苦、饥渴等感受。GRE难词记忆assuage→as+sua=sweet, pleasant 令人愉快的-age集合/活动/动作→使变得愉快→缓和词根记忆as + suage甜→ 变甜 ⇒缓和近义词 ease容易allay减轻check检查slake消除lessen减少calm平静的temper脾气loosen松开quench熄灭lenify安慰quiet安静的relieve救济appease安抚placate抚慰silence沉默suffice足够mollify安慰restrain抑制mitigate减轻palliate减轻gentle温和的alleviate减轻satisfy使满意gruntle使高兴moderate适度的conciliate安抚sympathize同情pacify使 … 平静soften使变柔和

用作动词Nothing canassuagethe widow's grief.什么也不能缓和这寡妇的哀伤。
His reply did little toassuagemy suspicions.他的答覆一点也没有减少我的怀疑。verb.soothe, relieve
同义词 allay,alleviate,appease,lessen,mitigate,mollify,pacify,placate,quench,sate,satisfy,soften,tempercalm,compose,conciliate,cool,ease,fill,lighten,lull,moderate,palliate,propitiate,quiet,still,surfeit,sweeten,tranquilizemake nice,pour oil on,take the edge off,take the sting out
反义词 aggravate,agitate,dissatisfy,incite,increase,intensify,irritate,provoke,trouble,upset,worry,worsen,anger,deplete,exciteexacerbate
allayverb reduce something, usually a pain or a problem
abate,alleviate,calm,compose,cool out,decrease,ease,lessen,lighten,make nice,mitigate,moderate,mollify,pacify,play up to,pour oil on,quiet,square,take the bite out,take the sting out
alleviateverb relieve;lessen
allay,assuage,ease,lighten,mitigate,mollify,pacify,pour oil on,soft pedal,take the bite out,take the edge off,take the sting out
alleviatesverb relieve;lessen
allays,assuages,eases,lightens,mitigates,mollifies,pacifies,pours oil on,soft-pedals,takes the bite out,takes the edge off,takes the sting out
appeaseverb satisfy, pacify
allay,alleviate,assuage,be enough,blunt,calm,compose,conciliate,content,diminish,do,ease,gratify,lessen,lull,make matters up,meet halfway,mitigate,mollify,patch things up,placate,propitiate,quell,quench,quiet,serve,soften,soothe,subdue,sweeten,tranquilize
appeasesverb satisfy, pacify
allays,alleviates,assuages,blunts,calms,composes,conciliates,contents,diminishes,does,eases,gratifies,is enough,lessens,lulls,makes matters up,meets halfway,mitigates,mollifies,patches things up,placates,propitiates,quells,quenches,quiets,serves,softens,soothes,subdues,sweetens,tranquilizes
calmverb make composed, quiet
allay,alleviate,appease,assuage,balm,becalm,compose,cool,cool it,cool out,hush,lay back,lull,mitigate,mollify,pacify,placate,quiet,quieten,relax,relieve,sedate,settle,simmer down,soft pedal,soothe,steady,still,stroke,take it easy,take the edge off,tranquilize And this year the rise has been checked, apparently in order to assuage foreign worries about its military modernization.
而且,今年其军费的增加已经停止,这明显是为了平息外国对其军事现代化的担忧。 yeeyan

Any further changes to assuage shareholder concerns are likely to be announced soon after the ruling.
任何缓和股东担忧的进一步变化都可能在裁定后不久宣布。 yeeyan

Anyway, the best way to assuage regional concerns is to construct cooperative agreements and structures between Japan and its neighbors.
不管怎样,减轻地区性紧张的最好办法就是在日本与其邻国间建立合作协定和合作组织。 yeeyan

As an envoy, Bush could assuage most of these worries.
作为大使,布什能够缓和绝大部分的困扰。 yeeyan

But will European governance assuage the bond markets?
但是,欧洲治理能缓和债券市场吗? ecocn

But it could not assuage human grief or find ultimate meaning in life's struggle.
但它并不能减轻人类的痛苦,或者在人生的斗争中找到终极意义。 yeeyan

Dabbling in the Middle East—fraternising with Hamas, prevaricating on Iran— offers a chance to assuage Muslim anger over Chechnya, at the same time as frustrating the Americans.
涉足中东事务——同哈马斯友善交往,在伊朗问题上支吾搪塞——提供了一个缓和穆斯林对车臣问题的愤怒的机会,同时也挫败了美国的企图。 ecocn

He argues that carbon credits merely assuage our guilt while we carry on polluting and emissions continue to rise.
他认为碳信贷只能在我们释放出污染物时减轻自己的负罪感,碳排放量依然会继续上升。 yeeyan

In their decision last night, finance ministers tried to assuage the markets.
在昨晚的决定中,财政大臣试图缓和市场情况。 yeeyan

It would also, say some analysts, assuage international criticism that India is not doing enough to confront its carbon emissions.
一些分析家还表示,该计划的实施将平息国际上批评印度降低碳排放行动不力的声音。 yeeyan

Little Sheep has taken pains to assuage food- safety concerns.
小肥羊尽力减轻顾客对食品安全的担心。 yeeyan

One, as with indulgences, is to assuage guilt.
其一,就像纵欲一般,是为了减轻罪恶。 ecocn

Or do you want to tell them to calm your own nerves, assuage your own guilt, or because you're just bursting to tell someone?
还是你想告诉他们以让你自己平和神经舒缓,减轻你自己的罪恶感,或者是因为你发了疯似的想要倾诉? yeeyan

Rather than offering a voucher when something goes awry, she suggests, businesses should hand over the real deal to assuage upset customers.
她建议,当出了岔子时,企业应该拿出真正的交易来平息顾客的烦躁情绪,而不是提供什么代金券。 yeeyan

The various plans for parliamentary and constitutional reform, touted by party leaders this week as compensation for their colleagues’ greed, are unlikely to assuage the ire.
党派领袖们这周高高举起关于下院和宪政改革的若干蓝图,以满足他们同僚的贪欲,但这并不能减轻选民的怒火。 ecocn

To assuage his critics, Mr Abbas ordered an internal inquiry into why the PA did not endorse the report, and backed a Libyan attempt to discuss the document at the Security Council.
为缓和矛盾,阿巴斯已经下令对巴勒斯坦权力机构未签署报告的原因作内部调查,阿巴斯支持一位利比亚人在安全理事会上讨议这份文件。 ecocn

To assuage public fears about being swamped, it is seeking to attract mainly high-earners while turning away low- wage immigrants.
为了缓和公众被边缘化的焦虑,它正试图主要吸引高收入者,而转移低薪的移民。 ecocn




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