

单词 overcharged
释义 o·ver·charged 英'əʊvə'tʃaːdʒd美'oʊvə'tʃaːdʒd COCA⁶⁵¹²⁴BNC⁷⁴⁹⁷⁶Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
动词 overcharge:
rip off; ask an unreasonable priceplace too much a load on
用作形容词I'm afraid you'veoverchargedme.恐怕你索价过高了吧! The battery would expose as being overcharged.

The cell did not explode or catch fire when the cell was overcharged, punctured and pressed.
电池在过充、针刺和挤压的情况下不爆炸,不起火。 cnki

The huge change is psychological: stop thinking of foreign students as mugs to be overcharged to subsidise poor Britons.
最大的转变应是心理上的转变:别再把外国留学生当傻瓜要他们付出高额学费来补助穷困的英国学生。 ecocn

We made a mistake in your bill and overcharged you120 dollars. So we had to write up an allowance slip and deduct120 dollars from your bill.
您的帐单上出了个错误,多收了您120元,所以我们要写一个减额单,把这120元从帐单里扣除出来。 ebigear

Bright red and is again overcharged once.
大红的利是又多收了一次。 jiaosha

Drive a bargain, or you are certain to be overcharged.
要砍砍价,不然你一定会被宰。 cri

For example, consumers will not be afraid of being overcharged if dealers are honest, and thus dealers can win over more customers.
例如,如果商人诚信消费者不必担心被索费过高,并且商人能因此赢得更多的消费者。 ebigear

He overcharged a lecture with facts.
他在一篇讲演中事实讲得太多。 tingroom

He overcharged the lecture with too many examples.

I was overcharged for a call to Germany.

Its biggest weakness is probably its tendency to become unstable if it is overheated, overcharged or punctured.
它最大的缺点可能就是它在过热、过度充电或者刺戳时倾向于不稳定性。 yeeyan

Long hours of overtime work may go unpaid or underpaid. Also, victims may be overcharged for their housing, food and other items.
长时间的超量工作也许得不到工资或得到很少。受害者也许还会被索要过高的房租、食品和其它方面的费用。 unsv

Sears overcharged almost90 percent of the time, and it pressured repair personnel to overcharge by setting punitive sales quotas WSJ12 June1992.
西尔斯还通过制定惩罚性的销售限额迫使维修工过度劳动,几乎超过了百分之90的时间华尔街日报1992年6月12日。 zftrans

Soviet Reactors can be overcharged, but will cause it to take damage.
苏联的反应堆可过量充电,但会受损。 duowan

The firm reportedly severely overcharged the Pentagon for fuel deliveries to Iraq.
据报道,该公司向五角大楼在向伊拉克运输燃料上严重滥收费用。 yeeyan

The included110/24 V smart charger regulates the charging sequence and prevents the batteries from becoming overcharged regardless of how long the lift is left charging.
所包含的二十四分之一百一十 V智能充电器充电调控序列,并防止其成为多收多长时间,无论是左的电梯充电电池。 canjiren

The lawsuit also alleges that AT&T overcharged for services in other areas.
该诉讼还指控 AT&T在其他地区收取过高的服务费。 netlawcn




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