

单词 overcharging
释义 o·ver·charge 英ˌəʊvə'tʃɑːdʒ美ˌoʊvər'tʃɑːrdʒ COCA⁶⁴⁵¹²BNC⁷²³¹⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
a price that is too high
rip off; ask an unreasonable priceplace too much a load on;

don't overload the car

overcharge price索虚价overcharge an account经 多开帐款…overcharge sheet多收费用单
近义词 gull鸥hook钩rob抢劫pluck摘cheat欺骗plume羽毛fleece羊毛soak使浸透swindle诈骗amplify扩大oppress使烦恼overload使超载surcharge额外费take advantage of利用rip off收取不合理的高价…gazump房价谈妥后又抬价改售给…反义词 undercharge 收费不足或不当…

用作动词Theyoverchargedme 1 for the shopping.我买东西他们多要了我1英镑。
That grocer neverovercharges.那杂货商从不多要价。用作名词I am going to call the gas company about thisoverchargeon my bill.对于这次我的账单上过高的收费我准备给煤气公司打电话。 A study on overcharging protection and temperature compensation characteristics of VRLA battery was carried out in renewable energy system.
对可再生能源发电系统中阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池( VRLA的过充电保护与温度补偿特性进行了模拟实验研究。 cnki

Are the lawyers overcharging the company?
律师收费是否过高? ti98

The doubts burst into the open on August9th when central banks were forced to inject liquidity into the overnight money markets because banks overcharging punitive rates to lend to each other.
市场信心问题在8月9日大白于天下,由于各银行开始在拆出资金时加收惩罚性利息,联储在当天被迫向隔夜拆借市场注入流动性。 ecocn

The use of the Li- ion batteries in the field of large power sources, such as EV, HEV had been limited due to safety concerns associated with the heating and overcharging.
锂离子电池在受热、过充条件下容易引起安全性问题,使其应用于电动汽车、混合动力汽车的动力电源受到限制。 cnki

Advanced peak detector automatic cutoff with MOSFET and linear current charges battery to100% without overcharging.
高级峰值检测器自动以切断功率管输出和线性电流保证电池能被100%充满而不会导致过冲。 iciba

Alternatively, a shunt is used to prevent overcharging once the load reaches the predetermined voltage.
或者,使用分路来防止一旦负载达到预定电压就发生过充电。 pat365

Car makers could be forced to slash prices after being accused of overcharging yesterday.
汽车制造商被迫减低价格,由于被指控昨天索价过高。 blog.sina.com.cn

Citizens' initiatives are sprouting, with local councils and firms accused of corruption and overcharging for municipal services.
对地方议会和公司的腐败和市政服务的高收费的指控,市民的积极性正在增加。 ecolion.cn

It is unlikely that the Priests would have felt directly threatened by an attack on unscrupulous traders overcharging pilgrims on exchange rates.
祭司不大可能会因对不法商人滥收朝圣者汇率的攻击而感受到直接威胁。 blog.sina.com.cn

Protests of overcharging and harsh treatment of the small businesses.
对于小企业的索价过高和冷漠对待的抗议。 blog.sina.com.cn

Reported are some investigation results of overcharging protection and temperature compensation characteristics of lead acid battery used in electrical power systems.
报导了直流操作电源直流屏中铅酸蓄电池的过充电保护与温度补偿特性的模拟试验研究结果。 cnki

Second, when the form of collecting fees is being used, it is not kept within the bounds of legal system and budget control, and thus the disorderly condition of overcharging occurs.
二是在运用收费形式时,未能将其纳入法制化和预算管理的正常轨道,以致收费出现过多过滥的无序化状态。 dictall

STD AIDS epidemic are the most important reason of overcharging, and prostitution in turn are the most sexually indiscriminate.
性病艾滋病流行的最重要原因是性滥,而卖淫嫖娼则又是性滥之最。 chinavalue

The author briefly introduces the double overcharging method in the weighing technology.
简述了称重技术中的二次加码方式。 cnki

The activists complain that Abbott is overcharging people in poor countries for its drugs.
这些活动人士控诉雅培公司在穷国为其药品超额收费。 ecocn

The batteries had good performances of high current charging and discharging, resistance to overcharging and sealing.
此电池大电流充放性能好、耐过充能力强、密封性能好。 cnki

They accuse Rio Zaza of supplying food to Cuba’s large black market, of overcharging its state- owned joint-venture partner and bribing Cuban managers to look the other way.
他们指责 Rio Zaza公司供应古巴黑市食品、向国营合资企业夥伴索价过高,并且贿赂古巴官员假装没看见。 ecocn

They have read reports of companies wildly overcharging the government for the Commonwealth games and underpaying for mobile- telephone spectrum.
他们还频繁的看到那些报道,说各公司如何借联邦之名耍些手段,从政府大量敛财,又如何低价搞定移动电话费用的。 ecocn




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