

单词 oval
释义 o·val 英ˈəʊvəl美ˈovəlAHDōʹvəl ★★☆☆☆高四六研IMT八COCA⁹²⁰¹BNC¹⁶⁷⁷⁷iWeb⁹⁵²²


a shape like an egg

a closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through it;

the sums of the distances from the foci to any point on an ellipse is constant

rounded like an egg来自拉丁语ovum,卵,蛋,来自PIE*oyyo,卵,蛋,词源同egg.
用作名词 n.
形容词+~large oval大椭圆形
联想记忆o音似喔+val音似哇哦→发哇哦这些声音,嘴都张成椭圆形非常记忆o圈〖编码〗+val我〖谐音〗⇒椭圆形的呼啦圈是我的ov卵-al…的形容词后缀→卵形,卵形的⇒转作名词卵形物。近义词 bubble气泡ovoid卵形的ovate卵形的ellipse椭圆oviform卵形的prolate扁长的elongated细长的elliptical椭圆的egg-shaped蛋形的elliptic椭圆形的oval-shaped椭圆形的ellipsoid几何椭圆体…
用作名词n.The shape of the earth is anoval.地球的形状是个椭圆形。
用作形容词There are manyovalstones at the bottom of the stream.在小河底上有许多卵形的石头。
The mirror isoval.镜子是椭圆的。
The path of the earth around the sun isoval.地球围绕太阳公转的轨道是椭圆形的。用作名词He hair framed her face in a gentleoval.她的头发把她的脸蛋勾勒成椭圆形。adj.long and rounded in shape
同义词 ellipticaloblong,ovoidegg-shaped,ellipsoidal,elliptic,ooid,ovaloid,ovate,oviform
amphitheaternoun arena
footballnoun the ball used in football
inflated oval,moleskin,oval,peanut,pigskin,pineapple,porker,regulation football,sphere,watermelon
globoidadjective round
globularadjective round
more roundedadjective curved
oblongadjective elongated and rounded
egg-shaped,ellipsoidal,elliptical,elongate,long,oval,ovaliform,ovaloid,ovate,ovated,ovoid,rectangular The blue outer oval in the diagram represents a DB2 database server.
在这个图中,外面的蓝色椭圆表示一个 DB2数据库服务器。 ibm

The leaf is oval in shape.

The tips are oval instead of round, and therefore extremely comfortable.
耳塞头不是圆的而是椭圆的,所以戴着特别舒服。 yeeyan

The yellow parts has small oval-shaped protrusions, each with one or two“ pinhole” depressions.
黄色部分有小的椭圆形突出,每个突出又有一到二个“针孔”状凹陷。 yeeyan

A normal sperm has an oval head and a long tail, which work together to propel it forward.
一个正常的精子有一个椭圆形的头和一条长尾巴,两部分在一起推动其前行。 yeeyan

And if the oval structures were once bacteria, they should be everywhere, too.
而如果该椭圆结构曾是细菌,它们也该在所有区域出现。 ecocn

As for public perceptions: I guess I’m unconvinced that the public has any idea how much time the Oval Office gives to things.
至于公众的看法:我想,我不认为公众对椭圆形办公室在每件事上花多少时间有什么概念。 yeeyan

Each use case is represented by an oval, and labeled with a declarative statement that describes what action the use case is intended to perform.
每个用例都由一个椭圆形代表,用描述这个用例将要执行什么样的行为的说明型陈述进行标注。 ibm

However, the isolated Brazilian feather pictured contains both light and dark regions, and the oval structures are found only in the dark regions.
然而,那根巴西发现的羽毛如图含有浅色和深色两种区域,而该椭圆结构仅出现于深色区域。 ecocn

I can only imagine how he must have felt, entering the Oval Office in turbulent times.
我只能想象他在那个动荡的年代步入椭圆形办公室时的所思所想。 hjenglish

I greeted them and said that if they’d wait for me to shower and get dressed for church, I’d take them into the Oval Office for a picture.
我向他们打招呼,并告诉他们,如果等我洗完澡并换上去教堂的衣服,我会领他们到总统使用的椭圆形办公室合个影。 yeeyan

I skipped over zero as we counted, but she confidently picked up the number and declared it an oval.
当我们数数时,我跳过了零,但我女儿很自信地说出了零,并且说零是一个椭圆。 yeeyan

It owns most of the Scilly Isles, the Oval cricket ground in London and Dartmoor prison.
它拥有大部分的锡利群岛、位于伦敦的椭圆形板球场和达特穆尔监狱。 yeeyan

Just before the ceremony, all three delegations gathered in the large oval Blue Room on the main floor of the White House.
就在仪式开始之前,所有的三个代表团都聚集在白宫主层的宽阔的椭圆形“蓝厅”里。 yeeyan

Obama yesterday began his first day as president in the Oval Office, where he spent10 minutes alone reading the note left to him by President Bush.
奥巴马昨天在椭圆形办公室开始了他当总统的第一天,他花了10分钟独自阅读布什总统给他留的条子。 yeeyan

One Saturday, Christopher and Lake convened an Oval Office meeting to talk about Haiti.
某个星期六,克里斯托弗和湖是椭圆形办公室召开会议,是要讨论海地。 yeeyan

Run the code again, and suddenly the oval pops up above the rectangle, as shown in Figure6.
再次运行这个代码,突然这个椭圆就在这个方框上面了,如图6所示。 ibm

The President uses the Oval Office as his primary place of work.
总统把椭圆形办公室作为自己的主要办公地点。 yeeyan

They call it the Oval Office.
他们管它叫椭圆办公室。 hxen

They rest on the bookshelves in the Oval Office, and I see them every day.
这些模型如今都陈列在椭圆形办公室的书架上,我每天都会看到。 yeeyan

They wept together— his tears made a gleam on the skin of her shoulder within the wide oval of her neckline—and agreed that no one but them would ever know.
他们抱头痛哭起来——他的眼泪在她把宽大椭圆形的颈线内肩膀处的肌肤上发出晶莹的光亮——他们达成协议,他们的关系不会叫任何知道。 yeeyan

This is because of the Moon's orbit around Earth which is oval or elliptical in shape.
这是因为月球环绕地球的轨道是卵形的或者椭圆形的。 yeeyan

To further improve taste, check out its“ belly button”: At the blossom end, eggplants have either an oval or round dimple.
要确定它是一个好吃的茄子,看看它的“肚脐”:在有花的一端,茄子会有一个椭圆或圆形的小凹。 yeeyan

Whether the future finds you reading the newspaper, running a business, or sitting in the Oval Office, you will be glad that you studied economics.
无论以后你阅读报纸、经营企业抑或坐在白宫椭圆形办公室中,你都将会为学过经济学而感到欣慰。 yeeyan




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