

单词 outperforms
释义 out·per·form·s 英ˌaʊtpə'fɔːm美ˌaʊtpər'fɔːrm COCA⁸⁰⁹⁵⁸BNC⁶⁷⁷¹¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
be or do something to a greater degree;

her performance surpasses that of any other student I know

She outdoes all other athletes

This exceeds all my expectations

This car outperforms all others in its class

近义词 beat打tower塔outdo超过outgo支出exceed超过surpass超越outstrip超过overtake赶上outmatch胜过surmount克服leave behind留下outpace超过 … 速度…outclass 比 … 更高级…

用作动词Stocks are likely tooutperformover the long run.从长期来看,股市的表现可能会更好。
Investment grade bondsoutperformgovernments.投资级债券表现胜过政府债券。
They easilyoutperformeven the most acclimatized climber from lower altitudes.他们可以轻松地胜过来自低海拔处适应能力最强的登山者。 According to the observed results, SAANIMRA outperforms AODV in packet delivery ratio, average end- to- end delay and packet delay jitter except for the relative poor routing overhead.
仿真结果表明: SAANIMRA尽管路由开销方面落后于 AODV,但是具有较高的分组投递率,较小的平均端到端时延以及较小的分组时延抖动。 cnki

Finally, simulation results verify that this modified CIC filter outperforms the conventional filter.
仿真结果表明改进的 CIC滤波器具有更好的通阻带特性。 cnki

The economy no longer outperforms its neighbours, despite record copper revenues.
经济不再比它的领国好,尽管有着创记录的铜矿收入。 ecocn

The experiment results show that GEP outperforms other methods proposed in previous papers.
实证分析显示,该方法的预报结果比文献中已有的结果要好。 fabiao

The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the proposed algorithm greatly outperforms conventional algorithms such as ENR/ KW.
理论分析和实验结果表明,本文算法性能优于ENR/ KW等其它算法。 cnki

Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms the conventional coefficient combining method of weighted averaging.
实验结果表明该方法优于传统的加权平均系数组合方法。 cnki

Experiments show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the fixed scale smoothing algorithms.
实验表明,该算法平滑图像的效果,明显优于固定尺度的平滑算法。 cnki

If it outperforms an old substitute, then most players will migrate. After migration, the empirical comparison between the two features stabilizes.

Loran-C and GPS can be integrated in a variety of ways, and a combined system outperforms what either can do alone.
它与星基系统能以多种方式组合,可以获得比单独一个系统更好的导航、定位、授时性能。 ilib

Numerical results indicate that IPSC outperforms DPSC in both the interference rejection performance and the beam pattern control quality.
仿真结果表明,在干扰抑制性能和方向图控制质量方面IPSC比DPSC性能优越。 cnki

Polyurethane film handily outperforms many other common polymers when it comes to abrasion resistance. Five times more resistant than natural rubber, the material is of choice of wear products.
聚氨酯薄膜的耐磨性胜过许多其他常见的聚合物。较天然橡胶耐磨五倍以上,是耐磨制品的首选材料之一。 jibuzhu

Simulation results demonstrate that dynamic pricing outperforms the peer congestion price algorithm in throughput maximization.
仿真表明动态价格函数法比同类的拥塞价格函数法更能提高吞吐量。 cnki

The empirical result suggests that it outperforms statistically traditional static approach.
研究发现动态规划方法套期保值有效性优于传统静态方法。 cnki

The OECD says that in Chile, the one Latin American country that outperforms Mexico, 24% of parents are educated to upper- secondary level, whereas in Mexico16% are.
经合组织说,在胜过墨西哥的拉美国家智利,24%的家长受过中上水平的教育,而在墨西哥仅为16%。 ecocn

The simulation result shows that the fuzzy PID type control system significantly outperforms the linear PID control system.
仿真结果表明这种控制系统的性能优于线性 PID控制器。 cnki

The degree to which America outperforms the others will depend, in large part, on whether, and how, different countries tighten monetary and fiscal policy.
美国超越其他国家的程度很大一部分上决定于国家是否以及如何缩紧货币和财政政策。 yeeyan

The new algorithm outperforms the previously proposed multiband adaptive normalized matched filter algorithm.
该算法的检测性能优于以前提出的多频带归一化匹配滤波器算法。 cnki

Theoretical proof and experimental results show that the2- PFT system outperforms the MRS system greatly.
理论证明和实验结果均表明,2- PFT系统的性能远远优于 MRS系统。 iciba

This company clearly outperforms competitors.
这家公司明显优于竞争对手。 my3q.com

Traditional breeding outperforms genetic engineering hands down.
传统繁殖胜过基因工程看似容易的结果。 baoway

Outperforms ordinary cotton or polyester towels.
优于普通棉或涤纶毛巾。 freemerce




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